
Tim Oates

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57 Tom Armstrong, Tim Oates: Lexical and Grammatical Inference. AAAI 2008: 1772-1773
56 Marc Pickett, Don Miner, Tim Oates: Essential Phenomena of General Intelligence. AGI 2008: 268-274
55 Tom Armstrong, Tim Oates: Learning in the Lexical-Grammatical Interface. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 23-28
54EETom Armstrong, Tim Oates: Which Came First, the Grammar or the Lexicon?. ICGI 2008: 283-285
53EESourav Mukherjee, Tim Oates: Estimating Graph Parameters Using Graph Grammars. ICGI 2008: 292-294
52EEColin de la Higuera, Tim Oates, Menno van Zaanen: Introduction: Special Issue on Applications of Grammatical Inference. Applied Artificial Intelligence 22(1&2): 1-3 (2008)
51 Beenish Bhatia, Tim Oates, Yan Xiao, Peter F. Hu: Real-Time Identification of Operating Room State from Video. AAAI 2007: 1761-1766
50 Tom Armstrong, Tim Oates: UNDERTOW: Multi-Level Segmentation of Real-Valued Time Series. AAAI 2007: 1842-1843
49 Marc Pickett, Tim Oates: The Marchitecture: A Cognitive Architecture for a Robot Baby. AAAI 2007: 1896-1897
48EESergei Nirenburg, Tim Oates, Jesse English: Learning by Reading by Learning to Read. ICSC 2007: 694-701
47EEAarti Gupta, Tim Oates: Using Ontologies and the Web to Learn Lexical Semantics. IJCAI 2007: 1618-1623
46 Pranam Kolari, Akshay Java, Tim Finin, Tim Oates, Anupam Joshi: Detecting Spam Blogs: A Machine Learning Approach. AAAI 2006
45EETim Oates, Tom Armstrong, Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Mike Atamas: Inferring Grammars for Mildly Context Sensitive Languages in Polynomial-Time. ICGI 2006: 137-147
44EEJoe Catalano, Tom Armstrong, Tim Oates: Discovering Patterns in Real-Valued Time Series. PKDD 2006: 462-469
43EETim Oates, Waiyian Chong: Marcus Hutter, Universal Artificial Intelligence, Springer (2004). Artif. Intell. 170(18): 1222-1226 (2006)
42EEMichael L. Anderson, Tim Oates, Waiyian Chong, Donald Perlis: The metacognitive loop I: Enhancing reinforcement learning with metacognitive monitoring and control for improved perturbation tolerance||. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 18(3): 387-411 (2006)
41 Mike Anderson, Tim Oates: 2005 AAAI Spring Symposium on Metacognition in Computation, March 21-23 2005, Stanford, California, USA AAAI Press 2005
40 Thomas Briggs, Tim Oates: Discovering Domain-Specific Composite Kernels. AAAI 2005: 732-738
39EEWilliam Krueger, Tim Oates, Tom Armstrong, Paul R. Cohen, Carole R. Beal: Transfer in Learning by Doing. IJCAI 2005: 1618-1619
38EEMarc Pickett, Tim Oates: The Cruncher: Automatic Concept Formation Using Minimum Description Length. SARA 2005: 282-289
37 Michael L. Anderson, Thomas Barkowsky, Pauline Berry, Douglas S. Blank, Timothy Chklovski, Pedro Domingos, Marek J. Druzdzel, Christian Freksa, John Gersh, Mary Hegarty, Tze-Yun Leong, Henry Lieberman, Ric K. Lowe, Susann Luperfoy, Rada Mihalcea, Lisa Meeden, David P. Miller, Tim Oates, Robert Popp, Daniel Shapiro, Nathan Schurr, Push Singh, John Yen: Reports on the 2005 AAAI Spring Symposium Series. AI Magazine 26(2): 87-92 (2005)
36EETim Oates: R. Siegwart and I. Nourbakhsh, Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, MIT Press (2004). Artif. Intell. 169(2): 146-149 (2005)
35 Tim Oates, Tom Armstrong, Justin Harris, Mark Nejman: On the Relationship between Lexical Semantics and Syntax for the Inference of Context-Free Grammars. AAAI 2004: 431-436
34EEVivek Tawde, Tim Oates, Eric J. Glover: Generating Web Graphs with Embedded Communities. WAW 2004: 80-91
