
Dili Zhang

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3 Jun Yang, Dili Zhang, Noboru Ohnishi, Noboru Sugie: Polyhedral Shape Recovery Based on Interreflections. ACCV (1) 1998: 232-239
2EEJun Yang, Dili Zhang, Noboru Ohnishi, Noboru Sugie: Determining a Polyhedral Shape Using Interreflections. CVPR 1997: 110-115
1EEYoshihiko Nomura, Dili Zhang, Yuko Sakaida, Seizo Fujii: 3-D Object Pose Estimation by Shading and Edge Data Fusion ----Simulating virtual manipulation on mental images. CVPR 1996: 866-871

Coauthor Index

1Seizo Fujii [1]
2Yoshihiko Nomura [1]
3Noboru Ohnishi [2] [3]
4Yuko Sakaida [1]
5Noboru Sugie [2] [3]
6Jun Yang [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)