
William S. Havens

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28EEAndrei Missine, William S. Havens: Probabilistic Nogood Store as a Heuristic. PRICAI 2008: 768-777
27EEY. Xiang, J. Chen, William S. Havens: Optimal design in collaborative design network. AAMAS 2005: 241-248
26EEBistra N. Dilkina, Lei Duan, William S. Havens: Extending Systematic Local Search for Job Shop Scheduling Problems. CP 2005: 762-766
25EERonnie Mueller, William S. Havens: Queuing Local Solutions in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Systems. Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 103-107
24EEKun Wu, William S. Havens: Modelling an Academic Curriculum Plan as a Mixed-Initiative Constraint Satisfaction Problem. Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 79-90
23 Bistra N. Dilkina, William S. Havens: The U.S. National Football League Scheduling Problem. AAAI 2004: 814-819
22EEWilliam S. Havens, Bistra N. Dilkina: A Hybrid Schema for Systematic Local Search. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 248-260
21EEMorten Irgens, William S. Havens: On Selection Strategies for the DPLL Algorithm. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 277-291
20EEWei Liu, William S. Havens: Histogram Arc Consistency as a Value Ordering Heuristic. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 510-516
19EEMichael C. Horsch, William S. Havens, Aditya Ghose: Generalized Arc Consistency with Application to MaxCSP. Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 104-118
18EEMichael C. Horsch, William S. Havens: An Empirical Study of Probabilistic Arc Consistency. CP 2000: 525-530
17EEMichael C. Horsch, William S. Havens: Probabilistic Arc Consistency: A Connection between Constraint Reasoning and Probabilistic Reasoning. UAI 2000: 282-290
16 Matt Vernooy, William S. Havens: An Examination of Probabilistic Value-Ordering Heuristics. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 340-352
15 William S. Havens, Randy Goebel, Jean Berger, René Proulx: A Constraint Optimization Framework for MultiAgent Anytime Scheduling. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 480-481
14 Daya Ram Gaur, W. Ken Jackson, William S. Havens: Detecting Unsatisfiable CSPs by Coloring the Micro-Structure. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 215
13 William S. Havens: Extending Dynamic Backtracking for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 37-46
12 Greg Sidebottom, William S. Havens: Nicolog: A Simple Yet Powerful cc(FD) Language. J. Autom. Reasoning 17(3): 371-403 (1996)
11 W. Ken Jackson, William S. Havens: Committing to User Choices in Mixed Initiative CSPs. SCAI 1995: 239-248
10 William S. Havens, Daya Ram Gaur, Russell Ovans: An Architecture for Building Multi-Agent Systems. SCAI 1995: 416-420
9 Sang Mah, Thomas W. Calvert, William S. Havens: A Constraint-Based Reasoning Framework for Behavioural Animation. Comput. Graph. Forum 13(5): 315-324 (1994)
8EERussell Ovans, William S. Havens: Intelligent mediation: an architecture for the real-time allocation of interface resources. IUI 1993: 55-61
7 Greg Sidebottom, William S. Havens: Hierarchical Arc Consistency for Disjoint Real Intervals in Constraint Logic Programming. Computational Intelligence 8: 601-623 (1992)
6 William S. Havens, Paul Stephen Rehfuss: Platypus: A Constraint-Based Reasoning System. IJCAI 1989: 48-53
5 William S. Havens: The Playtypus Expert System Shell. KBCS 1989: 105-119
4EEJan A. Mulder, Alan K. Mackworth, William S. Havens: Knowledge Structuring and Constraint Satisfaction: The Mapsee Approach. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 10(6): 866-879 (1988)
3 William S. Havens, Alan K. Mackworth: Representing Knowledge of the Visual World. IEEE Computer 16(10): 90-96 (1983)
2 Alan K. Mackworth, William S. Havens: Structuring Domain Knowledge For Visual Perception. IJCAI 1981: 625-627
1 William S. Havens: A Procedural Model of Recognition. IJCAI 1977: 264

Coauthor Index

1Jean Berger [15]
2Thomas W. Calvert (Tom Calvert) [9]
3J. Chen [27]
4Bistra N. Dilkina [22] [23] [26]
5Lei Duan [26]
6Daya Ram Gaur [10] [14]
7Aditya K. Ghose (Aditya Ghose) [19]
8Randy Goebel [15]
9Michael C. Horsch [17] [18] [19]
10Morten Irgens [21]
11W. Ken Jackson [11] [14]
12Wei Liu [20]
13Alan K. Mackworth [2] [3] [4]
14Sang Mah [9]
15Andrei Missine [28]
16Ronnie Mueller [25]
17Jan A. Mulder [4]
18Russell Ovans [8] [10]
19René Proulx [15]
20Paul Stephen Rehfuss [6]
21Greg Sidebottom [7] [12]
22Matt Vernooy [16]
23Kun Wu [24]
24Y. Xiang [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)