2009 |
200 | EE | Yi Zhang,
Herodotos Herodotou,
Jun Yang:
RIOT: I/O-Efficient Numerical Computing without SQL.
CIDR 2009 |
199 | EE | Yi Xu,
Yu Du,
Bo Zhao,
Xiuyi Zhou,
Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang:
A low-radix and low-diameter 3D interconnection network design.
HPCA 2009: 30-42 |
198 | EE | Risi Thonangi,
Hao He,
AnHai Doan,
Haixun Wang,
Jun Yang:
Weighted Proximity Best-Joins for Information Retrieval.
ICDE 2009: 234-245 |
197 | EE | Dinesh C. Suresh,
Banit Agrawal,
Jun Yang,
Walid A. Najjar:
Energy-efficient encoding techniques for off-chip data buses.
ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 8(2): (2009) |
196 | EE | Jun Yang,
Shouming Zhong,
Lianglin Xiong:
A descriptor system approach to non-fragile H INFINITY control for uncertain fuzzy neutral systems.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160(4): 423-438 (2009) |
2008 |
195 | EE | Jun Yang,
Ying Li,
Benxiong Huang,
Jiuqiang Ming:
Preventing DDoS Attacks Based on Credit Model for P2P Streaming System.
ATC 2008: 13-20 |
194 | EE | Alexander G. Hauptmann,
Jonathan J. Wang,
Wei-Hao Lin,
Jun Yang,
Michael G. Christel:
Efficient search: the informedia video retrieval system.
CIVR 2008: 543-544 |
193 | EE | Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
(Un)Reliability of video concept detection.
CIVR 2008: 85-94 |
192 | EE | Jun Yang,
Wanfeng Dou:
Synchronized collaborative design with heterogeneous CAD systems based on macro semantic commands.
CSCWD 2008: 183-188 |
191 | EE | Yunyi Zhang,
Deyun Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Wei Wei:
Cluster-Based Error Messages Detecting and Processing for Wireless Sensor Networks.
CSSE (3) 2008: 194-197 |
190 | EE | Jun Yang,
Qi Xing,
Changqian Zhu:
An Efficient Visualization of Implicit Surfaces.
CSSE (6) 2008: 369-372 |
189 | EE | Jun Yang,
Xiaochuan Ma,
Chaohuan Hou,
Zheng Yao:
A Static Multiprocessor Scheduling Algorithm for Arbitrary Directed Task Graphs in Uncertain Environments.
ICA3PP 2008: 18-29 |
188 | EE | Jun Yang,
Tao Zhang,
Jingyan Song,
Hanxu Sun,
Guozhen Shi,
Yao Chen:
Redundant design of A CAN BUS Testing and Communication System for space robot arm.
ICARCV 2008: 1894-1898 |
187 | EE | Junyi Xie,
Jun Yang,
Yuguo Chen,
Haixun Wang,
Philip S. Yu:
A Sampling-Based Approach to Information Recovery.
ICDE 2008: 476-485 |
186 | EE | Fei Chen,
AnHai Doan,
Jun Yang,
Raghu Ramakrishnan:
Efficient Information Extraction over Evolving Text Data.
ICDE 2008: 943-952 |
185 | EE | Lexing Xie,
Rong Yan,
Jun Yang:
Multi-concept learning with large-scale multimedia lexicons.
ICIP 2008: 2148-2151 |
184 | EE | Shuda Wang,
Feng Si,
Jing Yang,
Shuoning Wang,
Jun Yang:
Study of Cooperation Strategy of Robot Based on Parallel Q-Learning Algorithm.
ICIRA (1) 2008: 633-642 |
183 | EE | Xiuyi Zhou,
Yi Xu,
Yu Du,
Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang:
Thermal Management for 3D Processors via Task Scheduling.
ICPP 2008: 115-122 |
182 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Weijia Li:
Towards energy-efficient code dissemination in wireless sensor networks.
IPDPS 2008: 1-5 |
181 | EE | Jun Yang,
Xianze Yang:
Implementing Multi-party Key Exchange by Linear Combination of Elliptic Curve Points.
ISECS 2008: 617-622 |
180 | EE | Jun Yang,
Xiuyi Zhou,
Marek Chrobak,
Youtao Zhang,
Lingling Jin:
Dynamic Thermal Management through Task Scheduling.
ISPASS 2008: 191-201 |
179 | EE | Guang Yang,
Zhigang Liu,
Karim Seada,
Hawk-Yin Pang,
August Joki,
Jun Yang,
Daniela Rosner,
Manish Anand,
Péter Pál Boda:
Social Proximity Networks on Cruise Ships.
MIRW 2008: 105-114 |
178 | EE | Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
A framework for classifier adaptation and its applications in concept detection.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008: 467-474 |
177 | EE | Badrish Chandramouli,
Jun Yang,
Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Albert Yu,
Ying Zheng:
ProSem: scalable wide-area publish/subscribe.
SIGMOD Conference 2008: 1315-1318 |
176 | EE | Michael G. Christel,
Alexander G. Hauptmann,
Wei-Hao Lin,
Ming-yu Chen,
Jun Yang,
Bryan Maher,
Robert V. Baron:
Exploring the utility of fast-forward surrogates for bbc rushes.
