
Jordi Gonzàlez

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40EEBhaskar Chakraborty, Marco Pedersoli, Jordi Gonzàlez: View-Invariant Human Action Detection Using Component-Wise HMM of Body Parts. AMDO 2008: 208-217
39EEIvan Huerta Casado, Ariel Amato, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juan José Villanueva: Fusing Edge Cues to Handle Colour Problems in Image Segmentation. AMDO 2008: 279-288
38EEPau Baiget, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Autonomous Virtual Agents for Performance Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms. AMDO 2008: 299-308
37EEBhaskar Chakraborty, Ognjen Rudovic, Jordi Gonzàlez: View-invariant human-body detection with extension to human action recognition using component-wise HMM of body parts. FG 2008: 1-6
36EEJavier Orozco, Ognjen Rudovic, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Confidence assessment on eyelid and eyebrow expression recognition. FG 2008: 1-8
35EEMurad Al Haj, Javier Orozco, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juanjo Villanueva: Automatic face and facial features initialization for robust and accurate tracking. ICPR 2008: 1-4
34EEAriel Amato, Mikhail Mozerov, Ivan Huerta Casado, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juanjo Villanueva: Background subtraction technique based on chromaticity and intensity patterns. ICPR 2008: 1-4
33EEMikhail Mozerov, Ariel Amato, Murad Al Haj, Jordi Gonzàlez: A Simple Method of Multiple Camera Calibration for the Joint Top View Projection. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 164-170
32EEMurad Al Haj, Ariel Amato, Xavi Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Face Detection in Color Images Using Primitive Shape Features. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 179-186
31EEAriel Amato, Murad Al Haj, Mikhail Mozerov, Jordi Gonzàlez: Trajectory Fusion for Multiple Camera Tracking. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 19-26
30EEMarco Pedersoli, Jordi Gonzàlez, Bhaskar Chakraborty, Juan José Villanueva: Enhancing Real-Time Human Detection Based on Histograms of Oriented Gradients. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 739-746
29EECarles Fernández, Pau Baiget, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Semantic Annotation of Complex Human Scenes for Multimedia Surveillance. AI*IA 2007: 698-709
28EEJavier Orozco, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Deterministic and Stochastic Methods for Gaze Tracking in Real-Time. CAIP 2007: 45-52
27 F. Alejandro García, Javier Orozco, Jordi Gonzàlez: Assessing Confidence in Cased Based Reuse Step. CCIA 2007: 161-168
26EEDaniel Rowe, Ivan Huerta Casado, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juan José Villanueva: Robust Multiple-People Tracking Using Colour-Based Particle Filters. IbPRIA (1) 2007: 113-120
25EEJavier Orozco, Jordi Gonzàlez, Ignasi Rius, F. Xavier Roca: Hierarchical Eyelid and Face Tracking. IbPRIA (1) 2007: 499-506
24EEPau Baiget, Carles Fernández Tena, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Automatic Learning of Conceptual Knowledge in Image Sequences for Human Behavior Interpretation. IbPRIA (1) 2007: 507-514
23EEIvan Huerta Casado, Daniel Rowe, Mikhail Mozerov, Jordi Gonzàlez: Improving Background Subtraction Based on a Casuistry of Colour-Motion Segmentation Problems. IbPRIA (2) 2007: 475-482
22EECarles Fernández Tena, Pau Baiget, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Natural Language Descriptions of Human Behavior from Video Sequences. KI 2007: 279-292
21EECarles Fernández, Jordi Gonzàlez: Ontology for Semantic Integration in a Cognitive Surveillance System. SAMT 2007: 260-263
20EEDaniel Rowe, Jordi Gonzàlez, Ivan Huerta Casado, Juan José Villanueva: On Reasoning over Tracking Events. SCIA 2007: 502-511
19EEFadi Dornaika, Javier Orozco, Jordi Gonzàlez: Combined Head, Lips, Eyebrows, and Eyelids Tracking Using Adaptive Appearance Models. AMDO 2006: 110-119
18EEIgnasi Rius, Xavier Varona, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Posture Constraints for Bayesian Human Motion Tracking. AMDO 2006: 414-423
17EEIvan Huerta Casado, Daniel Rowe, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juan José Villanueva: Efficient Incorporation of Motionless Foreground Objects for Adaptive Background Segmentation. AMDO 2006: 424-433
16EEMikhail Mozerov, Ignasi Rius, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: 3D Human Motion Sequences Synchronization Using Dense Matching Algorithm. DAGM-Symposium 2006: 485-494
15EEDaniel Rowe, Ian D. Reid, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juan José Villanueva: Unconstrained Multiple-People Tracking. DAGM-Symposium 2006: 505-514
14EEJoaquín Salas, Pedro Martínez, Jordi Gonzàlez: Background Updating with the Use of Intrinsic Curves. ICIAR (1) 2006: 731-742
13EEIgnasi Rius, Xavier Varona, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juan José Villanueva: Action Spaces for Efficient Bayesian Tracking of Human Motion. ICPR (1) 2006: 472-475
12EEIgnasi Rius, Daniel Rowe, Jordi Gonzàlez, F. Xavier Roca: 3D Action Modeling and Reconstruction for 2D Human Body Tracking. ICAPR (2) 2005: 146-154
11EEDaniel Rowe, Ignasi Rius, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juan José Villanueva: Improving Tracking by Handling Occlusions. ICAPR (2) 2005: 384-393
10EEDaniel Rowe, Ignasi Rius, Jordi Gonzàlez, Juan José Villanueva: Robust Particle Filtering for Object Tracking. ICIAP 2005: 1158-1165
9EEIgnasi Rius, Daniel Rowe, Jordi Gonzàlez, F. Xavier Roca: A 3D Dynamic Model of Human Actions for Probabilistic Image Tracking. IbPRIA (1) 2005: 529-536
8EEDaniel Rowe, Ignasi Rius, Jordi Gonzàlez, F. Xavier Roca, Juan José Villanueva: Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Particle Filtering. IbPRIA (1) 2005: 85-92
7EEJordi Gonzàlez, Xavier Varona, F. Xavier Roca, Juan José Villanueva: Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces. AMDO 2004: 177-188
6 Marc Rovira, Jordi Gonzàlez, Alejandro López, Jordi Mas, Albert Puig, Jordi Fabregat, Gabriel Fernandez: IndexTV: a MPEG-7 based personalized recommendation system for digital TV. ICME 2004: 823-826
5EEXavier Varona, Jordi Gonzàlez, F. Xavier Roca, Juan José Villanueva: Appearance Tracking for Video Surveillance. IbPRIA 2003: 1041-1048
4EEJordi Gonzàlez, Xavier Varona, F. Xavier Roca, Juan José Villanueva: Automatic Keyframing of Human Actions for Computer Animation. IbPRIA 2003: 287-296
3EEJordi Gonzàlez, Xavier Varona, F. Xavier Roca, Juan José Villanueva: aSpaces : Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis of Human Actions. AMDO 2002: 189-200
2 Xavier Varona, Jordi Gonzàlez, F. Xavier Roca, Juan José Villanueva: Automatic Selection of Keyframes for Activity Recognition. AMDO 2000: 173-181
1EEXavier Varona, Jordi Gonzàlez, F. Xavier Roca, Juan José Villanueva: iTrack: Image-Based Probabilistic Tracking of People. ICPR 2000: 7122-7125

