2008 |
64 | EE | Imran N. Junejo,
Emilie Dexter,
Ivan Laptev,
Patrick Pérez:
Cross-View Action Recognition from Temporal Self-similarities.
ECCV (2) 2008: 293-306 |
63 | EE | Matthieu Fradet,
Patrick Pérez,
Philippe Robert:
Semi-automatic Motion Segmentation with Motion Layer Mosaics.
ECCV (3) 2008: 210-223 |
62 | EE | Matthieu Fradet,
Patrick Pérez,
Philippe Robert:
Time-sequential extraction of motion layers.
ICIP 2008: 3224-3227 |
61 | | Aurélie Bugeau,
Patrick Pérez:
Track and Cut: Simultaneous Tracking and Segmentation of Multiple ObjectS with Graph Cuts.
VISAPP (2) 2008: 447-454 |
2007 |
60 | EE | Aurélie Bugeau,
Patrick Pérez:
Joint Tracking and Segmentation of Objects Using Graph Cuts.
ACIVS 2007: 628-639 |
59 | EE | Aurélie Bugeau,
Patrick Pérez:
Detection and segmentation of moving objects in highly dynamic scenes.
CVPR 2007 |
58 | EE | Vijay Badrinarayanan,
Patrick Pérez,
François Le Clerc,
Lionel Oisel:
Probabilistic Color and Adaptive Multi-Feature Tracking with Dynamically Switched Priority Between Cues.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
57 | EE | Ivan Laptev,
Patrick Pérez:
Retrieving actions in movies.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
56 | EE | Vijay Badrinarayanan,
Patrick Pérez,
François Le Clerc,
Lionel Oisel:
On Uncertainties, Random Features and Object Tracking.
ICIP (5) 2007: 61-64 |
55 | EE | Aurélie Bugeau,
Patrick Pérez:
Bandwidth selection for kernel estimation in mixed multi-dimensional spaces
CoRR abs/0709.1920: (2007) |
54 | EE | R. Venkatesh Babu,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Robust tracking with motion estimation and local Kernel-based color modeling.
Image Vision Comput. 25(8): 1205-1216 (2007) |
2006 |
53 | EE | R. Venkatesh Babu,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Kernel-Based Robust Tracking for Objects Undergoing Occlusion.
ACCV (2) 2006: 353-362 |
52 | EE | Antoine Lehuger,
Patrick Léchat,
Patrick Pérez:
An adaptive mixture color model for robust visual tracking.
ICIP 2006: 573-576 |
51 | EE | Patrick Pérez,
Jaco Vermaak:
Bayesian Tracking with Auxiliary Discrete Processes. Application to Detection and Tracking of Objects with Occlusions.
WDV 2006: 190-202 |
2005 |
50 | EE | Ivan Laptev,
Serge J. Belongie,
Patrick Pérez,
Josh Wills:
Periodic Motion Detection and Segmentation via Approximate Sequence Alignment.
ICCV 2005: 816-823 |
49 | EE | R. Venkatesh Babu,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Robust tracking with motion estimation and kernel-based color modelling.
ICIP (1) 2005: 717-720 |
48 | EE | Jaco Vermaak,
Simon Maskell,
Mark Briers,
Patrick Pérez:
Bayesian visual tracking with existence process.
ICIP (1) 2005: 721-724 |
2004 |
47 | EE | Andrew Blake,
Carsten Rother,
M. Brown,
Patrick Pérez,
Philip H. S. Torr:
Interactive Image Segmentation Using an Adaptive GMMRF Model.
ECCV (1) 2004: 428-441 |
46 | EE | Jean-Noël Provost,
Christophe Collet,
Philippe Rostaing,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Hierarchical Markovian segmentation of multispectral images for the reconstruction of water depth maps.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 93(2): 155-174 (2004) |
45 | EE | Antonio Criminisi,
Patrick Pérez,
Kentaro Toyama:
Region filling and object removal by exemplar-based image inpainting.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(9): 1200-1212 (2004) |
2003 |
44 | EE | Jaco Vermaak,
Neil D. Lawrence,
Patrick Pérez:
Variational Inference for Visual Tracking.
