
Lexing Xie

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20EEApostol Natsev, John R. Smith, Jelena Tesic, Lexing Xie, Rong Yan: IBM multimedia analysis and retrieval system. CIVR 2008: 553-554
19EEJunfeng He, Shih-Fu Chang, Lexing Xie: Fast kernel learning for spatial pyramid matching. CVPR 2008
18EELexing Xie, Rong Yan, Jun Yang: Multi-concept learning with large-scale multimedia lexicons. ICIP 2008: 2148-2151
17EEAmit Zunjarwad, Hari Sundaram, Lexing Xie: Contextual wisdom: social relations and correlations for multimedia event annotation. ACM Multimedia 2007: 615-624
16EEApostol Natsev, Alexander Haubold, Jelena Tesic, Lexing Xie, Rong Yan: Semantic concept-based query expansion and re-ranking for multimedia retrieval. ACM Multimedia 2007: 991-1000
15EEApostol Natsev, Jelena Tesic, Lexing Xie, Rong Yan, John R. Smith: IBM multimedia search and retrieval system. CIVR 2007: 645
14EELexing Xie, Apostol Natsev, Jelena Tesic: Dynamic Multimodal Fusion in Video Search. ICME 2007: 1499-1502
13EEJelena Tesic, Apostol Natsev, Lexing Xie, John R. Smith: Data Modeling Strategies for Imbalanced Learning in Visual Search. ICME 2007: 1990-1993
12EEBageshree Shevade, Hari Sundaram, Lexing Xie: Exploiting Personal And Social Network Context For Event Annotation. ICME 2007: 835-838
11EEBageshree Shevade, Hari Sundaram, Lexing Xie: Modeling personal and social network context for event annotation in images. JCDL 2007: 127-134
10EEShahram Ebadollahi, Lexing Xie, Andres Abreu, Mark Podlaseck, Shih-Fu Chang, John R. Smith: Exploring the Dynamics of Visual Events in the Multi-dimensional Semantic Concept Space. CIVR 2006: 503-505
9EELexing Xie, Shih-Fu Chang: Pattern Mining in Visual Concept Streams. ICME 2006: 297-300
8EEShahram Ebadollahi, Lexing Xie, Shih-Fu Chang, John R. Smith: Visual Event Detection using Multi-Dimensional Concept Dynamics. ICME 2006: 881-884
7EETian-Tsong Ng, Shih-Fu Chang, Jessie Hsu, Lexing Xie, Mao-Pei Tsui: Physics-motivated features for distinguishing photographic images and computer graphics. ACM Multimedia 2005: 239-248
6EEAjay Divakaran, Kadir A. Peker, Shih-Fu Chang, Regunathan Radhakrishnan, Lexing Xie: Video mining: pattern discovery versus pattern recognition. ICIP 2004: 2379-2382
5EELexing Xie, Lyndon S. Kennedy, Shih-Fu Chang, Ajay Divakaran, Huifang Sun, Ching-Yung Lin: Discovering meaningful multimedia patterns with audio-visual concepts and associated text. ICIP 2004: 2383-2386
4EELexing Xie, Peng Xu, Shih-Fu Chang, Ajay Divakaran, Huifang Sun: Structure analysis of soccer video with domain knowledge and hidden Markov models. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(7): 767-775 (2004)
3 Lexing Xie, Shih-Fu Chang, Ajay Divakaran, Huifang Sun: Feature selection for unsupervised discovery of statistical temporal structures in video. ICIP (1) 2003: 29-32
2EEHari Sundaram, Lexing Xie, Shih-Fu Chang: A utility framework for the automatic generation of audio-visual skims. ACM Multimedia 2002: 189-198
1EEPeng Xu, Lexing Xie, Shih-Fu Chang, Ajay Divakaran, Anthony Vetro, Huifang Sun: Algorithms And System For Segmentation And Structure Analysis In Soccer Video. ICME 2001

Coauthor Index

1Andres Abreu [10]
2Shih-Fu Chang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [19]
3Ajay Divakaran [1] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Shahram Ebadollahi [8] [10]
5Alexander Haubold [16]
6Junfeng He [19]
7Jessie Hsu [7]
8Lyndon S. Kennedy [5]
9Ching-Yung Lin [5]
10Apostol Natsev [13] [14] [15] [16] [20]
11Tian-Tsong Ng [7]
12Kadir A. Peker [6]
13Mark Podlaseck [10]
14Regunathan Radhakrishnan [6]
15Bageshree Shevade [11] [12]
16John R. Smith [8] [10] [13] [15] [20]
17Huifang Sun [1] [3] [4] [5]
18Hari Sundaram [2] [11] [12] [17]
19Jelena Tesic [13] [14] [15] [16] [20]
20Mao-Pei Tsui [7]
21Anthony Vetro [1]
22Peng Xu [1] [4]
23Rong Yan [15] [16] [18] [20]
24Jun Yang [18]
25Amit Zunjarwad [17]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)