4. ICINCO-RA 2007:
Janan Zaytoon, Jean-Louis Ferrier, Juan Andrade-Cetto, Joaquim Filipe (Eds.):
ICINCO 2007, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Robotics and Automation 2, Angers, France, May 9-12, 2007.
INSTICC Press 2007, ISBN 978-972-8865-83-2 BibTeX
Keynote lectures
Robotics and automation
- Miguel Angel Domínguez, Perfecto Mariño Espiñeira, Francisco Poza, Santiago Otero:
Vehicular electronic devices connected by onboard fieldbus technologies.
5-10 BibTeX
- Mariolino De Cecco, Enrico Bertolazzi, Giordano Miori, Roberto Oboe, Luca Baglivo:
PC-sliding for vehicles path planning and control - design and evaluation of robustness to parameters change and measurement uncertainty.
11-18 BibTeX
- Carolina Díaz, Santiago T. Puente Méndez, Fernando Torres:
Task planner for human-robot interaction inside a cooperative disassembly robotic system.
19-24 BibTeX
- Kazuhiko Terashima, Yoshiyuki Noda, Juan Urbano, Sou Kitamura, Takanori Miyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa:
Adaptive control by neuro-fuzzy system of an omni-directional wheelchair using a touch panel as human-friendly interface.
25-32 BibTeX
- Ludovic Hamon, François-Xavier Inglese, Paul Richard:
Human-scale virtual reality catching robot simulation.
33-38 BibTeX
- Samaherni M. Dias, Aldayr Dantas de Araújo, Pablo Javier Alsina:
A dual mode adaptive robust controller for differential drive two actuated wheeled mobile robot.
39-44 BibTeX
- Nicolas Morette, Cyril Novales, Laurence Josserand:
Escape lanes navigator - to control "raoul" autonomous mobile robot.
45-52 BibTeX
- Andrés Faiña, Francisco Bellas, Richard J. Duro:
Initial development of habla (hardware abstraction layer) - a middleware software tool.
53-58 BibTeX
- Salazar Garcia Mahuampy, Viot Philippe, Nouillant Michel:
Electro hydraulic pre-actuator modelling of an hydraulic jack.
59-64 BibTeX
- Luc Jaulin, Frédéric Dabe, Alain Bertholom, Michel Legris:
A set approach to the simultaneous localization and map building - application to underwater robots.
65-69 BibTeX
- Fernando Juan Berenguer Císcar, Félix Monasterio-Huelin Maciá:
Trajectory planning using oscillatory chirp functions applied to bipedal locomotion.
70-75 BibTeX
- David Tlalolini, Yannick Aoustin, Christine Chevallereau:
Modeling and optimal trajectory planning of a biped robot using newton-euler formulation.
76-83 BibTeX
- Sandhya Beldona, Costas Tsatsoulis:
Reputation based buyer strategy for seller selection for both frequent and infrequent purchases.
84-91 BibTeX
- Mikael Soron, Ivan Kalaykov:
Blending tool paths for G1-continuity in robotic friction stir welding.
92-97 BibTeX
- Romain Pepy, Eric Pierre:
Inclusion of ellipsoids.
98-102 BibTeX
- Eric Pierre, Romain Pepy:
Minimum cost path search in an uncertain-configuration space.
103-109 BibTeX
- Richard Chaumont, Eric Vasselin, Dimitri Lefebvre:
Forward kinematics and geometric control of a medical robot - application to dental implantation.
110-115 BibTeX
- Martin Saska, Martin Hess, Klaus Schilling:
Hierarchical spline path planning method for complex environments.
116-123 BibTeX
- Guillaume Ducard, Hans Peter Geering:
A computationally efficient guidance system for a small UAV.
124-130 BibTeX
- Florin Daniel Anton, Theodor Borangiu, Silvia Anton:
An implementation of high availability in networked robotic systems.
131-136 BibTeX
- Janne Haverinen, Anssi Kemppainen, Janne Kivijakola, Juha Röning:
A multirobot system for distributed sensing.
137-142 BibTeX
- Thumatty R. Vishnu Arun Kumar, Robert C. Richardson:
Entanglement detection of a swarm of tethered robots in search and rescue applications.
143-148 BibTeX
- Yechiel Crispin, Marie-Emmanuelle Ricour:
Interception and cooperative rendezvous between autonomous vehicles.
149-154 BibTeX
- Wojciech Kowalczyk, Krzysztof Kozlowski:
Coordinated motion control of multiple robots.