CVPR (1) 2003: 773-780 |
43 | EE | Jaco Vermaak,
Patrick Pérez:
Constrained Subspace Modelling.
CVPR (2) 2003: 106-113 |
42 | EE | Antonio Criminisi,
Patrick Pérez,
Kentaro Toyama:
Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Inpainting.
CVPR (2) 2003: 721-728 |
41 | EE | Jaco Vermaak,
Arnaud Doucet,
Patrick Pérez:
Maintaining Multi-Modality through Mixture Tracking.
ICCV 2003: 1110-1116 |
40 | EE | Patrick Pérez,
Michel Gangnet,
Andrew Blake:
Poisson image editing.
ACM Trans. Graph. 22(3): 313-318 (2003) |
2002 |
39 | EE | Jaco Vermaak,
Patrick Pérez,
Michel Gangnet,
Andrew Blake:
Rapid Summarisation and Browsing of Video Sequences.
BMVC 2002 |
38 | EE | Jaco Vermaak,
Patrick Pérez,
Michel Gangnet,
Andrew Blake:
Towards Improved Observation Models for Visual Tracking: Selective Adaptation.
ECCV (1) 2002: 645-660 |
37 | EE | Patrick Pérez,
Carine Hue,
Jaco Vermaak,
Michel Gangnet:
Color-Based Probabilistic Tracking.
ECCV (1) 2002: 661-675 |
36 | EE | Thomas Corpetti,
Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Dense Motion Analysis in Fluid Imagery.
ECCV (1) 2002: 676-691 |
35 | EE | Thomas Corpetti,
Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Dense Estimation of Fluid Flows.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(3): 365-380 (2002) |
34 | EE | Ronan Fablet,
Patrick Bouthemy,
Patrick Pérez:
Nonparametric motion characterization using causal probabilistic models for video indexing and retrieval.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(4): 393-407 (2002) |
33 | | Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Hierarchical Estimation and Segmentation of Dense Motion Fields.
International Journal of Computer Vision 46(2): 129-155 (2002) |
2001 |
32 | EE | Fabien Dekeyser,
Patrick Bouthemy,
Patrick Pérez:
A New Algorithm for Super-Resolution from Image Sequences.
CAIP 2001: 473-481 |
31 | | Patrick Pérez,
Andrew Blake,
Michel Gangnet:
JetStream: Probabilistic Contour Extraction with Particles.
ICCV 2001: 524-531 |
30 | | Jaco Vermaak,
Michel Gangnet,
Andrew Blake,
Patrick Pérez:
Sequential Monte Carlo Fusion of Sound and Vision for Speaker Tracking.
ICCV 2001: 741-747 |
29 | EE | Andrew Blake,
Michel Gangnet,
Patrick Pérez,
Jaco Vermaak:
Integrated Tracking with Vision and Sound.
ICIAP 2001: 354- |
2000 |
28 | EE | Pierre Hellier,
Christian Barillot,
Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
An Energy-Based Framework for Dense 3D Registration of Volumetric Brain Images.
CVPR 2000: 2270-2275 |
27 | | Fabien Dekeyser,
Patrick Bouthemy,
Patrick Pérez:
Spatio-Temporal Wiener Filtering of Image Sequences Using a Parametric Motion Model.
ICIP 2000 |
26 | | Christophe Collet,
Jean-Noël Provost,
Philippe Rostaing,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Spot Satellite Data Analysis for Bathymetric Mapping.
ICIP 2000 |
25 | EE | Fabien Dekeyser,
Patrick Bouthemy,
Patrick Pérez,
Étienne Payot:
Super-Resolution from Noisy Image Sequences Exploiting a 2D Parametric Motion Model.
ICPR 2000: 3354-3357 |
24 | EE | Thomas Corpetti,
Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Estimating Fluid Optical Flow.
