
Vladimir A. Kulyukin

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20EEVladimir A. Kulyukin, John Nicholson, Daniel Coster: Shoptalk: toward independent shopping by people with visual impairments. ASSETS 2008: 241-242
19EEAliasgar Kutiyanawala, Vladimir A. Kulyukin: A Cartesian Robot for RFID Signal Distribution Model Verification. UIC 2008: 244-257
18EEVladimir A. Kulyukin, Chaitanya Gharpure, Cassidy Pentico: Robots as interfaces to haptic and locomotor spaces. HRI 2007: 325-331
17EEVladimir A. Kulyukin, Aliasgar Kutiyanawala, Minghui Jiang: Surface-Embedded Passive RF Exteroception: Kepler, Greed, and Buffon's Needle. UIC 2007: 33-42
16EEAliasgar Kutiyanawala, Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Edmund LoPresti: A rollator-mounted wayfinding system for the elderly: : a smart world perspective. ASSETS 2006: 245-246
15EEVladimir A. Kulyukin, Chaitanya Gharpure: Ergonomics-for-one in a robotic shopping cart for the blind. HRI 2006: 142-149
14EEVladimir A. Kulyukin: On natural language dialogue with assistive robots. HRI 2006: 164-171
13EEChaitanya Gharpure, Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Minghui Jiang, Aliasgar Kutiyanawala: Passive Radio Frequency Exteroception in Robot Assisted Shopping for the Blind. UIC 2006: 51-60
12EEVladimir A. Kulyukin, Chaitanya Gharpure, John Nicholson, Grayson Osborne: Robot-assisted wayfinding for the visually impaired in structured indoor environments. Auton. Robots 21(1): 29-41 (2006)
11 Vladimir A. Kulyukin, John Nicholson: Structural Text Mining. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 2658-2661
10 Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Chaitanya Gharpure, Pradnya Sute, Nathan DeGraw, John Nicholson: A Robotic Wayfinding System for the Visually Impaired. AAAI 2004: 864-869
9EEVladimir A. Kulyukin: Human-Robot Interaction Through Gesture-Free Spoken Dialogue. Auton. Robots 16(3): 239-257 (2004)
8 Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Nathan DeGraw: Integrating Language and Vision for Voice Communication with Three-Tiered Autonomous Robots. IC-AI 2003: 737-743
7EEAbraham Bookstein, Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Timo Raita, John Nicholson: Adapting measures of clumping strength to assess term-term similarity. JASIST 54(7): 611-620 (2003)
6 Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Ned Morley: Integrated Object Recognition in the Three-tiered Robot Architecture. IC-AI 2002: 367-373
5 Abraham Bookstein, Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Timo Raita: Generalized Hamming Distance. Inf. Retr. 5(4): 353-375 (2002)
4 Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Amber Settle: Ranked retrieval with semantic networks and vector spaces. JASIST 52(13): 1224-1233 (2001)
3 Vladimir A. Kulyukin: Application-Embedded Retrieval from Distributed Free-Text Collections. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 447-452
2 Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Kristian J. Hammond, Robin D. Burke: Answering Questions for an Organization Online. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 532-537
1 Robin D. Burke, Kristian J. Hammond, Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Steven L. Lytinen, Noriko Tomuro, Scott Schoenberg: Question Answering from Frequently Asked Question Files: Experiences with the FAQ FINDER System. AI Magazine 18(2): 57-66 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Abraham Bookstein [5] [7]
2Robin D. Burke [1] [2]
3Daniel Coster [20]
4Nathan DeGraw [8] [10]
5Chaitanya Gharpure [10] [12] [13] [15] [18]
6Kristian J. Hammond [1] [2]
7Minghui Jiang [13] [17]
8Aliasgar Kutiyanawala [13] [16] [17] [19]
9Edmund LoPresti [16]
10Steven L. Lytinen [1]
11Ned Morley [6]
12John Nicholson [7] [10] [11] [12] [20]
13Grayson Osborne [12]
14Cassidy Pentico [18]
15Timo Raita [5] [7]
16Scott Schoenberg [1]
17Amber Settle [4]
18Pradnya Sute [10]
19Noriko Tomuro [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)