155-160 BibTeX
- Pere Ponsa, Ramon Vilanova, Marta Díaz, Anton Gomà:
Application of a human factor guideline to supervisory control interface improvement.
161-168 BibTeX
- Harish Bhaskar, Helmut E. Bez:
Multi-resolution block matching motion estimation with deformation handling using genetic algorithms for object tracking applications.
169-174 BibTeX
- Julio Zamora-Esquivel, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano:
Geometric advanced techniques for robot grasping using stereoscopic vision.
175-182 BibTeX
- Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Julio Zamora-Esquivel:
Geometric control of a binocular head.
183-188 BibTeX
- J. Arámburo-Lizárraga, Ernesto López-Mellado, Antonio Ramírez-Treviño:
Design of low interaction distributed diagnosers for discrete event systems.
189-194 BibTeX
- F. Hamerlain, K. Achour, Thierry Floquet, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Higher order sliding mode stabilization of a car-like mobile robot.
195-200 BibTeX
- Khiar Nait-Chabane, Philippe Hoppenot, Etienne Colle:
Directional manipulability for motion coordination of an assistive mobile arm.
201-208 BibTeX
- Hatem Elloumi, Nadia Maïzi, Marc Bordier:
Hybrid motion cueing algorithms for redundant advanced driving simulators.
209-216 BibTeX
- Omar Al Assad, Emmanuel Godoy, Vincent Croulard:
Irreversibility modeling applied to the control of complex robotic drive chains.
217-222 BibTeX
- Pavla Pecherková, Jitka Homolová, Jindrich Duník:
Estimation of state and parameters of traffic system.
223-228 BibTeX
- Pinky Thakkar, Steven M. Crunk, Marian Hofer, Gabriel Cadden, Shikha Naik, Kim T. Ninh:
Bayesian adaptive sampling for biomass estimation with quantifiable uncertainty.
229-236 BibTeX
- Simone Gabriele, Paolo Di Giamberardino:
Dynamic sensor networks: An approach to optimal dynamic field coverage.
237-242 BibTeX
- Yuta Sato, Yoshiyuki Noda, Takanori Miyoshi, Kazuhiko Terashima:
Behavior analysis of passenger's posture and evaluation of comfort concerning omni-directional driving of wheelchair.
243-251 BibTeX
- Francesco Capezio, Antonio Sgorbissa, Renato Zaccaria:
An augmented state vector approach to gps-based localization.
252-258 BibTeX
- Andrea Usai, Paolo Di Giamberardino:
Homography-based mobile robot modeling for digital control implementation.
259-264 BibTeX
- Krzysztof Skrzypczyk:
Behavior activity trace method - application to dead locks detection in a mobile robot navigation.
265-269 BibTeX
- Aymeric Histace, Vincent Courboulay, Michel Ménard:
Selective image diffusion for oriented pattern extraction.
270-274 BibTeX
- Klaus Häming, Gabriele Peters:
Extension of the generalized image rectification - catching the infinity cases.
275-279 BibTeX
- Alejandro Carrasco, Peter Goldsmith:
Artificial immune filter for visual tracking.
280-285 BibTeX
- Kyung min Han, Guilherme N. DeSouza:
Feature detection algorithm for autonomous camera calibration.
286-291 BibTeX
- Arnau Ramisa, Ramon López de Mántaras, David Aldavert, Ricardo Toledo:
Comparing combinations of feature regions for panoramic VSLAM.
292-297 BibTeX
- Toshifumi Tsukiyama, Atsushi Suzuki:
Navigation system for indoor mobile robots based on rfid tags.
298-304 BibTeX
- Maciej Hrebien, Piotr Stec, Józef Korbicz:
Comparison of fine needle biopsy cytological image segmentation methods.
305-310 BibTeX
- Pablo Gil, Fernando Torres, Óscar Reinoso:
Estimation of camera 3D-position to minimize occlusions.
311-317 BibTeX
- Elizabeth González, Vicente Feliú Batlle, Antonio Adán, Luis Sánchez:
Active 3D recognition system based on fourier descriptors.
318-325 BibTeX
- David Folio, Viviane Cadenat:
Using simple numerical schemes to compute visual features whenever unavailable - application to a vision-based task in a cluttered environment.
326-332 BibTeX
- Adnan Martini, François Léonard, Gabriel Abba:
Robust and active trajectory tracking for an autonomous helicopter under wind gust.
