
Tom Chen

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65EECharles Thangaraj, Tom Chen: Early Design Phase Power Performance Trade-Offs Using In-Situ Macro Models. DELTA 2008: 539-544
64EECharles Thangaraj, Tom Chen: Design target exploration for meeting time-to-market using pareto analysis. ISCAS 2008: 364-367
63EECharles Thangaraj, Tom Chen: Power andPerformance Analysis for Early Design Space Exploration. ISVLSI 2007: 473-478
62EEDaniela De Venuto, Tom Chen: Editorial. Microelectronics Journal 38(4-5): 453 (2007)
61EEJayashree Sridharan, Tom Chen: Modeling multiple input switching of CMOS gates in DSM technology using HDMR. DATE 2006: 626-631
60EEAlkan Cengiz, Tom Chen: Routing-Tree Construction with Concurrent Performance, Power and Congestion Optimization. ISVLSI 2006: 367-372
59EEJayashree Sridharan, Tom Chen: Gate Delay Modeling with Multiple Input Switching for Static (Statistical) Timing Analysis. VLSI Design 2006: 323-328
58EEAlkan Cengiz, Tom Chen: A Progressive Two-Stage Global Routing for Macro-Cell Based Designs. VLSI Design 2006: 777-780
57EEVinil Varghese, Tom Chen, Peter Young: Stability analysis of active clock deskewing systems using a control theoretic approach. ASP-DAC 2005: 600-605
56 John Pratt, Mahir Aydin, Tom Chen: RC Extraction of Interconnects at Sub-Wavelength Dimensions. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2005: 491-496
55EEVinil Varghese, Tom Chen, Peter M. Young: Systematic Analysis of Active Clock Deskewing Systems Using Control Theory. DATE 2005: 820-825
54EEAjith Chandy, Tom Chen: Performance Driven Decoupling Capacitor Allocation Considering Data and Clock Interactions. DATE 2005: 984-985
53EEMedha Kulkarni, Tom Chen: A sensitivity-based approach to analyzing signal delay uncertainty of coupled interconnects. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(9): 1336-1346 (2005)
52EEDaniela De Venuto, Tom Chen: International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design. Microelectronics Journal 36(9): 787-788 (2005)
51EEGerald Esch Jr., Tom Chen: Design of CMOS IO Drivers with Less Sensitivity to Process, Voltage, and Temperature Variations. DELTA 2004: 312-320
50EEAnneliese Amschler Andrews, Andrew O'Fallon, Tom Chen: RUBASTEM: A Method for Testing VHDL Behavioral Models. HASE 2004: 187-196
49EEMedha Kulkarni, Tom Chen: A Sensitivity Based Approach to Analyzing Signal Delay Uncertainty of Coupled Interconnects. ISQED 2004: 331-336
48EEGerald Esch Jr., Tom Chen: Near-linear CMOS I/O driver with less sensitivity to process, voltage, and temperature variations. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 12(11): 1253-1257 (2004)
47EETom Chen, Amjad Hajjar: Statistical timing analysis of coupled interconnects using quadratic delay-change characteristics. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(12): 1677-1683 (2004)
46EEGeun Rae Cho, Tom Chen: Synthesis of single/dual-rail mixed PTL/static logic for low-power applications. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(2): 229-242 (2004)
45EETom Chen, Amjad Hajjar: Analyzing Statistical Timing Behavior of Coupled Interconnects Using Quadratic Delay Change Characteristics. ISQED 2003: 183-188
44EEGeun Rae Cho, Tom Chen: Comparative Assessment of Adaptive Body-Bias SOI Pass-Transistor Logic. ISQED 2003: 55-60
43EEGeun Rae Cho, Tom Chen: On Single/Dual-Rail Mixed PTL/Static Circuits in Floating-Body SOI and Bulk CMOS: A Comparative Assessment. VLSI Design 2003: 513-