ICPR 2000: 7045-7048 |
23 | EE | Max Mignotte,
Christophe Collet,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Markov Random Field and Fuzzy Logic Modeling in Sonar Imagery: Application to the Classification of Underwater Floor.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 79(1): 4-24 (2000) |
22 | EE | Max Mignotte,
Christophe Collet,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Hybrid Genetic Optimization and Statistical Model-Based Approach for the Classification of Shadow Shapes in Sonar Imagery.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 22(2): 129-141 (2000) |
21 | EE | Jean-Marc Laferté,
Patrick Pérez,
Fabrice Heitz:
Discrete Markov image modeling and inference on the quadtree.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(3): 390-404 (2000) |
20 | EE | Max Mignotte,
Christophe Collet,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Sonar image segmentation using an unsupervised hierarchical MRF model.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(7): 1216-1231 (2000) |
19 | EE | Patrick Pérez,
Annabelle Chardin,
Jean-Marc Laferté:
Noniterative manipulation of discrete energy-based models for image analysis.
Pattern Recognition 33(4): 573-586 (2000) |
1999 |
18 | | Annabelle Chardin,
Patrick Pérez:
Semi-iterative Inferences with Hierarchical Energy-Based Models for Image Analysis.
EMMCVPR 1999: 83-98 |
17 | EE | Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Fluid Motion Recovery by Coupling Dense and Parametric Vector Fields.
ICCV 1999: 620-625 |
16 | EE | Annabelle Chardin,
Patrick Pérez:
Unsupervised Image Classification with a Hierarchical EM Algorithm.
ICCV 1999: 969-974 |
15 | | Annabelle Chardin,
Patrick Pérez:
Mode of Posterior Marginals with Hierarchical Models.
ICIP (1) 1999: 324-328 |
14 | | Jean-Noël Provost,
Christophe Collet,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
A Hierarchical Unsupervised Multispectral Model to Segment Spot Images for Ocean Cartography.
ICIP (1) 1999: 333-337 |
13 | | Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Dense/Parametric Estimation of Fluid Flows.
ICIP (3) 1999: 732-736 |
12 | | Pierre Hellier,
Christian Barillot,
Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Medical Image Registration with Robust Multigrid Techniques.
MICCAI 1999: 680-687 |
11 | | Jean-Noël Provost,
Christophe Collet,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Unsupervised multispectral segmentation of SPOT images applied to nautical cartography.
NSIP 1999: 622-626 |
10 | EE | Max Mignotte,
Christophe Collet,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Three-Class Markovian Segmentation of High-Resolution Sonar Images.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 76(3): 191-204 (1999) |
1998 |
9 | EE | Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Joint Estimation-Segmentation of Optic Flow.
ECCV (2) 1998: 563-577 |
8 | | Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
A Multigrid Approach for Hierarchical Motion Estimation.
ICCV 1998: 933-938 |
7 | | Annabelle Chardin,
Patrick Pérez:
Semi-Iterative Inference with Hierarchical Models.
ICIP (1) 1998: 630-634 |
6 | EE | Étienne Mémin,
Patrick Pérez:
Dense estimation and object-based segmentation of the optical flow with robust techniques.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(5): 703-719 (1998) |
1997 |
5 | | Patrick Pérez,
Jean-Marc Laferté:
Noniterative Manipulation of Discrete Energy-Based Models for Image Analysis.
EMMCVPR 1997: 149-164 |
4 | | Maurice Mignotte,
Christophe Collet,
Patrick Pérez,
Patrick Bouthemy:
Unsupervised Segmentation Applied on Sonar Images.
EMMCVPR 1997: 491-506 |
1996 |
3 | | Patrick Pérez,
Fabrice Heitz:
Restriction of a Markov random field on a graph and multiresolution statistical image modeling.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(1): 180-190 (1996) |
1995 |
2 | EE | Jean-Marc Laferté,
Fabrice Heitz,
Patrick Pérez,
Eric Fabre:
Hierarchical Statistical Models for the Fusion of Multiresolution Image Data.
ICCV 1995: 908-913 |
1994 |
1 | | Patrick Pérez,
Basilis Gidas:
Motion Detection and Tracking using Deformable Templates.
ICIP (2) 1994: 272-276 |