
Steven Dubowsky

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49EEKenjiro Tadakuma, Lauren M. DeVita, Jean-Sebastien Plante, Yan Shaoze, Steven Dubowsky: The experimental study of a precision parallel manipulator with binary actuation: With application to MRI cancer treatment. ICRA 2008: 2503-2508
48EEMasahiro Ono, Peggy Boning, Tatsuro Nohara, Steven Dubowsky: Experimental validation of a fuel-efficient robotic maneuver control algorithm for very large flexible space structures. ICRA 2008: 608-613
47EESamuel B. Kesner, Jean-Sebastien Plante, Penelope J. Boston, Tibor Fabian, Steven Dubowsky: Mobility and Power Feasibility of a Microbot Team System for Extraterrestrial Cave Exploration. ICRA 2007: 4893-4898
46EEAmy Bilton, Yoshiyuki Ishijima, Matthew D. Lichter, Steven Dubowsky: Sensor architecture for the robotic control of large flexible space structures. J. Field Robotics 24(4): 297-310 (2007)
45EEWilliam T. Becker, Matthew DiCicco, Justin R. Garretson, Steven Dubowsky: A control architecture for a mobile heavy-lift precision manipulator with limited sensory information. Robotica 25(2): 221-235 (2007)
44 Justin R. Garretson, William T. Becker, Steven Dubowsky: The Design of a Friction Compensation Control Architecture for a Heavy Lift Precision Manipulator in Contact with the Environment. ICRA 2006: 31-36
43 Peggy Boning, Steven Dubowsky: Identification of Actuation Efforts using Limited Sensory Information for Space Robots. ICRA 2006: 3873-3878
42EEChristopher A. Brooks, Karl Iagnemma, Steven Dubowsky: Visual wheel sinkage measurement for planetary rover mobility characterization. Auton. Robots 21(1): 55-64 (2006)
41EEMatthew Spenko, Yoji Kuroda, Steven Dubowsky, Karl Iagnemma: Hazard avoidance for high-speed mobile robots in rough terrain. J. Field Robotics 23(5): 311-331 (2006)
40 Christopher A. Brooks, Karl Iagnemma, Steven Dubowsky: Vibration-based Terrain Analysis for Mobile Robots. ICRA 2005: 3415-3420
39 Matthew D. Lichter, Steven Dubowsky: Shape, Motion, and Parameter Estimation of Large Flexible Space Structures using Range Images. ICRA 2005: 4476-4481
38EEMatthew D. Lichter, Steven Dubowsky, Hiroshi Ueno, Shinji Mitani: Shape, Motion, and Parameter Estimation of Flexible Space Structures using Laser Rangefinders. Robotics: Science and Systems 2005: 351-358
37EEVivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky: Visually Guided Cooperative Robot Actions Based on Information Quality. Auton. Robots 19(1): 89-110 (2005)
36EEVivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky: Efficient Information-based Visual Robotic Mapping in Unstructured Environments. I. J. Robotic Res. 24(4): 275-293 (2005)
35EEJohn Vogan, Andreas Wingert, Jean-Sebastien Plante, Steven Dubowsky, Moustapha Hafez, Daniel F. Kacher, Ferenc A. Jolesz: Manipulation in MRI Devices using Electrostrictive Polymer Actuators: with an Application to Reconfigurable Imaging Coils. ICRA 2004: 2498-2504
34EEMatthew D. Lichter, Steven Dubowsky: State, Shape, and Parameter Estimation of Space Objects from Range Images. ICRA 2004: 2974-2979
33EEDariusz Golda, Karl Iagnemma, Steven Dubowsky: Probabilistic Modeling and Analysis of High-speed Rough-terrain Mobile Robots. ICRA 2004: 914-919
32EEVivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky, Terrance L. Huntsberger, Hrand Aghazarian, Yang Cheng, Paul S. Schenker: An Architecture for Distributed Environment Sensing with Application to Robotic Cliff Exploration. Auton. Robots 16(3): 287-311 (2004)