333-340 BibTeX
- Jan Rüdiger, Achim Wagner, Essam Badreddin:
Behavior based description of dependability - defining a minium set of attributes for a behavioral description of dependability.
341-346 BibTeX
- Jan Illerhues, Nils Goerke:
A human aided learning process for an artificial immune system based robot control - an implementation on an autonomous mobile robot.
347-354 BibTeX
- Dario Lodi Rizzini, Francesco Monica, Stefano Caselli, Monica Reggiani:
Addressing complexity issues in a real-time particle filter for robot localization.
355-362 BibTeX
- Marko Reimer, Bernardo Wagner:
Dynamic real-time reduction of mapped features in a 3D point cloud.
363-369 BibTeX
- André Gonçalves, André Godinho, João Sequeira:
Low cost sensing for autonomous car driving in highways.
370-377 BibTeX
- Walter Nisticò, Matthias Hebbel:
Real-time inter- and intra- camera color modeling and calibration for resource constrained robotic platforms.
378-383 BibTeX
- Oscar Déniz, Modesto Castrillón Santana, Javier Lorenzo-Navarro, Luis Antón-Canalís:
Useful computer vision techniques for a robotic head.
384-389 BibTeX
- Sergio Ribeiro Augusto, Ademar Ferreira:
A robotic platform for autonomy studies.
390-395 BibTeX
- Sho Yokota, Yasuhiro Ohyama, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Jin-Hua She, Kuniaki Kawabata, Pierre Blazevic, Hisato Kobayashi:
Development of the connected crawler robot for rough terrain - realization of the autonomous motions.
396-401 BibTeX
- Sofiane Ahmed Ali, Eric Vasselin, Alain Faure:
A new probabilistic path planner - for mobile robots comparison with the basic rrt planner.
402-407 BibTeX
- Andrey S. Ostrovsky, Ernesto Pino-Mota, Paulo C. Romero-Soría:
Segmentation of satellite images in optoelectronic system.
408-411 BibTeX
- Dermot Breen, Eugene Coyle, David M. Kennedy:
Ultra violet imaging transducer control of a thermal spraying robot.
412-417 BibTeX
- Javier Lorenzo-Navarro, Oscar Déniz, Modesto Castrillón Santana, Cayetano Guerra:
Comparison of focus measures in face detection environments.
418-423 BibTeX
- Hee Il Hahn:
Optimal nonlinear image denoising methods in heavy-tailed noise environments.
424-429 BibTeX
- Ivan Petrovic, Josip Babic, Marko Budisic:
Teleoperation of collaborative mobile robots with force feedback over internet.
430-437 BibTeX
- Mélanie Delafosse, Laurent Delahoche, Arnaud Clerentin, Anne-Marie Jolly-Desodt:
An incremental mapping method based on a dempster-shafer fusion architecture.
438-445 BibTeX
- Youcef Touati, Yacine Amirat, Z. Djama, Arab Ali Chérif:
Multiple model adaptive extended kalman filter for the robust localization of a mobile robot.
446-454 BibTeX
- Lucia Vacariu, Mihai Chintoanu, Gheorghe Lazea, Octavian Cret:
Communication at ontological level in cooperative mobile robots system.
455-460 BibTeX
- Christian G. Quintero, Salvador Ibarra, Josep Lluís de la Rosa, Josep Vehí:
Introspection on control-grounded capabilities - a task allocation study case in robot soccer.
461-467 BibTeX
- Özer Ciftcioglu, Michael S. Bittermann, I. Sevil Sariyildiz:
Further studies on visual perception for perceptual robotics.
468-477 BibTeX
- Reinaldo de Bernardi, José Jaime Da Cruz:
Kamanbaré - a tree-climbing biomimetic robotic platform for environmental research.
478-484 BibTeX
- Ahmed Khamies El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner, Essam Badreddin:
Kinematics and dynamics analysis for a holonomic wheeled mobile robot.
485-491 BibTeX
- Thomas Collins, J. J. Collins, Conor Ryan:
Improved occupancy grid learning - the conform approach to occupancy grid mapping.
492-497 BibTeX
- Ryosuke Tasaki, Yoshiyuki Noda, Kazuhiko Terashima, Kunihiro Hashimoto, Yuji Suzuki:
Modeling on molten metal's pressure in an innovative press casting process using greensand molding and switching control of press velocity.
498-503 BibTeX
- Arjun Nagendran, Robert C. Richardson, William J. Crowther:
Bell shaped impedance control to minimize jerk while capturing delicate moving objects.
504-511 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:19:57 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)