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ICPR 2000: Barcelona, Spain

International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'00), September 3-8, 2000, Barcelona, Spain, Volume III. IEEE Computer Society

Session O3.1A. Image Enhancement, Restoration and Reconstruction I

Plenary Session O3.2B-P1

Session O3.1B. Image Enhancement, Restoration and Reconstruction II

Session O3.2A. Image/Video Coding and Indexing

Session O3.2B. Audio and Speech

Session O3.3A. Features, Shape, Morphology, Texture

Session O3.3B. Segmentation and Rendering

Session P3.1A. Matching, Registration, Tracking, and Motion Analysis

Session P3.1B. Image/Video Coding

Session P3.2A. Audio and Speech and Data Fitting and Analysi

Session P3.2B. Image Enhancement and Digital Halftoning

Session P3.3A. Image/Video Retrieval and Watermarking and Segmentation

Session P3.3B. Features and Pattern Recognition

Session P1.3A. Features, Shape and Early Vision I

Session P1.3B. Color

Session P1.3B. Colour Segmentation

Session P1.3B. Edge Detection and Analysis

Session P1.3B. Gesture and Action Recognition

Session P1.4A. Features, Shape and Early Vision II

Session P1.4A. Motion Analysis

Session P1.4A. Texture

Session P1.4B. Features, Shape and Early Vision III

Session P1.4B. Optical Flow

Session P1.4B. Texture Segmentation

Session P1.4B. Tracking

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:21:07 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)