31EEKarl Iagnemma, Steven Dubowsky: Traction Control of Wheeled Robotic Vehicles in Rough Terrain with Application to Planetary Rovers. I. J. Robotic Res. 23(10-11): 1029-1040 (2004)
30EEVivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky, Terry Huntsberger, Hrand Aghazarian, Yang Cheng, Paul S. Schenker: A Multi Agent Distributed Sensing Architecture with Application to Planetary Cliff Exploration. ISRR 2003: 244-253
29 Karl Iagnemma, Adam Rzepniewski, Steven Dubowsky, Paul S. Schenker: Control of Robotic Vehicles with Actively Articulated Suspensions in Rough Terrain. Auton. Robots 14(1): 5-16 (2003)
28 Haoyong Yu, Matthew Spenko, Steven Dubowsky: An Adaptive Shared Control System for an Intelligent Mobility Aid for the Elderly. Auton. Robots 15(1): 53-66 (2003)
27 Vivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky: Visually Built Task Models for Robot Teams in Unstructured Environments. ICRA 2002: 1782-1787
26 Karl Iagnemma, Hassan Shibly, Steven Dubowsky: On-Line Terrain Parameter Estimation for Planetary Rovers. ICRA 2002: 3142-3147
25 Moustapha Hafez, Matthew D. Lichter, Steven Dubowsky: Optimized Binary Modular Reconfigurable Robotic Devices. ICRA 2002: 335-340
24 Matthew D. Lichter, Vivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky: Computational Issues in the Planning and Kinematics of Binary Robots. ICRA 2002: 341-346
23 Matthew Spenko, Haoyong Yu, Steven Dubowsky: Analysis and Design of an Omnidirectional Platform for Operation on Non-Ideal Floors. ICRA 2002: 726-731
22EEKarl Iagnemma, Dariusz Golda, Matthew Spenko, Steven Dubowsky: Experimental Study of High-speed Rough-terrain Mobile Robot Models for Reactive Behaviors. ISER 2002: 654-663
21 Shane Farritor, Steven Dubowsky: On Modular Design of Field Robotic Systems. Auton. Robots 10(1): 57-65 (2001)
20 Vivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky: Application of a Model-Free Algorithm for the Packing of Irregular Shaped Objects in Semiconductor Manufacture. ICRA 2000: 1545-1550
19 Vivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky, Yoshiaki Ohkami: Design and Implementation of a Robot Assisted Crucible Charging System. ICRA 2000: 1969-1975
18 Marco A. Meggiolaro, Steven Dubowsky: An Analytical Method to Eliminate the Redundant Parameters in Robot Calibration. ICRA 2000: 3609-3615
17 David M. Bevly, Shane Farritor, Steven Dubowsky: Action Module Planning and its Application to an Experimental Climbing Robot. ICRA 2000: 4009-4014
16 Steven Dubowsky, Frank Génot, Sara Godding, Hisamitsu Kozono, Adam Skwersky, Haoyong Yu, Long Shen Yu: PAMM - A Robotic Aid to the Elderly for Mobility Assistance and Monitoring: A Helping-Hand for the Elderly. ICRA 2000: 570-576
15EEMatthew D. Lichter, Vivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky: Experimental Demonstrations for a New Design Paradigm in Space Robotics. ISER 2000: 219-228
14 Karl Iagnemma, Frank Génot, Steven Dubowsky: Rapid Physics-Based Rough-Terrain Rover Planning with Sensor and Control Uncertainty. ICRA 1999: 2286-2291
13 Marco A. Meggiolaro, Peter C. L. Jaffe, Steven Dubowsky: Achieving Fine Absolute Positioning Accuracy in Large Powerful Manipulators. ICRA 1999: 2819-2824
12 Vivek A. Sujan, Steven Dubowsky: Shaped Objects: With Application to CZ Semiconductor Manufacture. ICRA 1999: 951-956
