
Gabriele Peters

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23EEThomas Leopold, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Gabriele Peters: Belief revision with reinforcement learning for interactive object recognition. ECAI 2008: 65-69
22EEGabriele Peters, Jochen Kerdels: Image Segmentation Based on Height Maps. CAIP 2007: 612-619
21EEJochen Kerdels, Gabriele Peters: A Topology-Independent Similarity Measure for High-Dimensional Feature Spaces. ICANN (2) 2007: 331-340
20 Klaus Häming, Gabriele Peters: Extension of the generalized image rectification - catching the infinity cases. ICINCO-RA (2) 2007: 275-279
19EEGabriele Peters: Aesthetic Primitives of Images for Visualization. IV 2007: 316-325
18EEGabriele Peters, Thomas Leopold: Dynamic learning of action patterns for object acquisition. IJISTA 2(2/3): 113-124 (2007)
17EEGabriele Peters: A Vision System for Interactive Object Learning. ICVS 2006: 32
16 Gabriele Peters, Thomas Leopold: Dynamic Learning of Action Patterns for Object Acquisition. ALaRT 2005: 15-22
15 Gabriele Peters, Claus-Peter Alberts, Markus Briese, Sebastian Entian, Christian Gabriel, Zhiqiang Gao, Alexander Klandt, Thomas Leopold, Jan Schultze, Jeremias Spiegel, Jürgen Thyen, Martina Vaupel, Peter Voß, Qing Zhu: Adaptive Object Acquisition. ARCS Workshops 2005: 117-122
14EELihi Zelnik-Manor, Gabriele Peters, Pietro Perona: Squaring the Circles in Panoramas. ICCV 2005: 1292-1299
13EEGabriele Peters: Efficient pose estimation using view-based object representations. Mach. Vis. Appl. 16(1): 59-63 (2004)
12EEGabriele Peters: Efficient Pose Estimation Using View-Based Object Representations. ICVS 2003: 12-21
11EEGabriele Peters: Object Structure from Noisy Images. SIP 2003: 411-416
10 Gabriele Peters, Christoph von der Malsburg: Learning sparse representations of three-dimensional objects. ESANN 2002: 245-250
9EEGabriele Peters, Barbara Zitová, Christoph von der Malsburg: How to measure the pose robustness of object views. Image Vision Comput. 20(4): 249-256 (2002)
8EEGabriele Peters, Barbara Zitová, Christoph von der Malsburg: How to measure the pose robustness of object views. Image Vision Comput. 20(5-6): 341-348 (2002)
7EEGabriele Peters, Christoph von der Malsburg: View Reconstruction by Linear Combination of Sample Views. BMVC 2001
6EENorbert Krüger, Gabriele Peters: ORASSYLL: Object Recognition with Autonomously Learned and Sparse Symbolic Representations Based on Metrically Organized Local Line Detectors. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 77(1): 48-77 (2000)
5EEGabriele Peters, Barbara Zitová, Christoph von der Malsburg: Two Methods for Comparing Different Views of the Same Object. BMVC 1999
4EEBarbara Zitová, Jaroslav Kautsky, Gabriele Peters, Jan Flusser: Robust detection of significant points in multiframe images. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(2): 199-206 (1999)
3 Jaroslav Kautsky, Barbara Zitová, Jan Flusser, Gabriele Peters: Feature point Detection in Blurred Images. IVCNZ 1998: 103-108
2 Gabriele Peters, Christian Eckes, Christoph von der Malsburg: Tracking of Rotating Objects. SSPR/SPR 1998: 390-396
1 Norbert Krüger, Gabriele Peters: Object Recognition with Banana Wavelets. ESANN 1997: 61-66

Coauthor Index

1Claus-Peter Alberts [15]
2Markus Briese [15]
3Christian Eckes [2]
4Sebastian Entian [15]
5Jan Flusser [3] [4]
6Christian Gabriel [15]
7Zhiqiang Gao [15]
8Klaus Häming [20]
9Jaroslav Kautsky [3] [4]
10Jochen Kerdels [21] [22]
11Gabriele Kern-Isberner [23]
12Alexander Klandt [15]
13Norbert Krüger [1] [6]
14Thomas Leopold [15] [16] [18] [23]
15Christoph von der Malsburg [2] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
16Pietro Perona [14]
17Jan Schultze [15]
18Jeremias Spiegel [15]
19Jürgen Thyen [15]
20Martina Vaupel [15]
21Peter Voß [15]
22Lihi Zelnik-Manor [14]
23Qing Zhu [15]
24Barbara Zitová [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)