TVS 2008: 35-39 |
175 | EE | Ran Liu,
Qingsheng Zhu,
Xiaoyan Xu,
Liou Zhi,
Hongtao Xie,
Jun Yang,
Xiaoyun Zhang:
Stereo effect of image converted from planar.
Inf. Sci. 178(8): 2079-2090 (2008) |
174 | EE | Budrul Ahsan,
Daisuke Kobayashi,
Tomoyuki Yamada,
Masahiro Kasahara,
Shin Sasaki,
Taro L. Saito,
Yukinobu Nagayasu,
Koichiro Doi,
Yoichiro Nakatani,
Wei Qu,
Tomoko Jindo,
Atsuko Shimada,
Kiyoshi Naruse,
Atsushi Toyoda,
Yoko Kuroki,
Asao Fujiyama,
Takashi Sasaki,
Atsushi Shimizu,
Shuichi Asakawa,
Nobuyoshi Shimizu,
Shin-ichi Hashimoto,
Jun Yang,
Yongjun Lee,
Kouji Matsushima,
Sumio Sugano,
Mitsuru Sakaizumi,
Takanori Narita,
Kazuko Ohishi,
Shinobu Haga,
Fumiko Ohta,
Hisayo Nomoto,
Keiko Nogata,
Tomomi Morishita,
Tomoko Endo,
Tadasu Shin-I,
Hiroyuki Takeda,
Yuji Kohara,
Shinichi Morishita:
UTGB/medaka: genomic resource database for medaka biology.
Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 747-752 (2008) |
173 | EE | Badrish Chandramouli,
Jun Yang:
End-to-end support for joins in large-scale publish/subscribe systems.
PVLDB 1(1): 434-450 (2008) |
172 | EE | Shoujun Zhou,
Jun Yang,
Wufan Chen,
Yongtian Wang:
New approach to the automatic segmentation of coronary artery in X-ray angiograms.
Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(1): 25-39 (2008) |
2007 |
171 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rong Yan,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Cross-domain video concept detection using adaptive svms.
ACM Multimedia 2007: 188-197 |
170 | EE | Cheng Wang,
Chunjiang Zhao,
Jun Yang,
Xiaojun Qiao:
The Realization Network Correspondence with Winsock Control Component of VB.
CCTA 2007: 1063-1069 |
169 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Gregory Filpus,
Kamesh Munagala,
Jun Yang:
Data-Driven Processing in Sensor Networks.
CIDR 2007: 10-21 |
168 | EE | Yu-Gang Jiang,
Chong-Wah Ngo,
Jun Yang:
Towards optimal bag-of-features for object categorization and semantic video retrieval.
CIVR 2007: 494-501 |
167 | EE | Jia Yu,
Jingnan Yao,
Laxmi N. Bhuyan,
Jun Yang:
Program Mapping onto Network Processors by Recursive Bipartitioning and Refining.
DAC 2007: 805-810 |
166 | EE | Jun Yang,
Jian Zhang:
Offline Swimmer Cap Tracking Using Trajectory Interpolation.
DICTA 2007: 579-585 |
165 | EE | Mehmet Emin Aydin,
Jun Yang,
Jie Zhang:
A Comparative Investigation on Heuristic Optimization of WCDMA Radio Networks.
EvoWorkshops 2007: 111-120 |
164 | EE | Hong Cao,
Lidan Chen,
Jun Yang,
Shuji Gong,
Hao Zhou,
Sheng-He Huang:
CglE's Role in Meningitic E. coli K1 Infection and Energy Metabolism Defined by Bioinformatic and Molecular Characterization.
FBIT 2007: 251-255 |
163 | EE | Jun Yang,
Min Zhang:
Chance Constrained Bi-level Programming Approach for Flow Interception Problem with Stochastic Users in Fuzzy Environment.
FSKD (3) 2007: 533-537 |
162 | EE | Jun Yang,
Gang Li,
Danxiang Ai:
Information Integration of Virtual Enterprise Based on Service-Oriented Architecture.
I3E (1) 2007: 282-293 |
161 | EE | Wei Wu,
Sheldon X.-D. Tan,
Jun Yang,
Shih-Lien Lu:
Improving the reliability of on-chip data caches under process variations.
ICCD 2007: 325-332 |
160 | EE | Badrish Chandramouli,
Christopher N. Bond,
Shivnath Babu,
Jun Yang:
On Suspending and Resuming Dataflows.
ICDE 2007: 1289-1291 |
159 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Jun Yang:
Many-to-Many Aggregation for Sensor Networks.
ICDE 2007: 986-995 |
158 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rong Yan,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Adapting SVM Classifiers to Data with Shifted Distributions.
ICDM Workshops 2007: 69-76 |
157 | EE | Yan Liu,
Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Undirected Graphical Models for Video Analysis and Classification.
ICME 2007: 1495-1498 |
156 | EE | Zhengning Wang,
Jun Yang,
Qiang Peng,
Zheng Ma,
Changqian Zhu:
A Fast Transform Domain Based Algorithm for H.264/AVC Intra Prediction.