11 Karl Iagnemma, Robert Burn, Eric Wilhelm, Steven Dubowsky: Experimental Validation of Physics-Based Planning and Control Algorithms for Planetary Robotic Rovers. ISER 1999: 319-328
10 Steven Dubowsky, Craig Sunada, Constantinos Mavroidis: Coordinated Motion and Force Control of Multi-Limbed Robotic Systems. Auton. Robots 6(1): 7-20 (1999)
9 Shane Farritor, Hervé Hacot, Steven Dubowsky: Physics-Based Planning for Planetary Exploration. ICRA 1998: 278-283
8 Guangjun Liu, Karl Iagnemma, Steven Dubowsky, Guillaume Morel: A Base Force/Torque Sensor Approach to Robot Manipulator Inertial Parameter Estimation. ICRA 1998: 3316-3321
7 Kazuya Yoshida, Constantinos Mavroidis, Steven Dubowsky: Experimental Research on Impact Dynamics of Spaceborne Manipulator Systems. ISER 1995: 436-447
6 Craig Sunada, Dalila Argaez, Steven Dubowsky, Constantinos Mavroidis: A Coordinated Jacobian Transpose Control for Mobile Multi-Limbed Robotic Systems. ICRA 1994: 1910-1915
5 Miguel A. Torres, Steven Dubowsky, Attilio Pisoni: Path-Planning for Elastically-Mounted Space Manipulators: Experimental Evaluation of the Coupling Map. ICRA 1994: 2227-2233
4 Miguel A. Torres, Steven Dubowsky: Path-Planning for Elastically Constrained Space Manipulator Systems. ICRA (1) 1993: 812-817
3 Z. Vafa, Steven Dubowsky: The Kinematics and Dynamics of Space Manipulators: The Virtual Manipulator Approach. I. J. Robotic Res. 9(4): 3-21 (1990)
2 Harry West, Norbert Hootsmans, Steven Dubowsky, Nathan Stelman: Experimental Simulation of Manipulator Base Compliance. ISER 1989: 304-326
1 Zvi Shiller, Steven Dubowsky: Robot Path Planning with Obstacles, Actuator, Gripper, and Payload Constraints. I. J. Robotic Res. 8(6): 3-18 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Hrand Aghazarian [30] [32]
2Dalila Argaez [6]
3William T. Becker [44] [45]
4David M. Bevly [17]
5Amy Bilton [46]
6Peggy Boning [43] [48]
7Penelope J. Boston [47]
8Christopher A. Brooks [40] [42]
9Robert Burn [11]
10Yang Cheng [30] [32]
11Lauren M. DeVita [49]
12Matthew DiCicco [45]
13Tibor Fabian [47]
14Shane Farritor [9] [17] [21]
15Justin R. Garretson [44] [45]
16Frank Génot [14] [16]
17Sara Godding [16]
18Dariusz Golda [22] [33]
19Hervé Hacot [9]
20Moustapha Hafez [25] [35]
21Norbert Hootsmans [2]
22Terrance L. Huntsberger (Terry Huntsberger) [30] [32]
23Karl Iagnemma [8] [11] [14] [22] [26] [29] [31] [33] [40] [41] [42]
24Yoshiyuki Ishijima [46]
25Peter C. L. Jaffe [13]
26Ferenc A. Jolesz [35]
27Daniel F. Kacher [35]
28Samuel B. Kesner [47]
29Hisamitsu Kozono [16]
30Yoji Kuroda [41]
31Matthew D. Lichter [15] [24] [25] [34] [38] [39] [46]
32Guangjun Liu [8]
33Constantinos Mavroidis [6] [7] [10]
34Marco A. Meggiolaro [13] [18]
35Shinji Mitani [38]
36Guillaume Morel [8]
37Tatsuro Nohara [48]
38Yoshiaki Ohkami [19]
39Masahiro Ono [48]
40Attilio Pisoni [5]
41Jean-Sebastien Plante [35] [47] [49]
42Adam Rzepniewski [29]
43Paul S. Schenker [29] [30] [32]
44Yan Shaoze [49]
45Hassan Shibly [26]
46Zvi Shiller [1]
47Adam Skwersky [16]
48Matthew Spenko [22] [23] [28] [41]
49Nathan Stelman [2]
50Vivek A. Sujan [12] [15] [19] [20] [24] [27] [30] [32] [36] [37]
51Craig Sunada [6] [10]
52Kenjiro Tadakuma [49]
53Miguel A. Torres [4] [5]
54Hiroshi Ueno [38]
55Z. Vafa [3]
56John Vogan [35]
57Harry West [2]
58Eric Wilhelm [11]
59Andreas Wingert [35]
60Kazuya Yoshida [7]
61Haoyong Yu [16] [23] [28]
62Long Shen Yu [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)