
Hee Il Hahn

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5 Hee Il Hahn: Optimal nonlinear image denoising methods in heavy-tailed noise environments. ICINCO-RA (2) 2007: 424-429
4 Hee Il Hahn, Jung Goo Jung: Improving Performance of the Decoder for Two-Dimensional Barcode Symbology PDF417. ICINCO (3) 2004: 130-134
3EERobin N. Strickland, Hee Il Hahn: Wavelet transform methods for object detection and recovery. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(5): 724-735 (1997)
2EERobin N. Strickland, Hee Il Hahn: Wavelet transform matched filters for the detection and classification of microcalcifications in mammography. ICIP 1995: 422-425
1 Robin N. Strickland, Hee Il Hahn: Wavelet Transforms for Detecting Microalcifications in Mammography. ICIP (1) 1994: 402-406

Coauthor Index

1Jung Goo Jung [4]
2Robin N. Strickland [1] [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)