ICME 2007: 1563-1566 |
155 | EE | Alexander G. Hauptmann,
Ming-yu Chen,
Michael G. Christel,
Wei-Hao Lin,
Jun Yang:
A Hybrid Approach to Improving Semantic Extraction of News Video.
ICSC 2007: 79-86 |
154 | EE | Jun Yang,
Junchao Ni,
Weisheng Chen:
Adaptive Output-Feedback Stochastic Nonlinear Stabilization Using Neural Network.
ISNN (1) 2007: 158-165 |
153 | EE | Paul G. Flikkema,
Pankaj K. Agarwal,
James S. Clark,
Carla Schlatter Ellis,
Alan Gelfand,
Kamesh Munagala,
Jun Yang:
From Data Reverence to Data Relevance: Model-Mediated Wireless Sensing of the Physical Environment.
International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 988-994 |
152 | EE | Jun Yang,
Zhengning Wang,
Changqian Zhu,
Qiang Peng:
Implicit Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Point Data with Noise.
International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 57-64 |
151 | EE | Jun Yang,
Yu-Gang Jiang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann,
Chong-Wah Ngo:
Evaluating bag-of-visual-words representations in scene classification.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2007: 197-206 |
150 | EE | Weijia Li,
Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Jiang Zheng:
UCC: update-conscious compilation for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks.
PLDI 2007: 383-393 |
149 | EE | Chun-Ting Chou,
Jun Yang,
Dong Wang:
Cooperative MAC Protocol with Automatic Relay Selection in Distributed Wireless Networks.
PerCom Workshops 2007: 526-531 |
148 | EE | Jun Yang,
Yan Liu,
Eric P. Xing,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Harmonium Models for Semantic Video Representation and Classification.
SDM 2007 |
147 | EE | Hao He,
Haixun Wang,
Jun Yang,
Philip S. Yu:
BLINKS: ranked keyword searches on graphs.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 305-316 |
146 | EE | Badrish Chandramouli,
Christopher N. Bond,
Shivnath Babu,
Jun Yang:
Query suspend and resume.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 557-568 |
145 | EE | Alexander G. Hauptmann,
Michael G. Christel,
Wei-Hao Lin,
Bryan Maher,
Jun Yang,
Robert V. Baron,
Guang Xiang:
Clever clustering vs. simple speed-up for summarizing rushes.
TVS 2007: 20-24 |
144 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Alan Gelfand,
Kamesh Munagala,
Gavino Puggioni,
Jun Yang:
Making Sense of Suppressions and Failures in Sensor Data: A Bayesian Approach.
VLDB 2007: 842-853 |
143 | EE | Badrish Chandramouli,
Jeff Phillips,
Jun Yang:
Value-Based Notification Conditions in Large-Scale Publish/Subscribe Systems.
VLDB 2007: 878-889 |
142 | EE | Jun Yang,
Jie Zhang,
Mehmet Emin Aydin,
Joyce Y. Wu:
A Novel Programming Model and Optimisation Algorithms for WCDMA Networks.
VTC Spring 2007: 1182-1187 |
141 | EE | Jun Yang,
Monisha Ghosh:
A Cooperative Modulation Scheme for Wireless Relay Networks.
VTC Spring 2007: 1628-1632 |
140 | EE | Wei Wu,
Lingling Jin,
Jun Yang,
Pu Liu,
Sheldon X.-D. Tan:
Efficient power modeling and software thermal sensing for runtime temperature monitoring.
ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 12(3): (2007) |
139 | EE | Jia Yu,
Wei Wu,
Xi Chen,
Harry Hsieh,
Jun Yang,
Felice Balarin:
Assertion-Based Design Exploration of DVS in Network Processor Architectures
CoRR abs/0710.4714: (2007) |
138 | EE | Huaguang Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Chun-Yi Su:
T-S Fuzzy-Model-Based Robust H INFINITY Design for Networked Control Systems With Uncertainties.
IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 3(4): 289-301 (2007) |
137 | EE | Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Liu Wenyin,
Yueting Zhuang:
Content-based retrieval of FlashTM movies: research issues, generic framework, and future directions.
Multimedia Tools Appl. 34(1): 1-23 (2007) |
136 | EE | Magdalena Balazinska,
Amol Deshpande,
Alexandros Labrinidis,
Qiong Luo,
Samuel Madden,
Jun Yang:
Report on the Fourth International Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN 2007).
SIGMOD Record 36(4): 53-55 (2007) |
135 | EE | Yan Luo,
Jia Yu,
Jun Yang,
Laxmi N. Bhuyan:
Conserving network processor power consumption by exploiting traffic variability.
TACO 4(1): (2007) |
2006 |
134 | EE | Alexander G. Hauptmann,
Wei-Hao Lin,
Rong Yan,
Jun Yang,
Ming-yu Chen:
Extreme video retrieval: joint maximization of human and computer performance.
ACM Multimedia 2006: 385-394 |
133 | EE | Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
3WNews: who, where, and when in news video.
ACM Multimedia 2006: 503-504 |
132 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Lan Gao:
Efficient Group KeyManagement with Tamper-resistant ISA Extensions.