Coauthor Index

1Ariel Amato [31] [32] [33] [34] [39]
2Pau Baiget [22] [24] [29] [38]
3Ivan Huerta Casado [17] [20] [23] [26] [34] [39]
4Bhaskar Chakraborty [30] [37] [40]
5Fadi Dornaika [19]
6Jordi Fabregat [6]
7Carles Fernández [21] [29]
8Gabriel Fernandez [6]
9F. Alejandro García [27]
10Murad Al Haj [31] [32] [33] [35]
11Alejandro López [6]
12Pedro Martínez [14]
13Jordi Mas [6]
14Mikhail Mozerov [16] [23] [31] [33] [34]
15Javier Orozco [19] [25] [27] [28] [35] [36]
16Marco Pedersoli [30] [40]
17Albert Puig [6]
18Ian D. Reid [15]
19Ignasi Rius [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [16] [18] [25]
20F. Xavier Roca [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [12] [16] [18] [22] [24] [25] [28] [29] [36] [38]
21Xavi Roca [32]
22Marc Rovira [6]
23Daniel Rowe [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [17] [20] [23] [26]
24Ognjen Rudovic [36] [37]
25Joaquín Salas [14]
26Carles Fernández Tena [22] [24]
27Xavier Varona [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [13] [18]
28Juan José Villanueva [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [10] [11] [13] [15] [17] [20] [26] [30] [39]
29Juanjo Villanueva [34] [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)