
Paul M. de Zeeuw

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7EEEric J. Pauwels, Paul M. de Zeeuw, Danielle M. Bounantony: Leatherbacks Matching by Automated Image Recognition. ICDM 2008: 417-425
6EEPaul M. de Zeeuw, Elena Ranguelova, Eric J. Pauwels: Towards an Online Image-Based Tree Taxonomy. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2007: 296-306
5EEPaul M. de Zeeuw: A Multigrid Approach to Image Processing. Scale-Space 2005: 396-407
4EEP. J. Oonincx, Paul M. de Zeeuw: Adaptive lifting for shape-based image retrieval. Pattern Recognition 36(11): 2663-2672 (2003)
3 Ben A. M. Schouten, Paul M. de Zeeuw: Image Databases, Scale and Fractal Transforms. ICIP 2000
2EEBen A. M. Schouten, Paul M. de Zeeuw: Fractal Transforms and Feature Invariance. ICPR 2000: 3992-3997
1EEBen A. M. Schouten, Paul M. de Zeeuw: Feature Extraction Using Fractal Codes. VISUAL 1999: 483-492

Coauthor Index

1Danielle M. Bounantony [7]
2P. J. Oonincx [4]
3Eric J. Pauwels [6] [7]
4Elena Ranguelova [6]
5Ben A. M. Schouten [1] [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)