ASAP 2006: 269-274 |
131 | EE | Ming Bao,
Luyang Guan,
Xiaodong Li,
Jing Tian,
Jun Yang:
Feature Extraction Using Histogram Entropies of Euclidean Distances for Vehicle Classification.
CIS 2006: 1085-1096 |
130 | EE | Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Annotating News Video with Locations.
CIVR 2006: 153-162 |
129 | EE | Alexander G. Hauptmann,
Wei-Hao Lin,
Rong Yan,
Jun Yang,
Robert V. Baron,
Ming-yu Chen,
Sean Gilroy,
Michael D. Gordon:
Exploring the Synergy of Humans and Machines in Extreme Video Retrieval.
CIVR 2006: 514-517 |
128 | EE | Wei Wu,
Lingling Jin,
Jun Yang,
Pu Liu,
Sheldon X.-D. Tan:
A systematic method for functional unit power estimation in microprocessors.
DAC 2006: 554-557 |
127 | EE | Badrish Chandramouli,
Jun Yang,
Amin Vahdat:
Distributed Network Querying with Bounded Approximate Caching.
DASFAA 2006: 374-388 |
126 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Lingling Jin,
Weijia Li:
Locating Compromised Sensor Nodes Through Incremental Hashing Authentication.
DCOSS 2006: 321-337 |
125 | EE | Angela Yun Zhu,
Xi Li,
Laurence Tianruo Yang,
Jun Yang:
A Fast Instruction Set Evaluation Method for ASIP Designs.
EUC 2006: 489-498 |
124 | EE | Tianyi Ma,
Jun Yang,
Xinglan Wang:
Low Power Hardware-Software Partitioning Algorithm for Heterogeneous Distributed Embedded Systems.
EUC 2006: 702-711 |
123 | EE | Weidong Shi,
Joshua B. Fryman,
Guofei Gu,
Hsien-Hsin S. Lee,
Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang:
InfoShield: a security architecture for protecting information usage in memory.
HPCA 2006: 222-231 |
122 | EE | Jun Yang,
Changqian Zhu,
Hua Zhang:
Surface Reconstruction with Least Square Reproducing Kernel and Partition of Unity.
ICAT Workshops 2006: 375-380 |
121 | EE | Lingling Jin,
Wei Wu,
Jun Yang,
Chuanjun Zhang,
Youtao Zhang:
Reduce Register Files Leakage Through Discharging Cells.
ICCD 2006 |
120 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Rebecca Braynard,
Jun Yang:
Energy-Efficient Continuous Isoline Queries in Sensor Networks.
ICDE 2006: 145 |
119 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Rebecca Braynard,
Carla Schlatter Ellis,
Kamesh Munagala,
Jun Yang:
A Sampling-Based Approach to Optimizing Top-k Queries in Sensor Networks.
ICDE 2006: 68 |
118 | EE | Haixun Wang,
Hao He,
Jun Yang,
Philip S. Yu,
Jeffrey Xu Yu:
Dual Labeling: Answering Graph Reachability Queries in Constant Time.
ICDE 2006: 75 |
117 | EE | Jun Yang,
Yue-Peng Li:
Orthogonal Relief Algorithm for Feature Selection.
ICIC (1) 2006: 227-234 |
116 | EE | Huaguang Zhang,
Jun Yang:
Delay-Dependent Stability of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Time Delays Based on Fuzzy Hyperbolic Model.
ICIC (2) 2006: 20-31 |
115 | EE | Xiaoyan Ma,
Jun Yang,
Zhaohui He,
Jiangmin Qin:
A Novel CFNN Model for Designing Complex FIR Digital Filters.
ICNC (1) 2006: 80-84 |
114 | EE | Paul G. Flikkema,
Pankaj K. Agarwal,
James S. Clark,
Carla Schlatter Ellis,
Alan Gelfand,
Kamesh Munagala,
Jun Yang:
Model-Driven Dynamic Control of Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 409-416 |
113 | EE | Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Exploring temporal consistency for video analysis and retrieval.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2006: 33-42 |
112 | EE | Lan Gao,
Jun Yang,
Marek Chrobak,
Youtao Zhang,
San Nguyen,
Hsien-Hsin S. Lee:
A low-cost memory remapping scheme for address bus protection.
PACT 2006: 74-83 |
111 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Rebecca Braynard,
Jun Yang:
Constraint chaining: on energy-efficient continuous monitoring in sensor networks.
SIGMOD Conference 2006: 157-168 |
110 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Kamesh Munagala,
Jun Yang:
Energy-efficient monitoring of extreme values in sensor networks.
SIGMOD Conference 2006: 169-180 |
109 | EE | Badrish Chandramouli,
Junyi Xie,
Jun Yang:
On the database/network interface in large-scale publish/subscribe systems.
SIGMOD Conference 2006: 587-598 |
108 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Junyi Xie,
Jun Yang,
Hai Yu:
Scalable Continuous Query Processing by Tracking Hotspots.
VLDB 2006: 31-42 |
107 | EE | Jun Yang,
Yi-Li Wang,
Lü-Sheng Si:
Predicting the Nuclear Localization Signals of 107 Types of HPV L1 Proteins by Bioinformatic Analysis.
Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 4(1): 34-41 (2006) |
106 | EE | Pu Liu,
Hang Li,
Lingling Jin,
Wei Wu,
Sheldon X.-D. Tan,
Jun Yang:
Fast Thermal Simulation for Runtime Temperature Tracking and Management.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(12): 2882-2893 (2006) |
105 | EE | Woon-Seng Gan,
Jun Yang,
K.-S. Tan,
Meng Hwa Er:
A digital beamsteerer for difference frequency in a parametric array.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(3): 1018-1025 (2006) |
104 | EE | Xijin Yan,
Jun Yang,
Zhen Zhang:
An outer bound for multisource multisink network coding with minimum cost consideration.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(6): 2373-2385 (2006) |
103 | EE | Yuan Wen,
Jun Yang,
Woon-Seng Gan:
Target-Oriented Acoustic Radiation Generation Technique for Sound Field Control.
IEICE Transactions 89-A(12): 3671-3677 (2006) |
102 | EE | Jun Yang,
Yasushi Hibino:
Analysis of Delay Characteristics in MPsLS Forwarding Scheme.
IEICE Transactions 89-B(6): 1738-1746 (2006) |
2005 |
101 | | Wenfei Fan,
Zhaohui Wu,
Jun Yang:
Advances in Web-Age Information Management, 6th International Conference, WAIM 2005, Hangzhou, China, October 11-13, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
100 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rong Yan,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Multiple instance learning for labeling faces in broadcasting news video.
ACM Multimedia 2005: 31-40 |
99 | EE | Qing Li,
Jun Yang,
Yueting Zhuang:
Multi-Modal Information Retrieval with a Semantic View Mechanism.
AINA 2005: 133-138 |
98 | EE | Hao He,
Haixun Wang,
Jun Yang,
Philip S. Yu:
Compact reachability labeling for graph-structured data.
CIKM 2005: 594-601 |
97 | EE | Dawei Ding,
Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Wenyin Liu,
Liping Wang:
What Can Expressive Semantics Tell: Retrieval Model for a Flash-Movie Search Engine.
CIVR 2005: 123-133 |
96 | EE | Yan Luo,
Jia Yu,
Jun Yang,
Laxmi N. Bhuyan:
Low power network processor design using clock gating.
DAC 2005: 712-715 |
95 | EE | Jia Yu,
Wei Wu,
Xi Chen,
Harry Hsieh,
Jun Yang,
Felice Balarin:
Assertion-Based Design Exploration of DVS in Network Processor Architectures.
DATE 2005: 92-97 |
94 | EE | Kamesh Munagala,
Jun Yang,
Hai Yu:
Online View Maintenance Under a Response-Time Constraint.
ESA 2005: 677-688 |
93 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Lan Gao,
Jun Yang,
Xiangyu Zhang,
Rajiv Gupta:
SENSS: Security Enhancement to Symmetric Shared Memory Multiprocessors.
HPCA 2005: 352-362 |
92 | EE | Jia Yu,
Jun Yang,
Shaojie Chen,
Yan Luo,
Laxmi N. Bhuyan:
Enhancing Network Processor Simulation Speed with Statistical Input Sampling.
HiPEAC 2005: 68-83 |
91 | | Pu Liu,
Zhenyu Qi,
Hang Li,
Lingling Jin,
Wei Wu,
Sheldon X.-D. Tan,
Jun Yang:
Fast thermal simulation for architecture level dynamic thermal management.
ICCAD 2005: 639-644 |
90 | EE | Hang Li,
Pu Liu,
Zhenyu Qi,
Lingling Jin,
Wei Wu,
Sheldon X.-D. Tan,
Jun Yang:
Efficient Thermal Simulation for Run-Time Temperature Tracking and Management.
ICCD 2005: 130-136 |
89 | EE | Dinesh C. Suresh,
Banit Agrawal,
Walid A. Najjar,
Jun Yang:
VALVE: Variable Length Value Encoder for Off-Chip Data Buses..
ICCD 2005: 631-633 |
88 | EE | Hao He,
Junyi Xie,
Jun Yang,
Hai Yu:
Asymmetric Batch Incremental View Maintenance.
ICDE 2005: 106-117 |
87 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Hao He,
Ke Yi,
Jun Yang:
BOXes: Efficient Maintenance of Order-Based Labeling for Dynamic XML Data.
ICDE 2005: 285-296 |
86 | EE | Lingling Jin,
Wei Wu,
Jun Yang,
Chuanjun Zhang,
Youtao Zhang:
Dynamic Co-allocation of Level One Caches.
ICESS 2005: 373-385 |
85 | EE | Yun Wu,
Jian Zhou,
Jun Yang:
Dependent-Chance Programming Model for Stochastic Network Bottleneck Capacity Expansion Based on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm.
ICNC (3) 2005: 120-128 |
84 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Junyi Xie,
Jun Yang,
Hai Yu:
Monitoring Continuous Band-Join Queries over Dynamic Data.
ISAAC 2005: 349-359 |
83 | EE | Yuan Wen,
Woon-Seng Gan,
Jun Yang:
Application of radiation mode in desired sound field generation using loudspeaker array.
