
Peter Meer

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81EELin Yang, Bogdan Georgescu, Yefeng Zheng, Peter Meer, Dorin Comaniciu: 3D ultrasound tracking of the left ventricle using one-step forward prediction and data fusion of collaborative trackers. CVPR 2008
80EEOncel Tuzel, Fatih Murat Porikli, Peter Meer: Learning on lie groups for invariant detection and tracking. CVPR 2008
79EERaghav Subbarao, Yakup Genc, Peter Meer: Robust unambiguous parametrization of the essential manifold. CVPR 2008
78EELin Yang, Oncel Tuzel, Peter Meer, David J. Foran: Automatic Image Analysis of Histopathology Specimens Using Concave Vertex Graph. MICCAI (1) 2008: 833-841
77EERaghav Subbarao, Peter Meer: Discontinuity Preserving Filtering over Analytic Manifolds. CVPR 2007
76EEOncel Tuzel, Fatih Porikli, Peter Meer: Human Detection via Classification on Riemannian Manifolds. CVPR 2007
75EELin Yang, Peter Meer, David J. Foran: Multiple Class Segmentation Using A Unified Framework over Mean-Shift Patches. CVPR 2007
74EEReiner Lenz, Pedro Latorre Carmona, Peter Meer: The Hyperbolic Geometry of Illumination-Induced Chromaticity Changes. CVPR 2007
73EELin Yang, Wenjin Chen, Peter Meer, Gratian Salaru, Michael D. Feldman, David J. Foran: High Throughput Analysis of Breast Cancer Specimens on the Grid. MICCAI (1) 2007: 617-625
72EERaghav Subbarao, Yakup Genc, Peter Meer: Nonlinear Mean Shift for Robust Pose Estimation. WACV 2007: 6
71EEOncel Tuzel, Lin Yang, Peter Meer, David J. Foran: Classification of hematologic malignancies using texton signatures. Pattern Anal. Appl. 10(4): 277-290 (2007)
70EERaghav Subbarao, Peter Meer: Nonlinear Mean Shift for Clustering over Analytic Manifolds. CVPR (1) 2006: 1168-1175
69EEFatih Porikli, Oncel Tuzel, Peter Meer: Covariance Tracking using Model Update Based on Lie Algebra. CVPR (1) 2006: 728-735
68EERaghav Subbarao, Peter Meer: Subspace Estimation Using Projection Based M-Estimators over Grassmann Manifolds. ECCV (1) 2006: 301-312
67EEOncel Tuzel, Fatih Porikli, Peter Meer: Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor for Detection and Classification. ECCV (2) 2006: 589-600
66EEBogdan Matei, Peter Meer: Estimation of Nonlinear Errors-in-Variables Models for Computer Vision Applications. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(10): 1537-1552 (2006)
65EEOncel Tuzel, Raghav Subbarao, Peter Meer: Simultaneous Multiple 3D Motion Estimation via Mode Finding on Lie Groups. ICCV 2005: 18-25
64EERaghav Subbarao, Peter Meer, Yakup Genc: A Balanced Approach to 3D Tracking from Image Streams. ISMAR 2005: 70-78
63EEWenjin Chen, Peter Meer, Bogdan Georgescu, Wei He, Lauri A. Goodell, David J. Foran: Image mining for investigative pathology using optimized feature extraction and data fusion. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 79(1): 59-72 (2005)
62EELin Yang, Peter Meer, David J. Foran: Unsupervised segmentation based on robust estimation and color active contour models. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 9(3): 475-486 (2005)
61EEHaifeng Chen, Peter Meer: Robust fusion of uncertain information. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 35(3): 578-586 (2005)
60EEHaifeng Chen, Ilan Shimshoni, Peter Meer: Model Based Object Recognition by Robust Information Fusion. ICPR (3) 2004: 57-60
59EEBogdan Georgescu, Peter Meer: Point Matching under Large Image Deformations and Illumination Changes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(6): 674-688 (2004)
