
Francisco Madeiro

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10EECarlos R. B. Azevedo, Tiago A. E. Ferreira, Waslon Terllizzie A. Lopes, Francisco Madeiro: Improving Image Vector Quantization with a Genetic Accelerated K-Means Algorithm. ACIVS 2008: 67-76
9EECarlos R. B. Azevedo, Esdras L. Bispo, Tiago A. E. Ferreira, Francisco Madeiro, Marcelo S. Alencar: An Evolutionary Approach for Vector Quantization Codebook Optimization. ISNN (1) 2008: 452-461
8EEWaslon Terllizzie A. Lopes, Francisco Madeiro, Marcelo S. Alencar: Closed-Form Expression for the Bit Error Probability of Rectangular QAM Subject to Rayleigh Fading. VTC Fall 2007: 915-919
7EERicardo de A. Araújo, Francisco Madeiro, Tiago A. E. Ferreira, Robson P. de Sousa, Lúcio F. C. Pessoa: Improved Evolutionary Hybrid Method for Designing Morphological Operators. ICIP 2006: 2417-2420
6EEWaslon Terllizzie A. Lopes, Francisco Madeiro, Juraci Ferreira Galdino, Marcelo S. Alencar: Impact of the Estimation Errors and Doppler Effect on the Modulation Diversity Technique. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
5EEFrancisco Madeiro, M. S. Vajapeyam, M. R. Morais, Benedito G. Aguiar Neto, Marcelo S. de Alencar: Multiresolution Codebook Design for Wavelet/VQ Image Coding. ICPR 2000: 3079-3082
4EEWaslon Terllizzie A. Lopes, Francisco Madeiro, Marcelo S. de Alencar, Benedito G. Aguiar Neto: Simulated Annealing for Robust VQ: Improving Image Transmission through a Fading Channel. SBRN 2000: 243-248
3EEFrancisco Madeiro, M. S. Vajapeyam, Benedito G. Aguiar Neto: A Comparative Study of LBG and SOA Codebooks Concerning the Computational Complexity of the Minimum Distortion Encoding for VQ. SBRN 2000: 282
2EEFrancisco Madeiro, R. M. Vilar, Joseana M. Fechine, Benedito G. Aguiar Neto: A Self-Organizing Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Design Applied to Signal Processing. Int. J. Neural Syst. 9(3): 219-226 (1999)
1EEFrancisco Madeiro, R. M. Vilar, Benedito G. Aguiar Neto: A Self-Organizing Algorithm for Image Compression. SBRN 1998: 146-150

Coauthor Index

1Marcelo S. Alencar [6] [8] [9]
2Marcelo S. de Alencar [4] [5]
3Ricardo de A. Araújo [7]
4Carlos R. B. Azevedo [9] [10]
5Esdras L. Bispo [9]
6Joseana M. Fechine [2]
7Tiago Alessandro Espínola Ferreira (Tiago A. E. Ferreira) [7] [9] [10]
8Juraci Ferreira Galdino [6]
9Waslon Terllizzie A. Lopes [4] [6] [8] [10]
10M. R. Morais [5]
11Benedito G. Aguiar Neto [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
12Lúcio F. C. Pessoa [7]
13Robson P. de Sousa [7]
14M. S. Vajapeyam [3] [5]
15R. M. Vilar [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)