
Meng Hwa Er

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15EEZhu Liang Yu, Wee Ser, Meng Hwa Er, Huawei Chen: Robust Adaptive Beamformer with LMI Constraints on Magnitude Response. ICC 2008: 815-819
14EEZhu Liang Yu, Wee Ser, Meng Hwa Er: Novel Adaptive Antenna Array Based on Robust Semidefinite Programming. ICC 2008: 825-829
13EEZhu Liang Yu, Wee Ser, Meng Hwa Er: Robust adaptive beamformers with linear matrix inequality constraints. ISCAS 2008: 3214-3217
12EEZhu Liang Yu, Meng Hwa Er, Wee Ser, Zhenghui Gu: Spectral factorization for integer-interval sampled sequence and its applications in array processing. Signal Processing 88(7): 1715-1724 (2008)
11EEZhu Liang Yu, Wee Ser, Meng Hwa Er, Zhenghui Gu: Robust response control for adaptive beamformers against arbitrary array imperfections. Signal Processing 88(9): 2234-2245 (2008)
10EEChai Kiat Yeo, Bu-Sung Lee, Meng Hwa Er: Hybrid Protocol for Application Level Multicast for Live Video Streaming. ICC 2007: 1685-1691
9EEWoon-Seng Gan, Jun Yang, K.-S. Tan, Meng Hwa Er: A digital beamsteerer for difference frequency in a parametric array. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(3): 1018-1025 (2006)
8EEZhu Liang Yu, Meng Hwa Er: A robust minimum variance beamformer with new constraint on uncertainty of steering vector. Signal Processing 86(9): 2243-2254 (2006)
7EEZhu Liang Yu, Meng Hwa Er: Robust Subspace Analysis and Its Application in Microphone Array for Speech Enhancement. IEICE Transactions 88-A(7): 1708-1715 (2005)
6EEZhu Liang Yu, Meng Hwa Er: An extended generalized sidelobe canceller in time and frequency domain. ISCAS (3) 2004: 629-632
5EEZhu Liang Yu, Qiyue Zou, Meng Hwa Er: A robust wideband array beamformer using fan filter. ISCAS (4) 2003: 101-104
4EEZhu Liang Yu, Meng Hwa Er: Robust beamformer design by power minimization and its unconstrained partitioned implementation. ISCAS (4) 2003: 29-32
3EEChai Kiat Yeo, Bu-Sung Lee, Meng Hwa Er: A framework for multicast video streaming over IP networks. J. Network and Computer Applications 26(3): 273-289 (2003)
2EEChai Kiat Yeo, Bu-Sung Lee, Meng Hwa Er: An Overlay for Ubiquitous Streaming over Internet. NETWORKING 2002: 1239-1244
1EEChai Kiat Yeo, Bu-Sung Lee, Meng Hwa Er: A peering architecture for ubiquitous IP multicast streaming. Operating Systems Review 36(3): 82-95 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Huawei Chen [15]
2Woon-Seng Gan (Woon S. Gan) [9]
3Zhenghui Gu [11] [12]
4Bu-Sung Lee (Francis Bu-Sung Lee) [1] [2] [3] [10]
5Wee Ser [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
6K.-S. Tan [9]
7Jun Yang [9]
8Chai Kiat Yeo [1] [2] [3] [10]
9Zhu Liang Yu [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
10Qiyue Zou [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)