33 Lola Cañamero, Zachary Dodds, Lloyd Greenwald, James P. Gunderson, Ayanna M. Howard, Eva Hudlicka, Cheryl E. Martin, Lynn Parker, Tim Oates, Terry R. Payne, Yan Qu, Craig Schlenoff, James G. Shanahan, Sheila Tejada, Jerry B. Weinberg, Janyce Wiebe: The 2004 AAAI Spring Symposium Series. AI Magazine 25(4): 95-100 (2004)
32EEVinay Bhat, Tim Oates, Vishal Shanbhag, Charles K. Nicholas: Finding aliases on the web using latent semantic analysis. Data Knowl. Eng. 49(2): 129-143 (2004)
31EEWilliam Krueger, Jonathan Nilsson, Tim Oates, Timothy W. Finin: Automatically Generated DAML Markup for Semistructured Documents. AMKM 2003: 276-287
30 Tim Oates, Tom Armstrong, Justin Harris, Mark Nejman: Leveraging Lexical Semantics to Infer Context-Free Grammars. ECML Workshop on Learning Contex-Free Grammars 2003: 65-76
29EETim Oates, Shailesh Doshi, Fang Huang: Estimating Maximum Likelihood Parameters for Stochastic Context-Free Graph Grammars. ILP 2003: 281-298
28 Paul R. Cohen, Tim Oates, Carole R. Beal, Niall M. Adams: Contentful Mental States for Robot Baby. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 126-131
27EETim Oates: PERUSE: An Unsupervised Algorithm for Finding Recurrig Patterns in Time Series. ICDM 2002: 330-337
26EETim Oates, Brent Heeringa: Estimating Grammar Parameters Using Bounded Memory. ICGI 2002: 185-198
25 Tim Oates, Devina Desai, Vinay Bhat: Learning k-Reversible Context-Free Grammars from Positive Structural Examples. ICML 2002: 459-465
24 Sarah Finney, Peter P. Wakker, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tim Oates: The Thing that we Tried Didn't Work very Well: Deictic Representation in Reinforcement Learning. UAI 2002: 154-161
23EETim Oates, Vinay Bhat, Vishal Shanbhag: Using latent semantic analysis to find different names for the same entity in free text. WIDM 2002: 31-35
22EEPaul R. Cohen, Tim Oates, Niall M. Adams, Carole R. Beal: Robot Baby 2001. ALT 2001: 32-56
21EEGary King, Tim Oates: The Importance of Being Discrete: Learning Classes of Actions and Outcomes through Interaction. Canadian Conference on AI 2001: 236-245
20EEPaul R. Cohen, Tim Oates, Niall M. Adams, Carole R. Beal: Robot Baby 2001. Discovery Science 2001: 29
19EETim Oates, Laura Firoiu, Paul R. Cohen: Using Dynamic Time Warping to Bootstrap HMM-Based Clustering of Time Series. Sequence Learning 2001: 35-52
18 Tim Oates, Matthew D. Schmill, Paul R. Cohen: A Method for Clustering the Experiences of a Mobile Robot that Accords with Human Judgments. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 846-851
17 Matthew D. Schmill, Tim Oates, Paul R. Cohen: Learning Planning Operators in Real-World, Partially Observable Environments. AIPS 2000: 246-253
16EETim Oates, Matthew D. Schmill, Paul R. Cohen: Identifying qualitatively different outcomes of actions: gaining autonomy through learning. Agents 2000: 110-111
15EETim Oates, Zachary Eyler-Walker, Paul R. Cohen: Toward natural language interfaces for robotic agents: grounding linguistic meaning in sensors. Agents 2000: 227-228
14 Tim Oates, David Jensen: Toward a Theoretical Understanding of Why and When Decision Tree Pruning Algorithms Fail. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 372-378
13 Tim Oates, Matthew D. Schmill, Paul R. Cohen: Efficient Mining of Statistical Dependencies. IJCAI 1999: 794-799
12EEFoster J. Provost, David Jensen, Tim Oates: Efficient Progressive Sampling. KDD 1999: 23-32
11EETim Oates: Identifying Distinctive Subsequences in Multivariate Time Series by Clustering. KDD 1999: 322-326
