SIP 2001:
M. H. Hamza (Ed.):
Signal and Image Processing (SIP 2001), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference, 2001, Honolulu, HI, USA.
IASTED/ACTA Press 2001, ISBN 0-88986-297-4 BibTeX
Image reproduction,
and retrieval
- Hyuk-Joon Oh, Nasser D. Kehtarnavaz:
Selective color processing by automatic color segmentation.
1-6 BibTeX
- Philippe Mulhem, Tele Tan:
Impact of labeling processes on symbolic image.
7-11 BibTeX
- Anoop K. Bhattacharjya, Hakan Ancin, Tsung-Nan Lin, Joseph Shu:
Design of a low-cost color copier system.
12-15 BibTeX
- S. Yasuhara, S. Kato, M. Kanoh, H. Itoh:
Color pattern and shape similarity approach to picture reconstruction.
16-21 BibTeX
- Jacob D. Furst, Stephen M. Pizer:
Marching ridges.
22-26 BibTeX
- J. P. Stitt, R. L. Tutwiler, A. S. Lewis:
Fuzzy c-means image segmentation of side-scan sonar images.
27-32 BibTeX
- S. Wada, N. Imai:
Efficient structural segmentation of scene image with genetic algorithm for merging boundary regions.
33-37 BibTeX
- Upendra Sharma, Uday B. Desai:
Texture features based image retrieval using higher order statistics.
38-41 BibTeX
- Jau-Ling Shih, Ling-Hwei Chen:
A context-based approach for color image retrieval.
42-46 BibTeX
- Andreas Svolos, Charalampos Konstantopoulos, Christos Kaklamanis:
A hypercube parallel algorithm in texture analysis.
47-50 BibTeX
Video processing,
motion detection,
and estimation
- Achim Graupner, Stefan Getzlaff, Jörg Schreiter, René Schüffny:
A vision device for image processing.
78-83 BibTeX
- H.-N. Kim, N.-H. Hur, G.-M. Um:
Vergence control of a parallel-axis stereo camera using signal processing.
84-87 BibTeX
- G.-M. Um, N.-H. Hur, H.-N. Kim, K. H. Lee:
Disparity map improvement using the fusion of stereo matching results.
88-91 BibTeX
- A. L. Reznik, K. Y. Mokin, V. M. Efimov, Alexander Kolesnikov, A. V. Torgov:
Space stereovision problems to solve via image sequence concurrent processing.
92-95 BibTeX
and estimation of signal parameters and systems
- Ahmed El-Sayed El-Mahdy:
A maximal ratio diversity combiner for fading MPSK signals via EM algorithm.
96-100 BibTeX
- Antonio Teolis:
Precision digital demodulation of BPSK signals.
101-107 BibTeX
- Luigi Bedini, Emanuele Salerno, Anna Tonazzini:
Blind source separation from noisy data using bayesian estimation and gibbs priors.
108-112 BibTeX
- Y. Wu, K. W. Tam:
On determination of the number of signals.
113-118 BibTeX
- H. Li, R. Wang:
An Unconditional Cramér-Rao Bound for Blind Code Synchronization in DS-CDMA Systems.
119-124 BibTeX
- V. F. Ruiz:
An efficient estimation approach for nonlinear models.
125-130 BibTeX
- Z. Z. Ye, T. W. Martin:
Modeling and one-step forward predicting a time-variant digital signal sequence.
131-136 BibTeX
- Jingmin Xin, A. Sano:
Optimal subarray size for linear prediction based direction estimation of coherent signals.
137-142 BibTeX
- P. S. Kim:
A new enhancement approach for AR signals corrupted by colored noises.
143-148 BibTeX
- Nada Milisavljevic, Isabelle Bloch, Marc Acheroy:
Application of the randomized hough transform to humanitarian mine detection.
149-154 BibTeX
- Adrian Halinka, Pawel Sowa, Michal Szewczyk:
Measurement algorithms of selected electric parameters in wide range of frequency change.
155-159 BibTeX
- G. Zeng:
An improved frequency estimator for a noisy sinusoid.
160-163 BibTeX
Applications to communication
array processing,
and multidimensioinal signal processing
- Fa-Long Luo, Jun Yang, Chaslav Pavlovic, Arye Nehorai:
A noise reduction algorithm for dual microphone systems.
199-202 BibTeX
- M.-T. Lin:
A hybrid framework for recognition of mandarin syllables by using sub-syllabic structure.
203-206 BibTeX
- Joohun Lee, JongJoo Lee, Ki Yong Lee, Katsuhiko Shirai:
AR-ARMA HMM and its application to speech enhancement.
207-212 BibTeX
- Takashi Nakamoto, Y. Saruta, Sugimoto Shigeo:
The kannon system - the visualization system of speech signals.
213-218 BibTeX
- M. Furukawa, N. Hamada:
Design of generalized sidelobe canceller with harmonically nested arrays.
219-224 BibTeX
- H.-H. Oh, I.-C. Kim, S.-I. Chien:
Experiments on various visual speech features for korean vowel lipreading.
225-230 BibTeX
- I.-C. Kim, D.-S. Kim, S.-I. Chien:
Selective attention based speed-up of error backpropagation algorithm: Application to speaker adaptation.
231-235 BibTeX
- Sridhar Krishnan, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, Karthikeyan Umapathy:
A time-frequency approach for auditory display of time-varying signals.
236-241 BibTeX
- K. Gopalan:
Data embedding in the phase spectrum of speech signals.
