2009 |
87 | EE | Lars Arge,
Mark de Berg,
Herman J. Haverkort:
Cache-Oblivious R-Trees.
Algorithmica 53(1): 50-68 (2009) |
86 | EE | Lars Arge,
Christian Cachin,
Andrzej Tarlecki:
Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(18): 1617 (2009) |
2008 |
85 | EE | Lars Arge,
Thomas Mølhave,
Norbert Zeh:
Cache-Oblivious Red-Blue Line Segment Intersection.
ESA 2008: 88-99 |
84 | EE | Lars Arge,
Michael T. Goodrich,
Michael Nelson,
Nodari Sitchinava:
Fundamental parallel algorithms for private-cache chip multiprocessors.
SPAA 2008: 197-206 |
83 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Thomas Mølhave,
Bardia Sadri:
I/o-efficient efficient algorithms for computing contours on a terrain.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008: 129-138 |
82 | EE | Lars Arge,
Gerth Stølting Brodal,
S. Srinivasa Rao:
External memory planar point location with logarithmic updates.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008: 139-147 |
81 | EE | Lars Arge,
Mark de Berg,
Herman J. Haverkort,
Ke Yi:
The priority R-tree: A practically efficient and worst-case optimal R-tree.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(1): (2008) |
2007 |
80 | | Lars Arge,
Christian Cachin,
Tomasz Jurdzinski,
Andrzej Tarlecki:
Automata, Languages and Programming, 34th International Colloquium, ICALP 2007, Wroclaw, Poland, July 9-13, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
79 | | Lars Arge,
Michael Hoffmann,
Emo Welzl:
Algorithms - ESA 2007, 15th Annual European Symposium, Eilat, Israel, October 8-10, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
78 | EE | Andrew Danner,
Thomas Mølhave,
Ke Yi,
Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Helena Mitásová:
TerraStream: from elevation data to watershed hierarchies.
GIS 2007: 28 |
77 | EE | Michael Westergaard,
Lars Michael Kristensen,
Gerth Stølting Brodal,
Lars Arge:
The ComBack Method - Extending Hash Compaction with Backtracking.
ICATPN 2007: 445-464 |
76 | EE | Lars Arge,
Giuseppe F. Italiano:
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 12: (2007) |
75 | EE | Lars Arge,
Darren Erik Vengroff,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
External-Memory Algorithms for Processing Line Segments in Geographic Information Systems.
Algorithmica 47(1): 1-25 (2007) |
74 | EE | Lars Arge,
Michael A. Bender,
Erik D. Demaine,
Bryan Holland-Minkley,
J. Ian Munro:
An Optimal Cache-Oblivious Priority Queue and Its Application to Graph Algorithms.
SIAM J. Comput. 36(6): 1672-1695 (2007) |
2006 |
73 | | Lars Arge,
Robert Sedgewick,
Dorothea Wagner:
Data Structures, 26.02. - 03.03.2006
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
72 | | Lars Arge,
Rusins Freivalds:
Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2006, 10th ScandinavianWorkshop on Algorithm Theory, Riga, Latvia, July 6-8, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
71 | EE | Lars Arge,
Robert Sedgewick,
Dorothea Wagner:
06091 Abstracts Collection -- Data Structures.
Data Structures 2006 |
70 | EE | Lars Arge,
Robert Sedgewick,
Dorothea Wagner:
06091 Executive Summary -- Data Structures.
Data Structures 2006 |
69 | EE | Lars Arge,
Gerth Stølting Brodal,
Loukas Georgiadis:
Improved Dynamic Planar Point Location.
FOCS 2006: 305-314 |
68 | EE | Lars Arge,
Norbert Zeh:
Simple and semi-dynamic structures for cache-oblivious planar orthogonal range searching.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 158-166 |
67 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Ke Yi:
I/O-efficient batched union-find and its applications to terrain analysis.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 167-176 |
2005 |
66 | | Lars Arge,
Michael A. Bender,
Erik D. Demaine,
Charles E. Leiserson,
Kurt Mehlhorn:
Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms, 18.07. - 23.07.2004
IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005 |
65 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Ke Yi:
I/O-Efficient Construction of Constrained Delaunay Triangulations.