ISCAS (4) 2005: 3139-3142 |
82 | EE | Dinesh C. Suresh,
Banit Agrawal,
Jun Yang,
Walid A. Najjar:
A tunable bus encoder for off-chip data buses.
ISLPED 2005: 319-322 |
81 | EE | Yongjing Lin,
Youtao Zhang,
Quanzhong Li,
Jun Yang:
Supporting efficient query processing on compressed XML files.
SAC 2005: 660-665 |
80 | EE | Dinesh C. Suresh,
Walid A. Najjar,
Jun Yang:
Power Efficient Instruction Caches for Embedded Systems.
SAMOS 2005: 182-191 |
79 | EE | Junyi Xie,
Jun Yang,
Yuguo Chen:
On Joining and Caching Stochastic Streams.
SIGMOD Conference 2005: 359-370 |
78 | EE | Chengnian Long,
Bin Zhao,
Xinping Guan,
Jun Yang:
The Yellow active queue management algorithm.
Computer Networks 47(4): 525-550 (2005) |
77 | EE | Jun Yang,
Lan Gao,
Youtao Zhang:
Improving Memory Encryption Performance in Secure Processors.
IEEE Trans. Computers 54(5): 630-640 (2005) |
76 | EE | Yuan Wen,
Jun Yang,
Woon-Seng Gan:
Strategies for an Acoustical-Hotspot Generation.
IEICE Transactions 88-A(7): 1739-1746 (2005) |
75 | EE | Yuan Wen,
Woon-Seng Gan,
Jun Yang:
A Fast Algorithm for the Sound Projection Using Multiple Sources.
IEICE Transactions 88-A(7): 1765-1766 (2005) |
74 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang:
Reducing I-cache energy of multimedia applications through low cost tag comparison elimination.
J. Embedded Computing 1(4): 461-470 (2005) |
73 | EE | Jun Yang,
Jia Yu,
Youtao Zhang:
A low energy cache design for multimedia applications exploiting set access locality.
Journal of Systems Architecture 51(10-11): 653-664 (2005) |
72 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Yongjing Lin,
Lan Gao:
Architectural support for protecting user privacy on trusted processors.
SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 33(1): 118-123 (2005) |
71 | EE | Kenneth A. Ross,
Rada Chirkova,
Dimitrios Gunopulos,
Rachel Pottinger,
Jun Yang,
Jingren Zhou:
Reminiscences on influential papers.
SIGMOD Record 34(1): 74-76 (2005) |
70 | EE | Yuan Wen,
Woon S. Gan,
Jun Yang:
Nonlinear least-square solution to flat-top pattern synthesis using arbitrary linear array.
Signal Processing 85(9): 1869-1874 (2005) |
69 | EE | Chuanjun Zhang,
Frank Vahid,
Jun Yang,
Walid A. Najjar:
A way-halting cache for low-energy high-performance systems.
TACO 2(1): 34-54 (2005) |
68 | EE | Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Liu Wenyin,
Yueting Zhuang:
Searching for Flash Movies on the Web: A Content and Context Based Framework.
World Wide Web 8(4): 495-517 (2005) |
2004 |
67 | EE | Rong Yan,
Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Learning query-class dependent weights in automatic video retrieval.
ACM Multimedia 2004: 548-555 |
66 | EE | Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Naming every individual in news video monologues.
ACM Multimedia 2004: 580-587 |
65 | EE | Jun Yang,
Ming-yu Chen,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Finding Person X: Correlating Names with Visual Appearances.
CIVR 2004: 270-278 |
64 | EE | Dawei Ding,
Qing Li,
Jun Yang:
Multimedia Data Integration and Navigation through MediaView: Implementation, Evolution and Utilization.
DASFAA 2004: 721-737 |
63 | EE | Chuanjun Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Frank Vahid:
Low Static-Power Frequent-Value Data Caches.
DATE 2004: 214-219 |
62 | EE | Hao He,
Jun Yang:
Multiresolution Indexing of XML for Frequent Queries.
ICDE 2004: 683-694 |
61 | EE | Adam Silberstein,
Jun Yang:
NEXSORT: Sorting XML in External Memory.
ICDE 2004: 695-707 |
60 | | Dawei Ding,
Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Liping Wang,
Wenyin Liu:
Automatic detection of Flash movie genre using Bayesian approach.
ICME 2004: 603-606 |
59 | EE | Jun Yang,
Fuzhi Lu,
Larry W. Kostiuk,
Daniel Y. Kwok:
Electrokinetic Power Generation via Streaming Potentials in Microchannels: A Mobile-Ion-Drain Method to Increase Streaming Potentials.
ICMENS 2004: 675-679 |
58 | EE | Junfei Geng,
Jun Yang:
AUTOBIB: Automatic Extraction of Bibliographic Information on the Web.
IDEAS 2004: 193-204 |
57 | EE | Chuanjun Zhang,
Frank Vahid,
Jun Yang,
Walid A. Najjar:
A way-halting cache for low-energy high-performance systems.
ISLPED 2004: 126-131 |
56 | EE | Jun Yang,
Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Video grammar for locating named people.
JCDL 2004: 216-217 |
55 | EE | Ke Yi,
Hao He,
Ioana Stanoi,
Jun Yang:
Incremental Maintenance of XML Structural Indexes.
