
Alfred M. Bruckstein

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106EENoam Gordon, Yotam Elor, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Gathering Multiple Robotic Agents with Crude Distance Sensing Capabilities. ANTS Conference 2008: 72-83
105EEEliyahu Osherovich, Alfred M. Bruckstein: All triangulations are reachable via sequences of edge-flips: an elementary proof. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(3): 157-161 (2008)
104EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Michael Elad, Michael Zibulevsky: On the Uniqueness of Nonnegative Sparse Solutions to Underdetermined Systems of Equations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(11): 4813-4820 (2008)
103EETal Nir, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel: Over-Parameterized Variational Optical Flow. International Journal of Computer Vision 76(2): 205-216 (2008)
102EEAlexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Non-Rigid Shapes. International Journal of Computer Vision 78(1): 67-88 (2008)
101EEYaniv Altshuler, Vladimir Yanovski, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Efficient cooperative search of smart targets using UAV Swarms. Robotica 26(4): 551-557 (2008)
100EEDaniel Vainsencher, Alfred M. Bruckstein: On isoperimetrically optimal polyforms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 406(1-2): 146-159 (2008)
99EEAlexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel: Paretian Similarity for Partial Comparison of Non-rigid Objects. SSVM 2007: 264-275
98 Alexander Nisenboim, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Reconstructing wafer surfaces with model based shape from shading. VISAPP (2) 2007: 333-340
97EEVladimir Yanovski, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: A Linear-Time Constant-Space Algorithm for the Boundary Fill Problem. Comput. J. 50(4): 473-477 (2007)
96EEAlexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel: Matching Two-Dimensional Articulated Shapes Using Generalized Multidimensional Scaling. AMDO 2006: 48-57
95EEEliyahu Osherovich, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Vladimir Yanovski: Covering a Continuous Domain by Distributed, Limited Robots. ANTS Workshop 2006: 144-155
94EEYaniv Altshuler, Vladimir Yanovski, Daniel Vainsencher, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: On Minimal Perimeter Polyminoes. DGCI 2006: 17-28
93EEYaniv Altshuler, Vladimir Yanovski, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Swarm Intelligence - Searchers, Cleaners and Hunters. Swarm Intelligent Systems 2006: 93-132
92EEAriel Felner, Yaron Shoshani, Yaniv Altshuler, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Multi-agent Physical A* with Large Pheromones. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 12(1): 3-34 (2006)
91EEIlya Blayvas, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel: Efficient computation of adaptive threshold surfaces for image binarization. Pattern Recognition 39(1): 89-101 (2006)
90EEAssaf Almog, Avi Levy, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Spatial de-interlacing using dynamic time warping. ICIP (2) 2005: 1010-1013
89EEAlexander Brook, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel: On Similarity-Invariant Fairness Measures. Scale-Space 2005: 456-467
88EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Igor Katsman, Ehud Rivlin: Head Movements for Depth Perception: Praying Mantis versus Pigeon. Auton. Robots 18(1): 21-42 (2005)
87EEAdi Bar-Lev, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Gershon Elber: Virtual marionettes: a system and paradigm for real-time 3D animation. The Visual Computer 21(7): 488-501 (2005)
86EEAriel Felner, Yaron Shoshani, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Multi-Agent Physical A* Using Large Pheromones. AAMAS 2004: 1236-1237
85EENoam Gordon, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Gathering Multiple Robotic A(ge)nts with Limited Sensing Capabilities. ANTS Workshop 2004: 142-153
84EEAriel Felner, Yaron Shoshani, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Large Pheromones: A Case Study with Multi-agent Physical A*. ANTS Workshop 2004: 366-373
83EETal Nir, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Causal Camera Motion Estimation by Condensation and Robust Statistics Distance Measures. ECCV (3) 2004: 119-131
82EENoam Gordon, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Discrete Bee Dance Algorithms for Pattern Formation on a Grid. IAT 2003: 545-549
81 Lei Wang, Xu Liu, Lirong Xia, Guangyou Xu, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Image orientation detection with integrated human perception cues (or which way is up). ICIP (2) 2003: 539-542
80EEVladimir Yanovski, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: A Distributed Ant Algorithm for Efficiently Patrolling a Network. Algorithmica 37(3): 165-186 (2003)
79EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Michael Elad, Ron Kimmel: Down-scaling for better transform compression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12(9): 1132-1144 (2003)
78 Ron Kimmel, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Regularized Laplacian Zero Crossings as Optimal Edge Integrators. International Journal of Computer Vision 53(3): 225-243 (2003)