ESA 2005: 355-366 |
64 | EE | Lars Arge,
Laura Toma:
External Data Structures for Shortest Path Queries on Planar Digraphs.
ISAAC 2005: 328-338 |
63 | EE | Lars Arge,
David Eppstein,
Michael T. Goodrich:
Skip-webs: efficient distributed data structures for multi-dimensional data sets.
PODC 2005: 69-76 |
62 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Ke Yi:
An optimal dynamic interval stabbing-max data structure?
SODA 2005: 803-812 |
61 | EE | Lars Arge,
Gerth Stølting Brodal,
Rolf Fagerberg,
Morten Laustsen:
Cache-oblivious planar orthogonal range searching and counting.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 160-169 |
60 | EE | Lars Arge,
Mark de Berg,
Herman J. Haverkort:
Cache-oblivious r-trees.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 170-179 |
59 | EE | Lars Arge,
David Eppstein,
Michael T. Goodrich:
Skip-Webs: Efficient Distributed Data Structures for Multi-Dimensional Data Sets
CoRR abs/cs/0507050: (2005) |
2004 |
58 | | Lars Arge,
Giuseppe F. Italiano,
Robert Sedgewick:
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments and the First Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 10, 2004
SIAM 2004 |
57 | EE | Lars Arge:
External Geometric Data Structures.
COCOON 2004: 1 |
56 | EE | Lars Arge,
Michael A. Bender,
Erik D. Demaine,
Charles E. Leiserson,
Kurt Mehlhorn:
04301 Abstracts Collection - Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms.
Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms 2004 |
55 | EE | Lars Arge,
Mark de Berg,
Herman J. Haverkort,
Ke Yi:
The Priority R-Tree: A Practically Efficient and Worst-Case-Optimal R-Tree.
Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms 2004 |
54 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jeff Erickson,
Hai Yu:
Efficient Tradeoff Schemes in Data Structures for Querying Moving Objects.
ESA 2004: 4-15 |
53 | EE | Lars Arge,
Vasilis Samoladas,
Ke Yi:
Optimal External Memory Planar Point Enclosure.
ESA 2004: 40-52 |
52 | EE | Lars Arge,
Ulrich Meyer,
Laura Toma:
External Memory Algorithms for Diameter and All-Pairs Shortest-Paths on Sparse Graphs.
ICALP 2004: 146-157 |
51 | EE | Lars Arge,
Mark de Berg,
Herman J. Haverkort,
Ke Yi:
The Priority R-Tree: A Practically Efficient and Worst-Case Optimal R-Tree.
SIGMOD Conference 2004: 347-358 |
50 | EE | Lars Arge,
Laura Toma:
Simplified External Memory Algorithms for Planar DAGs.
SWAT 2004: 493-503 |
49 | EE | Lars Arge,
Jan Vahrenhold:
I/O-efficient dynamic planar point location.
Comput. Geom. 29(2): 147-162 (2004) |
48 | EE | Lars Arge,
Gerth Stølting Brodal,
Laura Toma:
On external-memory MST, SSSP and multi-way planar graph separation.
J. Algorithms 53(2): 186-206 (2004) |
2003 |
47 | | Lars Arge,
Andrew Danner,
Sha-Mayn Teh:
I/O-efficient Point Location Using Persistent B-Trees.
ALENEX 2003: 82-92 |
46 | | Lars Arge:
Implementing External Memory Algorithms and Data Structures (Abstract of Invited talk).
ALENEX 2003 |
45 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jun Yang,
Ke Yi:
I/O-Efficient Structures for Orthogonal Range-Max and Stabbing-Max Queries.
