Volume 10,
Number 1,
January 2001
- Daniela Rus, Gregory S. Chirikjian:
Guest Editorial: Self-Reconfigurable Robots.
5 BibTeX
- Satoshi Murata, Eiichi Yoshida, Haruhisa Kurokawa, Kohji Tomita, Shigeru Kokaji:
Self-Repairing Mechanical Systems.
7-21 BibTeX
- Cem Ünsal, Han Kiliççöte, Pradeep K. Khosla:
A Modular Self-Reconfigurable Bipartite Robotic System: Implementation and Motion Planning.
23-40 BibTeX
- Mark Yim, Ying Zhang, John Lamping, Eric Mao:
Distributed Control for 3D Metamorphosis.
41-56 BibTeX
- Shane Farritor, Steven Dubowsky:
On Modular Design of Field Robotic Systems.
57-65 BibTeX
- Woo Ho Lee, Arthur C. Sanderson:
Dynamic Analysis and Distributed Control of the Tetrobot Modular Reconfigurable Robotic System.
67-82 BibTeX
- Guilin Yang, I-Ming Chen, Wee Kiat Lim, Song Huat Yeo:
Kinematic Design of Modular Reconfigurable In-Parallel Robots.
83-89 BibTeX
- Chih-Jung Chiang, Gregory S. Chirikjian:
Modular Robot Motion Planning Using Similarity Metrics.
91-106 BibTeX
- Daniela Rus, Marsette Vona:
Crystalline Robots: Self-Reconfiguration with Compressible Unit Modules.
107-124 BibTeX
Volume 10,
Number 2,
March 2001
- John F. Canny, Arvin Agah:
Guest Editorial: Personal Robotics.
131-134 BibTeX
- Kuk-Hyun Han, Sinn Kim, Yong-Jae Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim:
Internet Control Architecture for Internet-Based Personal Robot.
135-147 BibTeX
- Stacy All, Illah R. Nourbakhsh:
Insect Telepresence: Using Robotic Tele-Embodiment to Bring Insects Face-to-Face with Humans.
149-161 BibTeX
- O. Burçhan Bayazit, Guang Song, Nancy M. Amato:
Enhancing Randomized Motion Planners: Exploring with Haptic Hints.
163-174 BibTeX
- Li Xu, Yuan F. Zheng:
Moving Personal Robots in Real-Time Using Primitive Motions.
175-183 BibTeX
- John Travis Butler, Arvin Agah:
Psychological Effects of Behavior Patterns of a Mobile Personal Robot.
185-202 BibTeX
- Michael J. Girone, Grigore C. Burdea, Mourad Bouzit, Viorel G. Popescu, Judith E. Deutsch:
A Stewart Platform-Based System for Ankle Telerehabilitation.
203-212 BibTeX
- Dong-Oh Kang, Sung-Hun Kim, Heyoung Lee, Zeungnam Bien:
Multiobjective Navigation of a Guide Mobile Robot for the Visually Impaired Based on Intention Inference of Obstacles.
213-230 BibTeX
Volume 10,
Number 3,
May 2001
- Hugo de Garis, Michael Korkin, Gary Fehr:
The CAM-Brain Machine (CBM): An FPGA Based Tool for Evolving a 75 Million Neuron Artificial Brain to Control a Lifesized Kitten Robot.
235-249 BibTeX
- Gordon Cheng, Alexander Zelinsky:
Supervised Autonomy: A Framework for Human-Robot Systems Development.
251-266 BibTeX
- Yujin Wakita, Shigeoki Hirai, Takashi Suehiro, Toshio Hori, Kiyoshi Fujiwara:
Information Sharing via Projection Function for Coexistence of Robot and Human.
267-277 BibTeX
- Elon Rimon, Shraga Shoval, Amir Shapiro:
Design of a Quadruped Robot for Motion with Quasistatic Force Constraints.
279-296 BibTeX
- Yusuke Ota, Kan Yoneda, Fumitoshi Ito, Shigeo Hirose, Yoshihiko Inagaki:
Design and Control of 6-DOF Mechanism for Twin-Frame Mobile Robot.
297-316 BibTeX
- Rahul Singh, Richard M. Voyles, David Littau, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos:
Shape Morphing-Based Control of Robotic Visual Servoing.
317-338 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:50:59 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)