77EEAlfred M. Bruckstein: Digital Geometry for Image-Based Metrology. DGCI 2002: 145-154
76EEVadim Makhervaks, Gill Barequet, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Image Flows and One-Liner Graphical Image Representation. ICPR (1) 2002: 640-643
75 Michael Elad, Alfred M. Bruckstein: A generalized uncertainty principle and sparse representation in pairs of bases. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(9): 2558-2567 (2002)
74EEIlya Blayvas, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel: Efficient Computation of Adaptive Threshold Surfaces for Image Binarization. CVPR (1) 2001: 737-742
73EEGuy Lebanon, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Designing Moiré Patterns. EMMCVPR 2001: 185-200
72EEMichael Elad, Alfred M. Bruckstein: On sparse signal representations. ICIP (1) 2001: 3-6
71EEAlfred M. Bruckstein: Invariant Recognition and Processing of Planar Shapes. IWVF 2001: 3-10
70EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Michael Elad, Ron Kimmel: Down-Scaling for Better Transform Compression. Scale-Space 2001: 123-136
69 Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: From Ants to A(ge)nts: A Special Issue on Ant-Robotics. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 31(1-4): 1-5 (2001)
68 Vladimir Yanovski, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Vertex-Ant-Walk - A robust method for efficient exploration of faulty graphs. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 31(1-4): 99-112 (2001)
67 Nir A. Sochen, Ron Kimmel, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Diffusions and Confusions in Signal and Image Processing. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 14(3): 195-209 (2001)
66EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Thomas S. Huang, Arun N. Netravali: Trifocal tensors for weak perspective and paraperspective projections. Pattern Recognition 34(2): 395-404 (2001)
65EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Arun N. Netravali: On Holographic Transform Compression of Images. ICPR 2000: 3236-3241
64EENahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Heteroscedastic Hough Transform (HtHT): An Efficient Method for Robust Line Fitting in the 'Errors in the Variables' Problem. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 78(1): 69-83 (2000)
63EEIsrael A. Wagner, Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: ANTS: Agents on Networks, Trees, and Subgraphs. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(8): 915-926 (2000)
62EEIsrael A. Wagner, Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: MAC Versus PC: Determinism and Randomness as Complementary Approaches to Robotic Exploration of Continuous Unknown Domains. I. J. Robotic Res. 19(1): 12-31 (2000)
61EENahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein, H. Mizrahi: Comments on: 'Robust Line Fitting in a Noisy Image by the Method of Moments'. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 22(11): 1340-1341 (2000)
60 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Thomas S. Huang, Arun N. Netravali: New Devices for 3D Pose Estimation: Mantis Eyes, Agam Paintings, Sundials, and Other Space Fiducials. International Journal of Computer Vision 39(2): 131-139 (2000)
59EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Thomas S. Huang, Arun N. Netravali: Optimum Fiducials under Weak Perspective Projection. ICCV 1999: 67-72
58EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Thomas S. Huang, Arun N. Netravali: Optimum Fiducials Under Weak Perspective Projection. International Journal of Computer Vision 35(3): 223-244 (1999)
57EEIsrael A. Wagner, Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Robotic Exploration, Brownian Motion and Electrical Resistance. RANDOM 1998: 116-130
56 Israel A. Wagner, Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Efficiently Searching a Graph by a Smell-Oriented Vertex Process. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 24(1-4): 211-223 (1998)
55EEDoron Shaked, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Pruning Medial Axes. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 69(2): 156-169 (1998)
54 Ami Steiner, Ron Kimmel, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Planar Shape Enhancement and Exaggeration. Graphical Models and Image Processing 60(2): 112-124 (1998)
53EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Arun N. Netravali: Holographic representations of images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(11): 1583-1597 (1998)
52 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Lawrence O'Gorman, Alon Orlitsky: Design of Shapes for Precise Image Registration. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(7): 3156-3162 (1998)
51EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, David Shaked: Skew symmetry detection via invariant signatures. Pattern Recognition 31(2): 181-192 (1998)
50 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Arun N. Netravali: Holographic Image Representations: The Fourier Transform Method. ICIAP (2) 1997: 30-37
49EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Arun N. Netravali: Holographic Image Representations: The Subsampling Method. ICIP (1) 1997: 177-180
