
Raghavendra Udupa

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12EERaghavendra Udupa, K. Saravanan, A. Kumaran, Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi: MINT: A Method for Effective and Scalable Mining of Named Entity Transliterations from Large Comparable Corpora. EACL 2009: 799-807
11EERaghavendra Udupa, K. Saravanan, Anton Bakalov, Abhijit Bhole: "They Are Out There, If You Know Where to Look": Mining Transliterations of OOV Query Terms for Cross-Language Information Retrieval. ECIR 2009: 437-448
10EERaghavendra Udupa, K. Saravanan, A. Kumaran, Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi: Mining named entity transliteration equivalents from comparable corpora. CIKM 2008: 1423-1424
9EERaghavendra Udupa, Hemanta Kumar Maji: Computational Complexity of Statistical Machine Translation. EACL 2006
8EERajkishore Barik, Christian Grothoff, Rahul Gupta, Vinayaka Pandit, Raghavendra Udupa: Optimal Bitwise Register Allocation Using Integer Linear Programming. LCPC 2006: 267-282
7EETanveer A. Faruquie, Hemanta Kumar Maji, Raghavendra Udupa: A New Decoding Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation: Design and Implementation. ALENEX/ANALCO 2005: 180-194
6EERahul P. Akolkar, Tanveer A. Faruquie, Juan Huerta, Pankaj Kankar, Nitendra Rajput, T. V. Raman, Raghavendra Udupa, Abhishek Verma: Reusable Dialog Component Framework for Rapid Voice Application Development. CBSE 2005: 306-321
5EERaghavendra Udupa, Hemanta Kumar Maji: Theory of Alignment Generators and Applications to Statistical Machine Translation. IJCAI 2005: 1142-1147
4EERaghavendra Udupa, Tanveer A. Faruquie: An English-Hindi Statistical Machine Translation System. IJCNLP 2004: 254-262
3EERaghavendra Udupa, Gaurav Garg, Pramod Kumar Sharma: Fast and Accurate Fingerprint Verification. AVBPA 2001: 192-197
2EEAbhiram G. Ranade, Sonal Kothari, Raghavendra Udupa: Register Efficient Mergesorting. HiPC 2000: 96-103
1EESugata Ghosal, Raghavendra Udupa, Nalini K. Ratha, Sharath Pankanti: Hierarchical Partitioned Least Squares Filter-Bank for Fingerprint Enhancement. ICPR 2000: 3338-3341

Coauthor Index

1Rahul P. Akolkar [6]
2Anton Bakalov [11]
3Rajkishore Barik [8]
4Abhijit Bhole [11]
5Tanveer A. Faruquie [4] [6] [7]
6Gaurav Garg [3]
7Sugata Ghosal [1]
8Christian Grothoff [8]
9Rahul Gupta [8]
10Juan Huerta [6]
11Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi [10] [12]
12Pankaj Kankar [6]
13Sonal Kothari [2]
14A. Kumaran [10] [12]
15Hemanta Kumar Maji [5] [7] [9]
16Vinayaka Pandit [8]
17Sharath Pankanti [1]
18Nitendra Rajput [6]
19T. V. Raman [6]
20Abhiram G. Ranade [2]
21Nalini K. Ratha [1]
22K. Saravanan [10] [11] [12]
23Pramod Kumar Sharma [3]
24Abhishek Verma [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)