10EELaura Firoiu, Tim Oates, Paul R. Cohen: Learning Deterministic Finite Automaton with a Recurrent Neural Network. ICGI 1998: 90-101
9 Tim Oates, David Jensen: Large Datasets Lead to Overly Complex Models: An Explanation and a Solution. KDD 1998: 294-298
8 Paul R. Cohen, Marc S. Atkin, Tim Oates, Carole R. Beal: Neo: Learning Conceptual Knowledge by Sensorimotor Interaction with an Environment. Agents 1997: 170-177
7 Tim Oates, Matthew D. Schmill, Paul R. Cohen: Parallel and Distributed Search for Structure in Multivariate Time Series. ECML 1997: 191-198
6 Tim Oates, David Jensen: The Effects of Training Set Size on Decision Tree Complexity. ICML 1997: 254-262
5EEDavid Jensen, Tim Oates, Paul R. Cohen: Building Simple Models: A Case Study with Decision Trees. IDA 1997: 211-222
4 Tim Oates, M. V. Nagendra Prasad, Victor R. Lesser: Cooperative information-gathering: a distributed problem-solving approach. IEE Proceedings - Software 144(1): 72-88 (1997)
3 Tim Oates, Paul R. Cohen: Searching for Planning Operators with Context-Dependent and Probabilistic Effects. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 863-868
2 Tim Oates, Paul R. Cohen: Searching for Structure in Multiple Streams of Data. ICML 1996: 346-354
1 Tim Oates, Paul R. Cohen: Toward a Plan Steering Agent: Experiments with Schedule Maintenance. AIPS 1994: 134-139

Coauthor Index

1Niall M. Adams [20] [22] [28]
2Michael L. Anderson [37] [42]
3Mike Anderson [41]
4Tom Armstrong [30] [35] [39] [44] [45] [50] [54] [55] [57]
5Mike Atamas [45]
6Marc S. Atkin [8]
7Thomas Barkowsky [37]
8Carole R. Beal [8] [20] [22] [28] [39]
9Leonor Becerra-Bonache [45]
10Pauline M. Berry (Pauline Berry) [37]
11Vinay Bhat [23] [25] [32]
12Beenish Bhatia [51]
13Douglas S. Blank [37]
14Thomas Briggs [40]
15Lola Cañamero [33]
16Joe Catalano [44]
17Timothy Chklovski [37]
18Waiyian Chong [42] [43]
19Paul R. Cohen [1] [2] [3] [5] [7] [8] [10] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22] [28] [39]
20Devina Desai [25]
21Zachary Dodds [33]
22Pedro Domingos [37]
23Shailesh Doshi [29]
24Marek J. Druzdzel [37]
25Jesse English [48]
26Zachary Eyler-Walker [15]
27Timothy W. Finin (Tim Finin) [31] [46]
28Sarah Finney [24]
29Laura Firoiu [10] [19]
30Christian Freksa [37]
31John Gersh [37]
32Eric J. Glover [34]
33Lloyd Greenwald [33]
34James P. Gunderson [33]
35Aarti Gupta [47]
36Justin Harris [30] [35]
37Brent Heeringa [26]
38Mary Hegarty [37]
39Colin de la Higuera [52]
40Ayanna M. Howard [33]
41Peter F. Hu [51]
42Fang Huang [29]
43Eva Hudlicka [33]
44Akshay Java [46]
45David Jensen [5] [6] [9] [12] [14]
46Anupam Joshi [46]
47Leslie Pack Kaelbling [24]
48Gary King [21]
49Pranam Kolari [46]
50William Krueger [31] [39]
51Tze-Yun Leong [37]
52Victor R. Lesser [4]
53Henry Lieberman [37]
54Ric K. Lowe [37]
55Susann Luperfoy [37]
56Cheryl E. Martin [33]
57Lisa Meeden [37]
58Rada Mihalcea [37]
59David P. Miller [37]
60Don Miner [56]
61Sourav Mukherjee [53]
62Mark Nejman [30] [35]
63Charles K. Nicholas [32]
64Jonathan Nilsson [31]
65Sergei Nirenburg [48]
66Lynn Parker [33]
67Terry R. Payne [33]
68Donald Perlis [42]
69Marc Pickett [38] [49] [56]
70Robert Popp [37]
71M. V. Nagendra Prasad [4]
72Foster J. Provost [12]
73Yan Qu [33]
74Craig Schlenoff [33]
75Matthew D. Schmill [7] [13] [16] [17] [18]
76Nathan Schurr [37]
77James G. Shanahan [33]
78Vishal Shanbhag [23] [32]
79Daniel Shapiro [37]
80Push Singh [37]
81Vivek Tawde [34]
82Sheila Tejada [33]
83Peter P. Wakker [24]
84Jerry B. Weinberg [33]
85Janyce Wiebe [33]
86Yan Xiao [51]
87John Yen [37]
88Menno van Zaanen [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)