48EEPolina Golland, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Motion from Color. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 68(3): 346-362 (1997)
47EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Ehud Rivlin, Isaac Weiss: Scale space semi-local invariants. Image Vision Comput. 15(5): 335-344 (1997)
46EERon Kimmel, Nahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Analyzing and Synthesizing Images by Evolving Curves with the Osher-Sethian Method. International Journal of Computer Vision 24(1): 37-55 (1997)
45 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Arun N. Netravali: Discrete elastica. DGCI 1996: 59-72
44 Israel A. Wagner, Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Smell as a Computational Resource - A Lesson We Can Learn from the Ant. ISTCS 1996: 219-230
43 Yachin Pnueli, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Gridless Halftoning: A Reincarnation of the Old Method. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(1): 38-64 (1996)
42 Polina Golland, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Why R.G.B.? Or How to Design Color Displays for Martians. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(5): 405-412 (1996)
41EEDoron Shaked, Alfred M. Bruckstein: The Curve Axis. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 63(2): 367-379 (1996)
40EEIlan Shimshoni, Ron Kimmel, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Global Shape from Shading. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 64(1): 188-189 (1996)
39 Alfred M. Bruckstein: Review of 'Two-Dimensional Imaging' (Bracewell, R.N.; 1994). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(5): 1643 (1996)
38 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Doron Shaked: Skew Symmmetry Detection via Invariant Signatures. CAIP 1995: 17-24
37 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Arun N. Netravali: On Differential Invariants of Planar Curves and Recognizing Partially Occluded. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 13(3-4): 227-250 (1995)
36EERon Kimmel, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Tracking Level Sets by Level Sets: A Method for Solving the Shape from Shading Problem. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 62(1): 47-58 (1995)
35EERon Kimmel, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Global Shape from Shading. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 62(3): 360-369 (1995)
34EERon Kimmel, Doron Shaked, Nahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Skeletonization via Distance Maps and Level Sets. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 62(3): 382-391 (1995)
33EEThomas S. Huang, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Arun N. Netravali: Uniqueness of 3D Pose Under Weak Perspective: A Geometrical Proof. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 17(12): 1220-1221 (1995)
32EERon Kimmel, Arnon Amir, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Finding Shortest Paths on Surfaces Using Level Sets Propagation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 17(6): 635-640 (1995)
31 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Guillermo Sapiro, Doron Shaked: Evolutions of Planar Polygons. IJPRAI 9(6): 991-1014 (1995)
30EERon Kimmel, Kaleem Siddiqi, Benjamin B. Kimia, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Shape from shading: Level set propagation and viscosity solutions. International Journal of Computer Vision 16(2): 107-133 (1995)
29 Alfred M. Bruckstein: Analyzing and Synthesizing Images by Evolving Curves. ICIP (1) 1994: 11-15
28EEMichael Lindenbaum, M. Fischer, Alfred M. Bruckstein: On Gabor's contribution to image enhancement. Pattern Recognition 27(1): 1-8 (1994)
27EEYachin Pnueli, Nahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Hough techniques for fast optimization of linear constant velocity motion in moving influence fields. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(4): 329-336 (1994)
26 Yachin Pnueli, Alfred M. Bruckstein: DigiDürer - a digital engraving system. The Visual Computer 10(5): 277-292 (1994)
25EERon Kimmel, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Shape offsets via level sets. Computer-Aided Design 25(3): 154-162 (1993)
24EEMichael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: On Recursive, O(N) Partitioning of a Digitized Curve into Digital Straight Segments. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(9): 949-953 (1993)
23EEGuillermo Sapiro, Ron Kimmel, Doron Shaked, Benjamin B. Kimia, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Implementing continuous-scale morphology via curve evolution. Pattern Recognition 26(9): 1363-1372 (1993)
22EENahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein: What's in a Set of Points? (Straight Line Fitting). IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(4): 496-500 (1992)
21EEAlfred M. Bruckstein, Nir Katzir, Michael Lindenbaum, Moshe Porat: Similarity-invariant signatures for partially occluded planar shapes. International Journal of Computer Vision 7(3): 271-285 (1992)
20 Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Parallel Strategies for Geometric Probing. J. Algorithms 13(2): 320-349 (1992)
