2007 | ||
46 | EE | Norbert Nitzsche, Günther Schmidt: Force-reflecting Telepresence in Extensive Remote Environments. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 50(1): 3-18 (2007) |
2006 | ||
45 | EE | Alexander Kron, Günther Schmidt: Stability and Performance Analysis of Kinesthetic Control Architectures for Bimanual Telepresence Systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 46(1): 1-26 (2006) |
2004 | ||
44 | EE | Alexander Kron, Günther Schmidt, Bernd Petzold, Michael F. Zaeh, Peter Hinterseer, Eckehard G. Steinbach: Disposal of Explosive Ordnances by Use of a Bimanual Haptic Telepresence System. ICRA 2004: 1968-1973 |
43 | EE | Hubert Baier, Günther Schmidt: Transparency and Stability of Bilateral Kinesthetic Teleoperation with Time-Delayed Communication. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 40(1): 1-22 (2004) |
42 | Peter Kammermeier, Alexander Kron, Jens Hoogen, Günther Schmidt: Display of Holistic Haptic Sensations by Combined Tactile and Kinesthetic Feedback. Presence 13(1): 1-15 (2004) | |
41 | Norbert Nitzsche, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt: Motion Compression for Telepresent Walking in Large Target Environments. Presence 13(1): 44-60 (2004) | |
40 | EE | Javier F. Seara, Günther Schmidt: Intelligent gaze control for vision-guided humanoid walking: methodological aspects. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 48(4): 231-248 (2004) |
2003 | ||
39 | EE | Alexander Kron, Günther Schmidt: Multi-Fingered Tactile Feedback from Virtual and Remote Environments. HAPTICS 2003: 16-23 |
38 | Joachim Denk, Günther Schmidt: Synthesis of walking primitive databases for biped robots in 3D-environments. ICRA 2003: 1343-1349 | |
37 | Javier F. Seara, Klaus H. Strobl, Günther Schmidt: Path-dependent gaze control for obstacle avoidance in vision guided humanoid walking. ICRA 2003: 887-892 | |
36 | EE | Hubert Baier, Martin Buss, Franz Freyberger, Günther Schmidt: Interactive stereo vision telepresence for correct communication of spatial geometry. Advanced Robotics 17(3): 219-233 (2003) |
2002 | ||
35 | Oliver Lorch, Javier F. Seara, Klaus H. Strobl, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt: Perception Errors in Vision Guided Walking: Analysis, Modeling, and Filtering. ICRA 2002: 2048-2053 | |
34 | Carsten Preusche, Jens Hoogen, Detlef Reintsema, Günther Schmidt, Gerd Hirzinger: Flexible Multimodal Telepresent Assembly using a Generic Interconnection Framework. ICRA 2002: 3712-3718 | |
33 | EE | Robert Cupec, Joachim Denk, Günther Schmidt: Practical Experience with Vision-guided Biped Walking. ISER 2002: 592-601 |
2001 | ||
32 | Robert Cupec, Oliver Lorch, Günther Schmidt: Object Recognition and Estimation of Camera Orientation for Walking Machines. AMS 2001: 1-10 | |
31 | Thomas Schlegl, Martin Buss, Toru Omata, Günther Schmidt: Fast Dextrous Regrasping with Optimal Contact Forces and Contact Sensor-Based Impedance Control. ICRA 2001: 103-108 | |
2000 | ||
30 | Günther Schmidt, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Franz Freyberger: Autonome Mobile Systeme 1999, 15. Fachgespräch, München, 26.-27. November 1999 Springer 2000 | |
29 | Oliver Lorch, Javier F. Seara, Franz Freyberger, Günther Schmidt: Bildverarbeitungsstrategien zur Koordination von Sehen und Gehen bei Laufmaschinen. AMS 2000: 9-19 | |
28 | Detlev Glüer, Günther Schmidt: A New Approach for Context Based Exception Handling in Autonomous Mobile Service Robots. ICRA 2000: 3272-3277 | |
1999 | ||
27 | Oliver Lorch, Martin Buss, Franz Freyberger, Günther Schmidt: Aspekte der bildverarbeitungsgestützten Lokomotion humanoider Laufmaschinen. AMS 1999: 22-32 | |
26 | EE | Hubert Baier, Martin Buss, Franz Freyberger, Jens Hoogen, Peter Kammermeier, Günther Schmidt: Distributed PC-Based Haptic, Visual and Acoustic Telepresence System - Experiments in Virtual and Remote Environments. VR 1999: 118-125 |
1998 | ||
25 | Ralf Furtwängler, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt: Dynamische Bänder zur Bewegungsplanung für mobile Manipulatoren. AMS 1998: 164-171 | |