42 Anneliese Amschler Andrews, Andrew O'Fallon, Tom Chen: A Rule-Based Software Testing Method for VHDL Models. VLSI-SOC 2003: 92-
41 Jinsang Kim, Tom Chen: A VLSI architecture for video-object segmentation. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 13(1): 83-96 (2003)
40EEAmjad Hajjar, Tom Chen: An Accurate Coverage Forecasting Model for Behavioral Model Verification. DELTA 2002: 104-110
39EEGeun Rae Cho, Tom Chen: On The Impact of Technology Scaling On Mixed PTL/Static Circuits. ICCD 2002: 322-326
38EEAmjad Hajjar, Tom Chen: Improving the Efficiency and Quality of Simulation-Based Behavioral Model Verification Using Dynamic Bayesian Criteria. ISQED 2002: 304-309
37EEGeun Rae Cho, Tom Chen: Mixed PTL/Static Logic Synthesis Using Genetic Algorithms for Low-Power Applications. ISQED 2002: 458-463
36 Geun Rae Cho, Tom Chen: On the Impact of Fanout Optimization and Redundant Buffer Removal for Mixed PTL Synthesis. IWLS 2002: 289-294
35EETom Chen, Andre Bai, Amjad Hajjar, Anneliese Amschler Andrews, Charles Anderson: Fast Anti-Random (FAR) Test Generation to Improve the Quality of Behavioral Model Verification. J. Electronic Testing 18(6): 583-594 (2002)
34EEAmjad Hajjar, Tom Chen, Isabelle Munn, Anneliese Amschler Andrews, Maria Bjorkman: High quality behavioral verification using statistical stopping criteria. DATE 2001: 411-419
33EETom Chen: On the impact of on-chip inductance on signal nets under the influence of power grid noise. DATE 2001: 451-459
32EETom Chen: Impact of On-Chip Inductance When Transitioning from Al to Cu Based Technology. ISQED 2001: 173-178
31EEAmjad Hajjar, Tom Chen, Isabelle Munn, Anneliese Amschler Andrews, Maria Bjorkman: Stopping Criteria Comparison: Towards High Quality Behavioral Verification. ISQED 2001: 31-37
30 Jingsang Kim, Tom Chen: Real-time Video Objects Segmentation using a Highly Pipelined Microarchitecture. VIIP 2001: 483-488
29 Jinsang Kim, Tom Chen: Multiple feature clustering for image sequence segmentation. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(11): 1207-1217 (2001)
28EETom Chen, Alkan Cengiz: Measuring routing congestion for multi-layer global routing. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2000: 59-62
27EEJinsang Kim, Tom Chen: A VLSI Architecture for Image Sequence Segmentation using Edge Fusion. CAMP 2000: 57-
26EEJinsang Kim, Tom Chen: Segmentation of Image Sequences Using SOFM Networks. ICPR 2000: 3877-3880
25EETom Chen, Anneliese von Mayrhauser, Amjad Hajjar, Charles Anderson, Mehmet Sahinoglu: Achieving the Quality of Verification for Behavioral Models with Minimum Effort. ISQED 2000: 234-
24EEVon-Kyoung Kim, Tom Chen, Mick Tegethoff: Fault Coverage Estimation for Early Stage of VLSI Design. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 105-108
23EEVon-Kyoung Kim, Tom Chen: Assessing Defect Coverage of Memory Testing Algorithms. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 340-
22EETom Chen, Anneliese von Mayrhauser, Amjad Hajjar, Charles Anderson, Mehmet Sahinoglu: How Much Testing is Enough? Applying Stopping Rules to Behavioral Model Testing. HASE 1999: 249-256
21 Tom Chen, Isabelle Munn, Anneliese von Mayrhauser, Amjad Hajjar: Efficient Verification of Behavioral Models Using Sequential Sampling Technique. VLSI 1999: 398-406
20EEAmjad Hajjar, Tom Chen: VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Edge Linking. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(1): 89-94 (1999)
19EETom Chen, Glen Sunada, Jain Jin: COBRA: a 100-MOPS single-chip programmable and expandable FFT. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 7(2): 174-182 (1999)
