
Björn Johansson

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29EEBjörn Johansson, Rogério Atem de Carvalho: Management of requirements in ERP development: a comparison between proprietary and open source ERP. SAC 2009: 1605-1609
28EEBjörn Johansson, Johan Wiklund, Per-Erik Forssén, Gösta H. Granlund: Combining shadow detection and simulation for estimation of vehicle size and position. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(8): 751-759 (2009)
27EESusanna Nilsson, Björn Johansson: Acceptance of augmented reality instructions in a real work setting. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2025-2032
26EEBjörn Johansson: Knowledge Diffusion in ERP Development: The Case of Open Source ERP Downloads. Open IT-Based Innovation 2008: 247-259
25EEBjörn Johansson, Cesare M. Carretti, Mikael Johansson: On Distributed Optimization Using Peer-to-Peer Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. SECON 2008: 497-505
24EEAnders Skoogh, Björn Johansson: A methodology for input data management in discrete event simulation projects. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1727-1735
23EEJuhani Heilala, Saija Vatanen, Hannele Tonteri, Jari Montonen, Salla Lind, Björn Johansson, Johan Stahre: Simulation-based sustainable manufacturing system design. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1922-1930
22EERoberto F. Lu, Swee Leong, Niles Bengtsson, Björn Johansson, Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee, Guodong Shao, Charles McLean, Al Salour, Laurance N. Hazlehurst, Sidney Ly: Implementation of Core Manufacturing Simulation Data in aerospace industry. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2930
21EEBjörn Johansson, Alberto Speranzon, Mikael Johansson, Karl Henrik Johansson: On decentralized negotiation of optimal consensus. Automatica 44(4): 1175-1179 (2008)
20EEPablo Soldati, Björn Johansson, Mikael Johansson: Distributed cross-layer coordination of congestion control and resource allocation in S-TDMA wireless networks. Wireless Networks 14(6): 949-965 (2008)
19EEBjörn Johansson: Developing a "Better" ERP System: The Risk of Loosing Competitive Advantage. CONFENIS (2) 2007: 1169-1178
18EESusanna Nilsson, Björn Johansson: Fun and usable: augmented reality instructions in a hospital setting. OZCHI 2007: 123-130
17EEMarcus Johansson, Björn Johansson, Anders Skoogh, Swee Leong, Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee, Guodong Shao, Pär Klingstam: A test implementation of the core manufacturing simulation data specification. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 1673-1681
16EEPablo Soldati, Björn Johansson, Mikael Johansson: Distributed Optimization of End-to-End Rates and Radio Resources in WiMax Single-Carrier Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
15EESusanna Nilsson, Björn Johansson: User experience and acceptance of a mixed reality system in a naturalistic setting - a case study. ISMAR 2006: 247-248
14EEPablo Soldati, Björn Johansson, Mikael Johansson: Proportionally fair allocation of end-to-end bandwidth in STDMA wireless networks. MobiHoc 2006: 286-297
13EEBjörn Johansson, Pablo Soldati, Mikael Johansson: Mathematical Decomposition Techniques for Distributed Cross-Layer Optimization of Data Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(8): 1535-1547 (2006)
12EEBjörn Johansson, Anders Moe: Patch-Duplets for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation. CRV 2005: 9-16
11EECharles R. Standridge, Martha A. Centeno, Björn Johansson, Ingolf Ståhl: Introducing simulation across the disciplines. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 2274-2279
10 Ola Leifler, Björn Johansson, Mats Persson, Georgios Rigas: Development of Critiquing Systems in Network Organizations. Human Error, Safety and Systems Development 2004: 31-44
9EEBjörn Johansson, Georgios Rigas: Functional failures, time and control. SMC (1) 2004: 266-270
8EEBjörn Johansson, Edward J. Williams, Tord Alenljung: Using Autonomous Modular Material Handling Equipment for Manufacturing Flexibility. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1115-1121
7 Hagen Spies, Björn Johansson: Directional channel representation for multiple line-endings and intensity levels. ICIP (1) 2003: 265-268
6EEBjörn Johansson, Joacim Johnsson, Anders Kinnander: Neutral information structure for manufacturing simulations: information structure to support discrete event simulation in manufacturing systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 1290-1295
5 Björn Johansson, Magnus Oskarsson, Kalle Åström: Structure and Motion Estimation from Complex Features in Three Views. ICVGIP 2002
4EEBjörn Johansson, Fredrik Kahl: Detecting Windows in City Scenes. SVM 2002: 388-396
3EEBjörn Johansson, Gösta H. Granlund: Fast Selective Detection of Rotational Symmetries Using Normalized Inhibition. ECCV (1) 2000: 871-887
2EEBjörn Johansson, Hans Knutsson, Gösta H. Granlund: Detecting Rotational Symmetries Using Normalized Convolution. ICPR 2000: 3500-3504
1EEBjörn Johansson: View Synthesis and 3D Reconstruction of Piecewise Planar Scenes Using Intersection Lines between the Planes. ICCV 1999: 54-59

Coauthor Index

1Tord Alenljung [8]
2Kalle Åström [5]
3Niles Bengtsson [22]
4Cesare M. Carretti [25]
5Rogério Atem de Carvalho [29]
6Martha A. Centeno [11]
7Per-Erik Forssén [28]
8Gösta H. Granlund [2] [3] [28]
9Laurance N. Hazlehurst [22]
10Juhani Heilala [23]
11Karl Henrik Johansson [21]
12Marcus Johansson [17]
13Mikael Johansson [13] [14] [16] [20] [21] [25]
14Joacim Johnsson [6]
15Fredrik Kahl [4]
16Anders Kinnander [6]
17Pär Klingstam [17]
18Hans Knutsson [2]
19Y. Tina Lee [17] [22]
20Ola Leifler [10]
21Swee Leong [17] [22]
22Salla Lind [23]
23Roberto F. Lu [22]
24Sidney Ly [22]
25Charles McLean [22]
26Anders Moe [12]
27Jari Montonen [23]
28Susanna Nilsson [15] [18] [27]
29Magnus Oskarsson [5]
30Mats Persson [10]
31Frank Riddick [17] [22]
32Georgios Rigas [9] [10]
33Al Salour [22]
34Guodong Shao [17] [22]
35Anders Skoogh [17] [24]
36Pablo Soldati [13] [14] [16] [20]
37Alberto Speranzon [21]
38Hagen Spies [7]
39Ingolf Ståhl [11]
40Johan Stahre [23]
41Charles R. Standridge [11]
42Hannele Tonteri [23]
43Saija Vatanen [23]
44Johan Wiklund [28]
45Edward J. Williams [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)