24 | Jörg Mareczek, Martin Buss, Günther Schmidt: Robust Global Stabilization of the Underactuated 2-DOf Manipulator R2D1. ICRA 1998: 2640-2645 | |
23 | EE | E. Ettelt, Ralf Furtwängler, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt: Design Issues of a Semi-Autonomous Robotic Assistant for the Health Care Environment. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 22(3-4): 191-209 (1998) |
1997 | ||
22 | Christian Hofner, Günther Schmidt: Nachbearbeitungsapekte im Kontext der Automatisierung flächendeckender Bearbeitungsaufgaben. AMS 1997: 232-245 | |
21 | E. Ettelt, Günther Schmidt: Videobasierte Objekterkennung mittels musterbaumgestützter Kreuzkorrelation. AMS 1997: 72-83 | |
20 | Uwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt: Mobile Robot Localization Based on Efficient Processing of Sensor Data and Set-theoretic State Estimation. ISER 1997: 385-396 | |
1996 | ||
19 | Günther Schmidt, Franz Freyberger: Autonome Mobile Systeme 1996, 12. Fachgespräch, München, 14.-15. Oktober 1996 Springer 1996 | |
18 | Hiroshi Noborio, Günther Schmidt: Mobile Robot Navigation under Sensor and Localization Uncertainties. AMS 1996: 118-127 | |
17 | C. Fischer, P. Havel, Günther Schmidt, Johannes Müller, Holger Stahl, M. Lang: Kommandierung eines Serviceroboters mit natürlicher, gesprochener Sprache. AMS 1996: 248-259 | |
16 | W. Daxwanger, E. Ettelt, C. Fischer, Franz Freyberger, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt: ROMAN: Ein Service-Roboter als persänlicher Assistent in belebten Innenräumen. AMS 1996: 314-333 | |
1995 | ||
15 | Uwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt: Schnelle Objektdetektion mit Ultraschallsensor-Arrays. AMS 1995: 162-171 | |
14 | Detlev Glüer, Günther Schmidt: Flexible Ausnahmebehandlung bei der Ausführung von Serviceaufgaben durch mobile Roboter. AMS 1995: 70-79 | |
13 | Joachim Horn, Günther Schmidt: Continuous Localization for Long-Range Indoor Navigation of Mobile Robots. ICRA 1995: 387-394 | |
12 | EE | Christian Hofner, Günther Schmidt: Path planning and guidance techniques for an autonomous mobile cleaning robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 14(2-3): 199-212 (1995) |
11 | EE | Günther Schmidt: Research on autonomous mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 14(2-3): 83-84 (1995) |
10 | EE | Joachim Horn, Günther Schmidt: Continuous localization of a mobile robot based on 3D-laser-range-data, predicted sensor images, and dead-reckoning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 14(2-3): 99-118 (1995) |
9 | EE | Christian Hofner, Günther Schmidt: Path planning and guidance techniques for an autonomous mobile cleaning robot Robotics and Autonomous Systems 14 (1995) 199-212. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 15(3): 229 (1995) |
1992 | ||
8 | EE | Günther Schmidt, Xiaoming Xu: A comparison of model-based path control algorithms for direct-drive SCARA robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 5(3): 241-252 (1992) |
7 | Joachim Horn, Wolfgang Bott, Franz Freyberger, Günther Schmidt: Kartesische Bewegungssteuerung des autonomen, mobilen Roboters MACROBE. Robotersysteme 8: 33-43 (1992) | |
1990 | ||
6 | Oskar von Dungern, Günther Schmidt: Vorbereitende und begleitende Ablaufplanung für flexible Montagezellen in industrieller Umgebung. Robotersysteme 6: 225-235 (1990) | |
1989 | ||
5 | Peter Kampmann, Günther Schmidt: Multilevel Motion Planning for Mobile Robots Based on a Topologically Structured World Model. IAS 1989: 241-252 | |
4 | Peter Kampmann, Günther Schmidt: Topologisch strukturierte Geometriewissensbasis und globale Bewegungsplanung für den autonomen, mobilen Roboter MACROBE. Robotersysteme 5: 149-160 (1989) | |
1986 | ||
3 | Peter Kampmann, Franz Freyberger, Georg Karl, Günther Schmidt: Real-Time Knowledge Acquisition and Control of an Experimental Autonomous Vehicle. IAS 1986: 294-307 | |
2 | Franz Freyberger, Peter Kampmann, Günther Schmidt: Ein wissensgestütztes Navigationsverfahren für autonome, mobile Roboter. Robotersysteme 2(3): 149-161 (1986) | |
1977 | ||
1 | Günther Schmidt: Fachtagung Prozeßrechner 1977, GMR-GI-GFK, Augsburg, 7. und 8. März 1977, Proceedings Springer 1977 |