ESA 2003: 7-18 |
44 | EE | Lars Arge,
Norbert Zeh:
I/O-Efficient Strong Connectivity and Depth-First Search for Directed Planar Graphs.
FOCS 2003: 261-270 |
43 | EE | Sathish Govindarajan,
Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge:
CRB-Tree: An Efficient Indexing Scheme for Range-Aggregate Queries.
ICDT 2003: 143-157 |
42 | EE | Lars Arge,
Laura Toma,
Norbert Zeh:
I/O-efficient topological sorting of planar DAGs.
SPAA 2003: 85-93 |
41 | EE | Octavian Procopiuc,
Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Bkd-Tree: A Dznamic Scalable kd-Tree.
SSTD 2003: 46-65 |
40 | EE | Lars Arge,
Andrew Chatham:
Efficient Object-Realtional Interval Management and Beyond.
SSTD 2003: 66-82 |
39 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Andrew Danner,
Bryan Holland-Minkley:
Cache-oblivious data structures for orthogonal range searching.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2003: 237-245 |
38 | EE | Lars Arge,
Andrew Danner,
Sha-Mayn Teh:
I/O-efficient point location using persistent B-trees.
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 8: (2003) |
37 | EE | Lars Arge:
The Buffer Tree: A Technique for Designing Batched External Data Structures.
Algorithmica 37(1): 1-24 (2003) |
36 | | Lars Arge,
Jeffrey S. Chase,
Patrick N. Halpin,
Laura Toma,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter,
Dean Urban,
Rajiv Wickremesinghe:
Efficient Flow Computation on Massive Grid Terrain Datasets.
GeoInformatica 7(4): 283-313 (2003) |
35 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jeff Erickson:
Indexing Moving Points.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 66(1): 207-243 (2003) |
34 | EE | Lars Arge,
Ulrich Meyer,
Laura Toma,
Norbert Zeh:
On External-Memory Planar Depth First Search.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 7(2): 105-129 (2003) |
33 | EE | Lars Arge,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Optimal External Memory Interval Management.
SIAM J. Comput. 32(6): 1488-1508 (2003) |
2002 |
32 | EE | Lars Arge,
Octavian Procopiuc,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Implementing I/O-efficient Data Structures Using TPIE.
ESA 2002: 88-100 |
31 | EE | Lars Arge,
Michael A. Bender,
Erik D. Demaine,
Bryan Holland-Minkley,
J. Ian Munro:
Cache-oblivious priority queue and graph algorithm applications.
STOC 2002: 268-276 |
30 | EE | Rajiv Wickremesinghe,
Lars Arge,
Jeffrey S. Chase,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Efficient Sorting Using Registers and Caches.
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 7: 9 (2002) |
29 | EE | Lars Arge,
Klaus Hinrichs,
Jan Vahrenhold,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Efficient Bulk Operations on Dynamic R-Trees.
Algorithmica 33(1): 104-128 (2002) |
2001 |
28 | | Laura Toma,
Rajiv Wickremesinghe,
Lars Arge,
Jeffrey S. Chase,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter,
Patrick N. Halpin,
Dean Urban:
Flow Computation on Massive Grids.
ACM-GIS 2001: 82-87 |
27 | EE | Lars Arge:
External Memory Data Structures.
ESA 2001: 1-29 |
26 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Octavian Procopiuc,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
A Framework for Index Bulk Loading and Dynamization.
ICALP 2001: 115-127 |
25 | EE | Lars Arge,
Ulrich Meyer,
Laura Toma,
Norbert Zeh:
On External-Memory Planar Depth First Search.
WADS 2001: 471-482 |
24 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jan Vahrenhold:
Time Responsive External Data Structures for Moving Points.
WADS 2001: 50-61 |
23 | | Lars Arge,
Laura Toma,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Problems on Grid-Based Terrains.
