
John B. Moore

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11EEShankar Krishnan, Pei Yean Lee, John B. Moore: Camera motion estimation via optimization-on-a-manifold. ICARCV 2008: 1836-1843
10EEShankar Krishnan, Pei Yean Lee, John B. Moore, Suresh Venkatasubramanian: Optimisation-on-a-manifold for global registration of multiple 3D point sets. IJISTA 3(3/4): 319-340 (2007)
9EEUwe Helmke, Knut Hüper, Pei Yean Lee, John B. Moore: Essential Matrix Estimation Using Gauss-Newton Iterations on a Manifold. International Journal of Computer Vision 74(2): 117-136 (2007)
8EERobert Orsi, Uwe Helmke, John B. Moore: A Newton-like method for solving rank constrained linear matrix inequalities. Automatica 42(11): 1875-1882 (2006)
7 Shankar Krishnan, Pei Yean Lee, John B. Moore, Suresh Venkatasubramanian: Global Registration of Multiple 3D Point Sets via Optimization-on-a-Manifold. Symposium on Geometry Processing 2005: 187-196
6EETanya L. Conroy, John B. Moore: Resolution Invariant Surfaces for Panoramic Vision Systems. ICCV 1999: 392-397
5 Gary D. Brushe, Robert E. Mahony, John B. Moore: A Soft Output Hybrid Algorithm for ML/MAP Sequence Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(7): 3129-3134 (1998)
4 Martin Buss, Hideki Hashimoto, John B. Moore: Grasping Force Optimization for Multi-Fingered Robot Hands. ICRA 1995: 1034-1039
3EEJohn B. Moore, Peter Kwong-Shun Tam: Fixed-lag smoothing for nonlinear systems with discrete measurements. Inf. Sci. 6: 151-160 (1973)
2 John B. Moore, Brian D. O. Anderson: Spectral Factorization of Time-varying Covariance Functions: The Singular Case. Mathematical Systems Theory 4(1): 10-23 (1970)
1 Brian D. O. Anderson, John B. Moore: Optimal State Estimation in High Noise Information and Control 13(4): 286-294 (1968)

Coauthor Index

1Brian D. O. Anderson [1] [2]
2Gary D. Brushe [5]
3Martin Buss [4]
4Tanya L. Conroy [6]
5Hideki Hashimoto [4]
6Uwe Helmke [8] [9]
7Knut Hüper [9]
8Shankar Krishnan [7] [10] [11]
9Pei Yean Lee [7] [9] [10] [11]
10Robert E. Mahony [5]
11Robert Orsi [8]
12Peter Kwong-Shun Tam [3]
13Suresh Venkatasubramanian [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)