
Hao Zhou

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19EEAmaresh V. Malipatil, Hao Zhou, Yih-Fang Huang: CFO estimation in OFDM systems and effects of nonlinear power amplifiers. CISS 2008: 111-116
18EEXianwen Ke, Hao Zhou, Nan Jin, Xiaoxia Wan, Jianjun Zhao: Establishment of Containers Management System Based on RFID Technology. CSSE (6) 2008: 329-331
17EEJingwen Tian, Meijuan Gao, Hao Zhou: Multi-channel Seismic Data Synchronizing Acquisition System Based on Wireless Sensor Network. ICNSC 2008: 1269-1272
16EEChuanhe Huang, Yong Cheng, Yuan Li, Wenming Shi, Hao Zhou: An Interference-aware and Power Efficient Topology Control Algorithm for Wireless Multi-hop Networks. PerCom 2008: 330-335
15EEHao Zhou, Amaresh V. Malipatil, Yih-Fang Huang: OFDM Carrier Synchronization Based on Time-Domain Channel Estimates. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(8): 2988-2999 (2008)
14EEHong Cao, Lidan Chen, Jun Yang, Shuji Gong, Hao Zhou, Sheng-He Huang: CglE's Role in Meningitic E. coli K1 Infection and Energy Metabolism Defined by Bioinformatic and Molecular Characterization. FBIT 2007: 251-255
13EEHua Zhong, Shuji Gong, Wei Zhao, Lidan Chen, Hao Zhou, Liang Peng, Hong Cao: Bioinformatics Analysis of the Envelope Glycoprotein and Construction of Infectious RNA Transcripts of Dengue Virus. FBIT 2007: 256-260
12 Jingwen Tian, Meijuan Gao, Hao Zhou: Research on Modeling Method of Water Displacing Oil Physical Simulation Based on Chaos Genetic Algorithm Neural Network. IMECS 2007: 1567-1572
11 Jingwen Tian, Meijuan Gao, Hao Zhou, Kai Li: Fault Diagnosis of Oil Pump Based on Wavelet Neural Network. IMECS 2007: 1579-1584
10 Meijuan Gao, Jingwen Tian, Kai Li, Hao Zhou: The Detection System of Oil Tube Defect Based on Multisensor Data Fusion by Improved Simulated Annealing Neural Network. IMECS 2007: 1597-1602
9EEHao Zhou, Sudhir P. Mudur: 3D scan-based animation techniques for Chinese opera facial expression documentation. Computers & Graphics 31(6): 788-799 (2007)
8EEHao Zhou, Amaresh V. Malipatil, Yih-Fang Huang: Synchronization Issues in OFDM Systems. APCCAS 2006: 988-991
7EEHao Zhou, Sudhir P. Mudur: On the Use of 3D Scanner for Chinese Opera Documentation. VSMM 2006: 377-386
6EEHao Zhou, Yih-Fang Huang: Fine timing synchronization using power delay profile for OFDM systems. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2623-2626
5EEHao Zhou, Bin Wang, LiMing Zhang: A New Scheme for Blind Decomposition of Mixed Pixels Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization. ISNN (2) 2005: 651-658
4EEHao Zhou, Bin Wang, LiMing Zhang: A New Scheme for Detection and Classification of Subpixel Spectral Signatures in Multispectral Data. ISNN (2) 2004: 331-336
3 Lejun Shao, Hao Zhou: Curve Fitting with Bézier Cubics. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(3): 223-232 (1996)
2EELejun Shao, Hao Zhou: A new contour fill algorithm for outlined character image generation. Computers & Graphics 19(4): 551-556 (1995)
1EEHao Zhou, Lejun Shao: A Fast Corner Detection Algorithm Based on Area Deviation. MVA 1994: 263-266

Coauthor Index

1Hong Cao [13] [14]
2Lidan Chen [13] [14]
3Yong Cheng [16]
4Meijuan Gao [10] [11] [12] [17]
5Shuji Gong [13] [14]
6Chuanhe Huang [16]
7Sheng-He Huang [14]
8Yih-Fang Huang [6] [8] [15] [19]
9Nan Jin [18]
10Xianwen Ke [18]
11Kai Li [10] [11]
12Yuan Li [16]
13Amaresh V. Malipatil [8] [15] [19]
14Sudhir P. Mudur [7] [9]
15Liang Peng [13]
16Lejun Shao [1] [2] [3]
17Wenming Shi [16]
18Jingwen Tian [10] [11] [12] [17]
19Xiaoxia Wan [18]
20Bin Wang [4] [5]
21Jun Yang [14]
22LiMing Zhang [4] [5]
23Jianjun Zhao [18]
24Wei Zhao [13]
25Hua Zhong [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)