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 6: 1 (2001) |
2000 |
22 | EE | Lars Arge,
Jeffrey S. Chase,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter,
Rajiv Wickremesinghe:
Efficient Sorting Using Registers and Caches.
Algorithm Engineering 2000: 51-62 |
21 | EE | Lars Arge,
Octavian Procopiuc,
Sridhar Ramaswamy,
Torsten Suel,
Jan Vahrenhold,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
A Unified Approach for Indexed and Non-Indexed Spatial Joins.
EDBT 2000: 413-429 |
20 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jeff Erickson:
Indexing Moving Points.
PODS 2000: 175-186 |
19 | EE | Lars Arge,
Gerth Stølting Brodal,
Laura Toma:
On External-Memory MST, SSSP, and Multi-way Planar Graph Separation.
SWAT 2000: 433-447 |
18 | EE | Lars Arge,
Jakob Pagter:
I/O-Space Trade-Offs.
SWAT 2000: 448-461 |
17 | EE | Lars Arge,
Jan Vahrenhold:
I/O-efficient dynamic planar point location (extended abstract).
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2000: 191-200 |
16 | | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jeff Erickson,
Paolo Giulio Franciosa,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Efficient Searching with Linear Constraints.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 61(2): 194-216 (2000) |
1999 |
15 | EE | Lars Arge,
Klaus Hinrichs,
Jan Vahrenhold,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Efficient Bulk Operations on Dynamic R-trees.
ALENEX 1999: 328-348 |
14 | EE | Lars Arge,
Vasilis Samoladas,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
On Two-Dimensional Indexability and Optimal Range Search Indexing.
PODS 1999: 346-357 |
13 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Gerth Stølting Brodal,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
I/O-Efficient Dynamic Point Location in Monotone Planar Subdivisions.
SODA 1999: 11-20 |
1998 |
12 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
Jeff Erickson,
Paolo Giulio Franciosa,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Efficient Searching with Linear Constraints.
PODS 1998: 169-178 |
11 | | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Lars Arge,
T. M. Murali,
Kasturi R. Varadarajan,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Contour-line Extraction and Planar Graph Blocking (Extended Abstract).
SODA 1998: 117-126 |
10 | | Lars Arge,
Octavian Procopiuc,
Sridhar Ramaswamy,
Torsten Suel,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Theory and Practice of I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Multidimensional Batched Searching Problems (Extended Abstract).
SODA 1998: 685-694 |
9 | EE | Lars Arge,
Octavian Procopiuc,
Sridhar Ramaswamy,
Torsten Suel,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Scalable Sweeping-Based Spatial Join.
VLDB 1998: 570-581 |
1997 |
8 | EE | Lars Arge,
Paolo Ferragina,
Roberto Grossi,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
On Sorting Strings in External Memory (Extended Abstract).
STOC 1997: 540-548 |
1996 |
7 | | Lars Arge:
External-Memory Algorithms with Applications in GIS.
Algorithmic Foundations of Geographic Information Systems 1996: 213-254 |
6 | | Lars Arge,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Optimal Dynamic Interval Management in External Memory (extended abstract).
FOCS 1996: 560-569 |
5 | | Lars Arge:
Efficient External-Memory Data Structures and Applications.
University of Aarhus 1996 |
1995 |
4 | | Lars Arge,
Darren Erik Vengroff,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
External-Memory Algorithms for Processing Line Segments in Geographic Information Systems (Extended Abstract).
ESA 1995: 295-310 |
3 | | Lars Arge:
The I/O - Complexity of Ordered Binary - Decision Diagram Manipulation.
ISAAC 1995: 82-91 |
2 | | Lars Arge:
The Buffer Tree: A New Technique for Optimal I/O-Algorithms (Extended Abstract).
WADS 1995: 334-345 |
1993 |
1 | | Lars Arge,
Mikael Knudsen,
Kirsten Larsen:
A General Lower Bound on the I/O-Complexity of Comparison-based Algorithms.
WADS 1993: 83-94 |