2008 |
38 | EE | Raman Kazhamiakin,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Massimo Paolucci,
Marco Pistore,
Matthias Wagner:
Having Services "YourWay!": Towards User-Centric Composition of Mobile Services.
FIS 2008: 94-106 |
2007 |
37 | | Jörg Hoffmann,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Marco Pistore:
Web Service Composition as Planning, Revisited: In Between Background Theories and Initial State Uncertainty.
AAAI 2007: 1013-1018 |
36 | EE | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Laura Ferrari,
Raman Kazhamiakin,
Corrado Moiso,
Marco Pistore,
Ermes Thuegaz:
Design and Analysis of the Composed Telecom Services.
ICSOC Workshops 2007: 282-294 |
35 | EE | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Laura Ferrari,
Raman Kazhamiakin,
Corrado Moiso,
Marco Pistore,
Ermes Thuegaz:
Design and Verification ofWeb Services Compositions in the Telecommunication Domain.
ICWS 2007: 1214-1215 |
34 | EE | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Jörg Hoffmann,
Freddy Lécué,
Marco Pistore:
Integrating Discovery and Automated Composition: from Semantic Requirements to Executable Code.
ICWS 2007: 815-822 |
33 | EE | Mausam,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Daniel S. Weld:
A Hybridized Planner for Stochastic Domains.
IJCAI 2007: 1972-1978 |
2006 |
32 | | Alexandre Albore,
Natasha Alechina,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Chiara Ghidini,
Brian Logan,
Luciano Serafini:
Model-Checking Memory Requirements of Resource-Bounded Reasoners.
AAAI 2006 |
31 | EE | Natasha Alechina,
Mark Jago,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Brian Logan,
Chiara Ghidini,
Luciano Serafini:
Verifying space and time requirements for resource-bounded agents.
AAMAS 2006: 217-219 |
30 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Marco Pistore:
Stong Cyclic Planning Under Partial Observability.
ECAI 2006: 580-584 |
29 | | Alexandre Albore,
Piergiorgio Bertoli:
Safe LTL Assumption-Based Planning.
ICAPS 2006: 193-202 |
28 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Marco Pistore:
Towards Strong Cyclic Planning under Partial Observability.
ICAPS 2006: 354-357 |
27 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Marco Pistore,
Paolo Traverso:
Automated Web Service Composition by On-the-Fly Belief Space Search.
ICAPS 2006: 358-361 |
26 | EE | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Marco Bozzano,
Alessandro Cimatti:
A Symbolic Model Checking Framework for Safety Analysis, Diagnosis, and Synthesis.
MoChArt 2006: 1-18 |
25 | EE | Natasha Alechina,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Chiara Ghidini,
Mark Jago,
Brian Logan,
Luciano Serafini:
Verifying Space and Time Requirements for Resource-Bounded Agents.
MoChArt 2006: 19-34 |
24 | EE | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Marco Roveri,
Paolo Traverso:
Strong planning under partial observability.
Artif. Intell. 170(4-5): 337-384 (2006) |
2005 |
23 | | Marco Pistore,
Paolo Traverso,
Piergiorgio Bertoli:
Automated Composition of Web Services by Planning in Asynchronous Domains.
ICAPS 2005: 2-11 |
22 | EE | Michele Trainotti,
Marco Pistore,
Gaetano Calabrese,
Gabriele Zacco,
Gigi Lucchese,
Fabio Barbon,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Paolo Traverso:
ASTRO: Supporting Composition and Execution of Web Services.
ICSOC 2005: 495-501 |
21 | EE | Marco Pistore,
Paolo Traverso,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Annapaola Marconi:
Automated Synthesis of Composite BPEL4WS Web Services.
ICWS 2005: 293-301 |
20 | EE | Marco Pistore,
Annapaola Marconi,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Paolo Traverso:
Automated Composition of Web Services by Planning at the Knowledge Level.
IJCAI 2005: 1252-1259 |
19 | EE | Marco Pistore,
Paolo Traverso,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Annapaola Marconi:
Automated synthesis of executable web service compositions from BPEL4WS processes.
WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1186-1187 |
2004 |
18 | | Alexandre Albore,
Piergiorgio Bertoli:
Generating Safe Assumption-Based Plans for Partially Observable, Nondeterministic Domains.
AAAI 2004: 495-500 |
17 | EE | Marco Pistore,
Fabio Barbon,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Dmitry Shaparau,
Paolo Traverso:
Planning and Monitoring Web Service Composition.
AIMSA 2004: 106-115 |
16 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Paolo Traverso:
Interleaving Execution and Planning for Nondeterministic, Partially Observable Domains.
ECAI 2004: 657-661 |
15 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Marco Pistore:
Planning with Extended Goals and Partial Observability.
ICAPS 2004: 270-278 |
14 | EE | Alessandro Cimatti,
Marco Roveri,
Piergiorgio Bertoli:
Conformant planning via symbolic model checking and heuristic search.
Artif. Intell. 159(1-2): 127-206 (2004) |
2003 |
13 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Marco Pistore,
Paolo Traverso:
A Framework for Planning with Extended Goals under Partial Observability.
ICAPS 2003: 215-225 |
2002 |
12 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti:
Improving Heuristics for Planning as Search in Belief Space.
AIPS 2002: 143-152 |
11 | EE | Gilles Audemard,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Artur Kornilowicz,
Roberto Sebastiani:
Integrating Boolean and Mathematical Solving: Foundations, Basic Algorithms, and Requirements.
AISC 2002: 231-245 |
10 | EE | Gilles Audemard,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Artur Kornilowicz,
Roberto Sebastiani:
A SAT Based Approach for Solving Formulas over Boolean and Linear Mathematical Propositions.
CADE 2002: 195-210 |
9 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
John K. Slaney,
Sylvie Thiébaux:
Solving Power Supply Restoration Problems with Planning via Symbolic Model Checking.
ECAI 2002: 576-580 |
2001 |
8 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Marco Roveri:
Heuristic Search + Symbolic Model Checking = Efficient Conformant Planning.
IJCAI 2001: 467-472 |
7 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Marco Roveri,
Paolo Traverso:
Planning in Nondeterministic Domains under Partial Observability via Symbolic Model Checking.
IJCAI 2001: 473-478 |
6 | EE | Alessandro Cimatti,
Marco Roveri,
Piergiorgio Bertoli:
Searching Powerset Automata by Combining Explicit-State and Symbolic Model Checking.
TACAS 2001: 313-327 |
2000 |
5 | EE | Paolo Traverso,
Piergiorgio Bertoli:
Mechanized result verification: an industrial application.
STTT 3(1): 78-92 (2000) |
1999 |
4 | | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Jacques Calmet,
Fausto Giunchiglia,
Karsten Homann:
Specification and Integration of Theorem Provers and Computer Algebra Systems.
Fundam. Inform. 39(1-2): 39-57 (1999) |
1998 |
3 | EE | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Jacques Calmet,
Fausto Giunchiglia,
Karsten Homann:
Specification and Integration of Theorem Provers and Computer Algebra Systems.
AISC 1998: 94-106 |
2 | EE | Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Cimatti,
Fausto Giunchiglia,
Paolo Traverso:
A Structured Approach to the Formal Certification of Safety of Computer Aided Development Tools.
SAFECOMP 1998: 221-230 |
1 | EE | Fausto Giunchiglia,
Piergiorgio Bertoli,
Alessandro Coglio:
The OMRS project: state of the art.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 15: (1998) |