18EEVon-Kyoung Kim, Tom Chen: On comparing functional fault coverage and defect coverage for memory testing. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 18(11): 1676-1683 (1999)
17EEAnneliese von Mayrhauser, Andre Bai, Tom Chen, Charles Anderson, Amjad Hajjar: Fast Antirandom (FAR) Test Generation. HASE 1998: 262-269
16EEChien-Chih Chen, Tom Chen: Modified Rate-Distortion Function with Optimal Classification for Wavelet Coding. ICIP (3) 1997: 86-89
15 Von-Kyoung Kim, Tom Chen, Mick Tegethoff: ASIC Manufacturing Test Cost Prediction at Early Design Stage. ITC 1997: 356-361
14EEMick Tegethoff, Tom Chen: Simulation Techniques for the Manufacturing Test of MCMs. J. Electronic Testing 10(1-2): 137-149 (1997)
13EEFahad M. Alzahrani, Tom Chen: A Real-Time Edge Detector: Algorithm and VLSI Architecture. Real-Time Imaging 3(5): 363-378 (1997)
12EECharles Anderson, Anneliese von Mayrhauser, Tom Chen: Assessing Neural Networks as Guides for Testing Activities. IEEE METRICS 1996: 155-165
11 Von-Kyoung Kim, Mick Tegethoff, Tom Chen: ASIC Yield Estimation at Early Design Cycle. ITC 1996: 590-594
10EEMick Tegethoff, Tom Chen: Sensitivity Analysis of Critical Parameters in Board Test. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 13(1): 58-63 (1996)
9 Fahad M. Alzahrani, Tom Chen: On-Chip TEC-QED ECC for Ultra-Large, Single-Chip Memory Systems. ICCD 1994: 132-137
8 Glen Sunada, Jain Jin, Matt Berzins, Tom Chen: COBRA: An 1.2 Million Transistor Expandable Column FFT Chip. ICCD 1994: 546-550
7 Mick Tegethoff, Tom Chen: Defects, Fault Coverage, Yield and Cost in Board Manufacturing. ITC 1994: 539-547
6 Mick Tegethoff, Tom Chen: Manufacturing-Test Simulator: A Concurrent-Engineering Tool for Boards and MCMs. ITC 1994: 903-910
5EETom Chen, Glen Sunada: Design of a self-testing and self-repairing structure for highly hierarchical ultra-large capacity memory chips. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 1(2): 88-97 (1993)
4EETom Chen, Li Zhu: An expandable column fft architecture using circuit switching networks. VLSI Signal Processing 6(3): 243-257 (1993)
3 Tom Chen, Glen Sunada: An Ultra-Large Capacity Single-Chip Memory Architecture With Self-Testing and Self-Repairing. ICCD 1992: 576-581
2 Tom Chen, Glen Sunada: A Self-Testing and Self-Repairing Structure for Ultra-Large Capacity Memories. ITC 1992: 623-631
1 Tom Chen, Li Zhu: A Fast 1024-Point FFT Architecture. ICPP (1) 1991: 646-647

Coauthor Index

1Fahad M. Alzahrani [9] [13]
2Charles Anderson [12] [17] [22] [25] [35]
3Anneliese Amschler Andrews (Anneliese von Mayrhauser) [12] [17] [21] [22] [25] [31] [34] [35] [42] [50]
4Mahir Aydin [56]
5Andre Bai [17] [35]
6Matt Berzins [8]
7Maria Bjorkman [31] [34]
8Alkan Cengiz [28] [58] [60]
9Ajith Chandy [54]
10Chien-Chih Chen [16]
11Geun Rae Cho [36] [37] [39] [43] [44] [46]
12Gerald Esch Jr. [48] [51]
13Amjad Hajjar [17] [20] [21] [22] [25] [31] [34] [35] [38] [40] [45] [47]
14Jain Jin [8] [19]
15Jingsang Kim [30]
16Jinsang Kim [26] [27] [29] [41]
17Von-Kyoung Kim [11] [15] [18] [23] [24]
18Medha Kulkarni [49] [53]
19Isabelle Munn [21] [31] [34]
20Andrew O'Fallon [42] [50]
21John Pratt [56]
22Mehmet Sahinoglu [22] [25]
23Jayashree Sridharan [59] [61]
24Glen Sunada [2] [3] [5] [8] [19]
25Mick Tegethoff [6] [7] [10] [11] [14] [15] [24]
26Charles Thangaraj [63] [64] [65]
27Vinil Varghese [55] [57]
28Daniela De Venuto [52] [62]
29Peter Young [57]
30Peter M. Young [55]
31Li Zhu [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)