242-246 BibTeX
- Y.-S. Kim, S.-Y. Lee, D.-Y. Kim, S.-Y. Lee, Y.-S. Kim:
A new approach to linearly constrained beamforming for interference cancellation.
247-251 BibTeX
- Eduard Krajnik:
A contribution to advanced theory of discrete signals and systems.
252-257 BibTeX
- M.-T. Lin:
Using the likelihood ratio test for the endpoint detection of speech signal.
258-262 BibTeX
Applications in medcine and medical care
- C. Tucker, S. Yagneswaran, M. Baker, R. Schiffer, Arthur Petrosian:
Factor analysis of EEG frequency and complexity characteristics for early detection of Alzheimer's disease.
263-267 BibTeX
- H. N. Saba, Essam A. El-Kwae, T. Mostafavi:
Automated object segmentation from X-ray images.
268-273 BibTeX
- Jasjit S. Suri, Lou Antloga, Laura Reden, D. Wu:
Breast lesion characterization using gad-enhanced MR.
274-279 BibTeX
- M. Sabry-Rizk, W. Zgallai, C. Morgan, Ewart R. Carson, K. T. V. Grattan:
A modified pseudo-bispectral music technique for on-line identification of abnormal atrial activations in noisy ECG signals.
280-285 BibTeX
- Jasjit S. Suri, Jianbo Gao:
Bi-directional regional forces for level set propagation: An application to static and motion imagery.
286-291 BibTeX
and recognition
- S.-F. Lin, H.-X. Chao:
Estimation of crowd size using perspective transformation.
292-297 BibTeX
- Tsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Mohamed Rizon, T. Kunihiro:
A face recognition system using template matching and iris detection.
298-303 BibTeX
- E. Fredj, Yair Wiseman:
An o(n) algorithm for edge detection in photos compressed by JPEG format.
304-308 BibTeX
- Kamal M. Jambi:
Different approaches for arabic signature recognition.
309-314 BibTeX
- Hamzah Arof, Tsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Mohamed Rizon:
Eye feature extraction from face images using deformable templates.
315-319 BibTeX
- George Towfic, S. Y. Mansour:
Image decomposition using independent component analysis.
320-324 BibTeX
- M.-H. Jo, W.-J. Song:
A novel disparity estimation algorithm for 3DTV video sequences.
325-328 BibTeX
- Koichi Fukuda, Akira Kawanaka:
Sequential DCT coefficients estimation for postprocessing of DCT-coded image sequence.
329-333 BibTeX
- Alexander Mali, Torsten Palfner, Erika Müller:
A study of ridgelets - problems and discussion.
334-337 BibTeX
- Mohamad Hani Ahmad Fadzil, David J. Evans, Zarita Zainuddin:
Optimization of learning methods for face recognition using multilayer perceptrons.
338-343 BibTeX
- Y. Utsu, S. Kato, H. Ito:
Line-based pattern extraction and its application for earthenware reconstruction.
344-348 BibTeX
- C.-H. Yang, G.-J. Jong, C.-H. Yang, Y.-L. Jeang, T.-Y. Chen:
Morse code recognition using counter propagation neural network.
349-353 BibTeX
- C. B. Adsumilli, C. Vural, Damon L. Tull:
A noise based quantization model for restoring block transform compressed images.
354-359 BibTeX
Filter design and filtering applications
- B. Psenicka, A. Herrera, M. Karpf, B. Simak:
State space filter implementation using TMS320C30.
360-363 BibTeX
- G. Li, L. Qiu:
An efficient structure for digital filter implementation.
364-368 BibTeX
- Pavel Zahradnik, Miroslav Vlcek:
Digital FIR double notch filters.
369-372 BibTeX
- Dalibor Biolek, Viera Biolkova:
Signal-invariance S-Z transforms for effective digital filter design.
373-375 BibTeX
- Ivo Lattenberg, Kamil Vrba, Dalibor Biolek:
Bipolar current differencing buffered amplifiers and its application.
376-379 BibTeX
- H. Babic, M. Vucic:
Rational transfer functions with minimum timebandwidth products.
380-385 BibTeX
- H.-C. Shin, W.-J. Song:
Convergence acceleration of the LMS algorithm using successive data orthogonalization.
386-389 BibTeX
- J. Cajka, Kamil Vrba, Dalibor Biolek:
New procedure of active filter and structure design.
390-393 BibTeX
- Alan O'Callaghan:
Semi-automatic redeye reduction of digitally captured images.
394-397 BibTeX
- S.-J. Ku, S.-S. Wang:
Design of FIR filters using multipath structure and distributed arithmetic.
398-402 BibTeX
- Yuji Wakasa, M. Hikita, Yutaka Yamamoto:
Adaptive filter design using semidefinite programming and its application to active noise control.
403-408 BibTeX
- N. Fujiyama, N. Watanabe, D. Huang, S. Sugimoto:
Blind image restoration based on stochastic image models.
409-414 BibTeX
- Y. Nagoshi, Yusuke Hioka, Nozomu Hamada:
Transcription of music composed of melody and chord using tree-structured filter banks.
415-419 BibTeX
- Y. Kubo, Shinji Maruoka, S. Sugimoto:
Kalman filtering approach for integer ambiguity resolution in GPS positioning with varying visible satellites.
420-425 BibTeX
- H. S. Lee, N. H. Younan:
Impulsive noise reduction using type-2 fuzzy logic.
426-432 BibTeX
Papers from other IASTED conferences
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:41:28 2009
by Michael Ley (