SIGMOD Conference 2004: 491-502 |
54 | EE | Jun Yang,
Tianxiang Yao,
Rong Zhang:
Forecast and analysis of the soybean import in China.
SMC (3) 2004: 2415-2419 |
53 | EE | Dawei Ding,
Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Liping Wang,
Wenyin Liu:
Towards a flash search engine based on expressive semantics.
WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 472-473 |
52 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rajiv Gupta,
Chuanjun Zhang:
Frequent value encoding for low power data buses.
ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 9(3): 354-384 (2004) |
51 | EE | Yan Luo,
Jun Yang,
Laxmi N. Bhuyan,
Li Zhao:
NePSim: A Network Processor Simulator with a Power Evaluation Framework.
IEEE Micro 24(5): 34-44 (2004) |
50 | EE | Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Yueting Zhuang:
Towards Data-Adaptive and User-Adaptive Image Retrieval by Peer Indexing.
International Journal of Computer Vision 56(1-2): 47-63 (2004) |
2003 |
49 | EE | Jun Yang,
Jiandong Li:
A Novel Multiple Access Protocol for Wireless Internet Access Network with Smart Antennas.
AINA 2003: 343-348 |
48 | EE | Dinesh C. Suresh,
Banit Agrawal,
Jun Yang,
Walid A. Najjar,
Laxmi N. Bhuyan:
Power efficient encoding techniques for off-chip data buses.
CASES 2003: 267-275 |
47 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jun Yang,
Ke Yi:
I/O-Efficient Structures for Orthogonal Range-Max and Stabbing-Max Queries.
ESA 2003: 7-18 |
46 | EE | Dinesh C. Suresh,
Jun Yang,
Chuanjun Zhang,
Banit Agrawal,
Walid A. Najjar:
FV-MSB: A Scheme for Reducing Transition Activity on Data Buses.
HiPC 2003: 44-54 |
45 | EE | Ke Yi,
Hai Yu,
Jun Yang,
Gangqiang Xia,
Yuguo Chen:
Efficient Maintenance of Materialized Top-k Views.
ICDE 2003: 189-200 |
44 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang:
Procedural Level Address Offset Assignment of DSP Applications with Loops.
ICPP 2003: 21-28 |
43 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang:
Low cost instruction cache designs for tag comparison elimination.
ISLPED 2003: 266-269 |
42 | EE | Jun Yang,
Youtao Zhang:
Lightweight set buffer: low power data cache for multimedia application.
ISLPED 2003: 270-273 |
41 | EE | Jun Yang,
Youtao Zhang,
Lan Gao:
Fast Secure Processor for Inhibiting Software Piracy and Tampering.
MICRO 2003: 351-360 |
40 | | Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Yueting Zhuang:
Modeling Data and User Characteristics by Peer Indexing in Content-based Image Retrieval.
MMM 2003: 49-69 |
39 | EE | Xiao Huang,
Qiang Xue,
Jun Yang:
TupleRank and Implicit Relationship Discovery in Relational Databases.
WAIM 2003: 445-457 |
38 | EE | Jian Zhai,
Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Liu Wenyin,
Bo Feng:
Rich Media Retrieval on the Web - a Multi-level Indexing Approach.
WWW (Posters) 2003 |
37 | EE | Chuanjun Zhang,
Frank Vahid,
Jun Yang,
Walid A. Najjar:
A Way-Halting Cache for Low-Energy High-Performance Systems.
Computer Architecture Letters 2: (2003) |
36 | EE | Zhiyuan Chen,
Li Chen,
Jian Pei,
Yufei Tao,
Haixun Wang,
Wei Wang,
Jiong Yang,
Jun Yang,
Donghui Zhang:
Recent Progress on Selected Topics in Database Research - A Report by Nine Young Chinese Researchers Working in the United States.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 18(5): 538-552 (2003) |
35 | | Shi-Yi Shen,
Jun Yang,
Adam Yao,
Pei-Ing Hwang:
Super Pairwise Alignment (SPA): An Efficient Approach to Global Alignment for Homologous Sequences.
Journal of Computational Biology 9(3): 477-486 (2003) |
34 | EE | Jun Yang,
Fa-Long Luo,
Arye Nehorai:
Spectral contrast enhancement: Algorithms and comparisons.
Speech Communication 39(1-2): 33-46 (2003) |
33 | EE | Jun Yang,
Jennifer Widom:
Incremental computation and maintenance of temporal aggregates.
VLDB J. 12(3): 262-283 (2003) |
2002 |
32 | | Yueting Zhuang,
Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Yunhe Pan:
A graphic-theoretic model for incremental relevance feedback in image retrieval.
ICIP (1) 2002: 413-416 |
31 | EE | Qing Li,
Jun Yang,
Yueting Zhuang:
MediaView: A Semantic View Mechanism for Multimedia Modeling.
IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002: 729-736 |
30 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rajiv Gupta:
Energy efficient frequent value data cache design.
MICRO 2002: 197-207 |
29 | EE | Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Liu Wenyin,
Yueting Zhuang:
Search for FlashTM Movies on the Web.
