
Martin Saska

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6EEMartin Saska, Martin Hess, Klaus Schilling: Route scheduling approach for airport snow shoveling using formations of autonomous ploughs. ICARCV 2008: 390-397
5EEMartin Saska, Martin Hess, Klaus Schilling: Efficient airport snow shoveling by applying autonomous multi-vehicle formations. ICRA 2008: 1684-1690
4 Martin Saska, Martin Hess, Klaus Schilling: Voronoi strains - a spline path planning algorithm for complex environments. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2007: 531-537
3 Martin Saska, Martin Hess, Klaus Schilling: Hierarchical spline path planning method for complex environments. ICINCO-RA (2) 2007: 116-123
2EEMartin Saska, Martin Macas, Libor Preucil, Lenka Lhotská: Robot Path Planning using Particle Swarm Optimization of Ferguson Splines. ETFA 2006: 833-839
1 Martin Saska, Miroslav Kulich, Libor Preucil: Elliptic net - a path planning algorithm for dynamic environments. ICINCO-RA 2006: 372-377

Coauthor Index

1Martin Hess [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Miroslav Kulich [1]
3Lenka Lhotská [2]
4Martin Macas [2]
5Libor Preucil [1] [2]
6Klaus Schilling [3] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)