19EEH. V. Jagadish, Alfred M. Bruckstein: On sequential shape descriptions. Pattern Recognition 25(2): 165-172 (1992)
18 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Michael Lindenbaum: Reconstruction of polygonal sets by constrained and unconstrained double probing. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 4: 345-361 (1991)
17EENahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Gray levels can improve the performance of binary image digitizers. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 53(1): 31-39 (1991)
16EENahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Antialiasing the Hough transform. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 53(3): 213-222 (1991)
15EENahum Kiryati, Alfred M. Bruckstein: On Navigating Between Friends and Foes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(6): 602-606 (1991)
14EERaanan Bornstein, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Finding the kernel of planar shapes. Pattern Recognition 24(11): 1019-1035 (1991)
13EENahum Kiryati, Yuval Eldar, Alfred M. Bruckstein: A probabilistic Hough transform. Pattern Recognition 24(4): 303-316 (1991)
12 Nahum Kiryati, Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Digital or analog Hough transform? Pattern Recognition Letters 12(5): 291-297 (1991)
11EELawrence O'Gorman, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Chinmoy B. Bose, Israel Amir: A Comparison of Fiducial Shapes for Machine Vision Registration. MVA 1990: 253-256
10 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Arun N. Netravali: On Minimal Energy Trajectories. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 49(3): 283-296 (1990)
9 Jack Koplowitz, Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: The number of digital straight lines on an N×N grid. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(1): 192- (1990)
8EERuth Onn, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Integrability disambiguates surface recovery in two-image photometric stereo. International Journal of Computer Vision 5(1): 105-113 (1990)
7EEMichael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Reconstructing a convex polygon from binary perspective projections. Pattern Recognition 23(12): 1343-1350 (1990)
6EES. D. Yanowitz, Alfred M. Bruckstein: A new method for image segmentation. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 46(1): 82-95 (1989)
5EEJack Koplowitz, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Design of Perimeter Estimators for Digitized Planar Shapes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(6): 611-622 (1989)
4EEAlfred M. Bruckstein: On shape from shading. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 44(2): 139-154 (1988)
3EEMichael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein: Determining object shape from local velocity measurements. Pattern Recognition 21(6): 591-606 (1988)
2 Alfred M. Bruckstein, Thomas Kailath: Recursive limited memory filtering and scattering theory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(3): 440- (1985)
1 Alfred M. Bruckstein: On the invariant measures of some discrete-time Markov processes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 30(1): 125- (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Assaf Almog [90]
2Yaniv Altshuler [92] [93] [94] [101]
3Arnon Amir [32]
4Israel Amir [11]
5Adi Bar-Lev [87]
6Gill Barequet [76]
7Ilya Blayvas [74] [91]
8Raanan Bornstein [14]
9Chinmoy B. Bose [11]
10Alexander M. Bronstein [96] [99] [102]
11Michael M. Bronstein [96] [99] [102]
12Alexander Brook [89]
13Michael Elad [70] [72] [75] [79] [104]
14Gershon Elber [87]
15Yuval Eldar [13]
16Yotam Elor [106]
17Ariel Felner [84] [86] [92]
18M. Fischer [28]
19Polina Golland [42] [48]
20Noam Gordon [82] [85] [106]
21Robert J. Holt [33] [45] [49] [50] [53] [58] [59] [60] [65] [66] [88]
22Thomas S. Huang [33] [58] [59] [60] [66]
23H. V. Jagadish [19]
24Thomas Kailath [2]
25Igor Katsman [88]
26Nir Katzir [21]
27Benjamin B. Kimia [23] [30]
28Ron Kimmel [23] [25] [30] [32] [34] [35] [36] [40] [46] [54] [67] [70] [74] [78] [79] [89] [91] [96] [99] [102] [103]
29Nahum Kiryati [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [22] [27] [34] [46] [61] [64]
30Jack Koplowitz [5] [9]
31Guy Lebanon [73]
32Avi Levy [90]
33Michael Lindenbaum [3] [7] [9] [12] [18] [20] [21] [24] [28] [44] [56] [57] [62] [63]
34Xu Liu [81]
35Vadim Makhervaks [76]
36H. Mizrahi [61]
37Arun N. Netravali [10] [33] [37] [45] [49] [50] [53] [58] [59] [60] [65] [66]
38Tal Nir [83] [103]
39Alexander Nisenboim [98]
40Lawrence O'Gorman [11] [52]
41Ruth Onn [8]
42Alon Orlitsky [52]
43Eliyahu Osherovich [95] [105]
44Yachin Pnueli [26] [27] [43]
45Moshe Porat [21]
46Ehud Rivlin [47] [88]
47Guillermo Sapiro [23] [31]
48David Shaked [51]
49Doron Shaked [23] [31] [34] [38] [41] [55]
50Ilan Shimshoni [40]
51Yaron Shoshani [84] [86] [92]
52Kaleem Siddiqi [30]
53Nir A. Sochen [67]
54Ami Steiner [54]
55Daniel Vainsencher [94] [100]
56Israel A. Wagner [44] [56] [57] [62] [63] [68] [69] [80] [82] [84] [85] [86] [93] [94] [97] [101]
57Lei Wang [81]
58Isaac Weiss [47]
59Lirong Xia [81]
60Guangyou Xu [81]
61Vladimir Yanovski [68] [80] [93] [94] [95] [97] [101]
62S. D. Yanowitz [6]
63Michael Zibulevsky [104]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)