WISE Workshops 2002: 257-266 |
28 | EE | Jun Yang,
Qing Li,
Yueting Zhuang:
OCTOPUS: aggressive search of multi-modality data using multifaceted knowledge base.
WWW 2002: 54-64 |
27 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rajiv Gupta:
Frequent value locality and its applications.
ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 1(1): 79-105 (2002) |
2001 |
26 | EE | Jun Yang,
Jennifer Widom:
Incremental Computation and Maintenance of Temporal Aggregates.
ICDE 2001: 51-60 |
25 | EE | Jun Yang,
Wenyin Liu,
HongJiang Zhang,
Yueting Zhuang:
Thesaurus-Aided Approach For Image Browsing And Retrieval.
ICME 2001 |
24 | EE | Jun Yang,
Yueting Zhuang,
Qing Li:
Search for Multi-modality Data in Digital Libraries.
IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2001: 482-489 |
23 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rajiv Gupta:
Energy-efficient load and store reuse.
ISLPED 2001: 72-75 |
22 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rajiv Gupta:
FV encoding for low-power data I/O.
ISLPED 2001: 84-87 |
21 | | Jun Yang,
Yueting Zhuang,
Qing Li:
Multi-Modal Retrieval for Multimedia Digital Libraries: Issues, Architecture, and Mechanisms.
Multimedia Information Systems 2001: 81-88 |
20 | | Fa-Long Luo,
Jun Yang,
Chaslav Pavlovic,
Arye Nehorai:
A noise reduction algorithm for dual microphone systems.
SIP 2001: 199-202 |
19 | EE | Qing Li,
Jun Yang,
Yueting Zhuang:
Web-Based Multimedia Retrieval: Balancing Out between Common Knowledge and Personalized Views.
WISE (1) 2001: 92-101 |
2000 |
18 | EE | Youtao Zhang,
Jun Yang,
Rajiv Gupta:
Frequent Value Locality and Value-Centric Data Cache Design.
ASPLOS 2000: 150-159 |
17 | EE | Jun Yang,
Jennifer Widom:
Temporal View Self-Maintenance.
EDBT 2000: 395-412 |
16 | EE | Jun Yang,
Rajiv Gupta:
Load Redundancy Removal through Instruction Reuse.
ICPP 2000: 61-68 |
15 | EE | Jun Yang,
Youtao Zhang,
Rajiv Gupta:
Frequent value compression in data caches.
MICRO 2000: 258-265 |
14 | EE | Jun Yang,
Huacheng C. Ying,
Jennifer Widom:
TIP: A Temporal Extension to Informix.
SIGMOD Conference 2000: 596 |
13 | EE | Wilburt Labio,
Jun Yang,
Yingwei Cui,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jennifer Widom:
Performance Issues in Incremental Warehouse Maintenance.
VLDB 2000: 461-472 |
12 | | Xue Dong Yang,
Zhan Xu,
Jun Yang,
Tao Wang:
The Cluster Hair Model.
Graphical Models 62(2): 85-103 (2000) |
1999 |
11 | | Jun Yang:
Explaining Type Errors by Finding the Source of a Type Conflict.
Scottish Functional Programming Workshop 1999: 59-67 |
1998 |
10 | | Jun Yang,
Dili Zhang,
Noboru Ohnishi,
Noboru Sugie:
Polyhedral Shape Recovery Based on Interreflections.
ACCV (1) 1998: 232-239 |
9 | EE | Jun Yang,
Jennifer Widom:
Maintaining Temporal Views over Non-Temporal Information Sources for Data Warehousing.
EDBT 1998: 389-403 |
8 | EE | Hector Garcia-Molina,
Wilburt Labio,
Jun Yang:
Expiring Data in a Warehouse.
VLDB 1998: 500-511 |
1997 |
7 | EE | Jun Yang,
Dili Zhang,
Noboru Ohnishi,
Noboru Sugie:
Determining a Polyhedral Shape Using Interreflections.
CVPR 1997: 110-115 |
6 | EE | Laura M. Haas,
Donald Kossmann,
Edward L. Wimmers,
Jun Yang:
Optimizing Queries Across Diverse Data Sources.
VLDB 1997: 276-285 |
1996 |
5 | EE | Steve G. Steinberg,
Jun Yang,
Katherine A. Yelick:
Performance Modeling and Composition: A Case Study in Cell Simulation.
IPPS 1996: 68-74 |
4 | EE | Clifford A. Shaffer,
Lenwood S. Heath,
Jun Yang:
Using the Swan data structure visualization system for computer science education.
SIGCSE 1996: 140-144 |
3 | EE | Laura M. Haas,
Donald Kossmann,
Edward L. Wimmers,
Jun Yang:
An Optimizer for Heterogeneous Systems with NonStandard Data and Search Capabilities.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 19(4): 37-44 (1996) |
1995 |
2 | | Jun Yang,
Clifford A. Shaffer,
Lenwood S. Heath:
SWAN: A Data Structure Visualization System.
Graph Drawing 1995: 520-523 |
1 | EE | Jun Yang,
Xiaobo Li:
Boundary detection using mathematical morphology.
Pattern Recognition Letters 16(12): 1277-1286 (1995) |