
Akihiro Kishimoto

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13EEAkihiro Kishimoto, Nathan R. Sturtevant: Optimized algorithms for multi-agent routing. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1585-1588
12EEAkihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller: About the Completeness of Depth-First Proof-Number Search. Computers and Games 2008: 146-156
11EEKazuki Yoshizoe, Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller: Lambda Depth-First Proof Number Search and Its Application to Go. IJCAI 2007: 2404-2409
10 Haruhiro Yoshimoto, Kazuki Yoshizoe, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Akihiro Kishimoto, Kenjiro Taura: Monte Carlo Go Has a Way to Go. AAAI 2006
9EEXiaozhen Niu, Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller: Recognizing Seki in Computer Go. ACG 2006: 88-103
8 Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller: Search versus Knowledge for Solving Life and Death Problems in Go. AAAI 2005: 1374-1379
7EEAkihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller: Dynamic Decomposition Search: A Divide and Conquer Approach and its Application to the One-Eye Problem in Go. CIG 2005
6EEJonathan Schaeffer, Yngvi Björnsson, Neil Burch, Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller, Robert Lake, Paul Lu, Steve Sutphen: Solving Checkers. IJCAI 2005: 292-297
5EEAkihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller: A solution to the GHI problem for depth-first proof-number search. Inf. Sci. 175(4): 296-314 (2005)
4 Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller: A General Solution to the Graph History Interaction Problem. AAAI 2004: 644-649
3 Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller: DF-PN in Go: An Application to the One-Eye Problem. ACG 2003: 125-142
2EEAkihiro Kishimoto, Jonathan Schaeffer: Transposition Table Driven Work Scheduling in Distributed Game-Tree Search. Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 56-68
1EEAkihiro Kishimoto, Jonathan Schaeffer: Distributed Game-Tree Search Using Transposition Table Driven Work Scheduling. ICPP 2002: 323-330

Coauthor Index

1Yngvi Björnsson [6]
2Neil Burch [6]
3Tomoyuki Kaneko [10]
4Robert Lake [6]
5Paul Lu [6]
6Martin Müller [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
7Xiaozhen Niu [9]
8Jonathan Schaeffer [1] [2] [6]
9Nathan R. Sturtevant [13]
10Steve Sutphen [6]
11Kenjiro Taura [10]
12Haruhiro Yoshimoto [10]
13Kazuki Yoshizoe [10] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)