
Matthew DiCicco

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3EEMax Bajracharya, Matthew DiCicco, Paul Backes, Kevin Nickels: Visual end-effector position error compensation for planetary robotics. J. Field Robotics 24(5): 399-420 (2007)
2EEWilliam T. Becker, Matthew DiCicco, Justin R. Garretson, Steven Dubowsky: A control architecture for a mobile heavy-lift precision manipulator with limited sensory information. Robotica 25(2): 221-235 (2007)
1EEMatthew DiCicco, Lenny Lucas, Yoky Matsuoka: Comparison of Control Strategies for an EMG Controlled Orthotic Exoskeleton for the Hand. ICRA 2004: 1622-1627

Coauthor Index

1Paul Backes [3]
2Max Bajracharya [3]
3William T. Becker [2]
4Steven Dubowsky [2]
5Justin R. Garretson [2]
6Lenny Lucas [1]
7Yoky Matsuoka [1]
8Kevin Nickels [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)