
Laurent Mascarilla

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6EELaurent Mascarilla, Michel Berthier, Carl Frélicot: A k-order fuzzy OR operator for pattern classification with k-order ambiguity rejection. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(15): 2011-2029 (2008)
5EELaurent Mascarilla, Carl Frélicot: Reject Strategies Driven Combination of Pattern Classifiers. Pattern Anal. Appl. 5(2): 234-243 (2002)
4EELaurent Mascarilla, Carl Frélicot: Another Look at Combining Rejection-Based Pattern Classifiers. ICPR 2000: 2156-2159
3EEJamal Malki, Laurent Mascarilla, El-Hadi Zahzah, Patrice Boursier: Directional Relations Composition by Orientation Histogram Fusion. ICPR 2000: 3766-3765
2 Jean-Denis Durou, Laurent Mascarilla, Didier Piau: Non-visible Deformations. ICIAP (1) 1997: 519-526
1 Laurent Mascarilla, El-Hadi Zahzah, Jacky Desachy: Neural Networks Classifiers Based on Geocoded Data and MultiSpectral Images for Satellite Image Interpretation. CAIP 1993: 830-837

Coauthor Index

1Michel Berthier [6]
2Patrice Boursier [3]
3Jacky Desachy [1]
4Jean-Denis Durou [2]
5Carl Frélicot [4] [5] [6]
6Jamal Malki [3]
7Didier Piau [2]
8El-Hadi Zahzah [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)