
Jin-Hua She

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8 Sho Yokota, Yasuhiro Ohyama, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Jin-Hua She, Kuniaki Kawabata, Pierre Blazevic, Hisato Kobayashi: Development of the connected crawler robot for rough terrain - realization of the autonomous motions. ICINCO-RA (2) 2007: 396-401
7EEYingxin Liao, Min Wu, Jin-Hua She: Parameter optimization of fuzzy-neural-network decoupling controller for adjusting temperatures of regenerative reheating furnace. SMC 2007: 83-89
6EEJin-Hua She, Shota Ishii, Yuji Sakuma, Sho Yokota, Yasuhiro Ohyama, Hiroshi Hashimoto: Electric cart control system for adjustable pedal load using dynamic-parallel-distributed-compensation method. SMC 2007: 937-941
5 Xu-Zhi Lai, Jin-Hua She, Simon X. Yang, Min Wu: Stability Analysis and Control Law Design for Acrobots. ICRA 2006: 745-750
4EEXu-Zhi Lai, Jin-Hua She, Simon X. Yang, Min Wu: Unified Treatment of Motion Control of Underactuated two-link manipulators. IROS 2006: 574-579
3EEYong He, Min Wu, Jin-Hua She: An improved global asymptotic stability criterion for delayed cellular neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 17(1): 250-252 (2006)
2EEXian-Ming Zhang, Min Wu, Jin-Hua She, Yong He: Delay-dependent stabilization of linear systems with time-varying state and input delays. Automatica 41(8): 1405-1412 (2005)
1EEMin Wu, Yong He, Jin-Hua She, Guo-Ping Liu: Delay-dependent criteria for robust stability of time-varying delay systems. Automatica 40(8): 1435-1439 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Blazevic [8]
2Hiroshi Hashimoto [6] [8]
3Yong He [1] [2] [3]
4Shota Ishii [6]
5Kuniaki Kawabata [8]
6Hisato Kobayashi [8]
7Xu-Zhi Lai [4] [5]
8Yingxin Liao [7]
9Guo-Ping Liu [1]
10Yasuhiro Ohyama [6] [8]
11Yuji Sakuma [6]
12Min Wu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
13Simon X. Yang [4] [5]
14Sho Yokota [6] [8]
15Xian-Ming Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)