58EEBogdan Georgescu, Ilan Shimshoni, Peter Meer: Mean Shift Based Clustering in High Dimensions: A Texture Classification Example. ICCV 2003: 456-463
57EEHaifeng Chen, Peter Meer: Robust Regression with Projection Based M-estimators. ICCV 2003: 878-885
56EEDorin Comaniciu, Visvanathan Ramesh, Peter Meer: Kernel-Based Object Tracking. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(5): 564-575 (2003)
55EEDorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer, David E. Tyler: Dissimilarity computation through low rank corrections. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(1-3): 227-236 (2003)
54EEHaifeng Chen, Peter Meer: Robust Computer Vision through Kernel Density Estimation. ECCV (1) 2002: 236-250
53EEBogdan Georgescu, Peter Meer: Balanced Recovery of 3D Structure and Camera Motion from Uncalibrated Image Sequences. ECCV (2) 2002: 294-308
52EEChristopher M. Christoudias, Bogdan Georgescu, Peter Meer: Synergism in Low Level Vision. ICPR (4) 2002: 150-155
51EEDorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer: Mean Shift: A Robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(5): 603-619 (2002)
50EEHaifeng Chen, Peter Meer, David E. Tyler: Robust Regression for Data with Multiple Structures. CVPR (1) 2001: 1069-1075
49EEJacques Bride, Peter Meer: Registration via Direct Methods: A Statistical Approach. CVPR (1) 2001: 984-989
48 Dorin Comaniciu, Visvanathan Ramesh, Peter Meer: The Variable Bandwidth Mean Shift and Data-Driven Scale Selection. ICCV 2001: 438-445
47 Bogdan Matei, Bogdan Georgescu, Peter Meer: A Versatile Method for Trifocal Tensor Estimation. ICCV 2001: 578-585
46EEPeter Meer, Bogdan Georgescu: Edge Detection with Embedded Confidence. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(12): 1351-1365 (2001)
45EEBogdan Matei, Peter Meer: A General Method for Errors-in-Variables Problems in Computer Vision. CVPR 2000: 2018-2025
44EEDorin Comaniciu, Visvanathan Ramesh, Peter Meer: Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects Using Mean Shift. CVPR 2000: 2142-
43EEBogdan Matei, Peter Meer: Reduction of Bias in Maximum Likelihood Ellipse Fitting. ICPR 2000: 3802-3806
42EEKun Xu, Bogdan Georgescu, Peter Meer, Dorin Comaniciu: Performance Analysis in Content-Based Retrieval with Textures. ICPR 2000: 4275-4278
41EEPeter Meer, Charles V. Stewart, David E. Tyler: Robust Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Challenge. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 78(1): 1-7 (2000)
40 David J. Foran, Dorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer, Lauri A. Goodell: Computer-assisted discrimination among malignant lymphomas and leukemia using immunophenotyping, intelligent image repositories, and telemicroscopy. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 4(4): 265-273 (2000)
39 Yoram Leedan, Peter Meer: Heteroscedastic Regression in Computer Vision: Problems with Bilinear Constraint. International Journal of Computer Vision 37(2): 127-150 (2000)
38EEDorin Comaniciu, Bogdan Georgescu, Peter Meer, Wenjin Chen, David J. Foran: Decision Support System for Multiuser Remote Microscopy in Telepathology. CBMS 1999: 150-155
37EEBogdan Matei, Peter Meer: Optimal Rigid Motion Estimation and Performance Evaluation with Bootstrap. CVPR 1999: 1339-
36EEYakup Genc, Jean Ponce, Yoram Leedan, Peter Meer: Parameterized Image Varieties and Estimation with Bilinear Constraints. CVPR 1999: 2067-2072
35EEDorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer: Mean Shift Analysis and Applications. ICCV 1999: 1197-1203
34EEMaría A. Garza-Jinich, Verónica Medina, Oscar Yañez, Peter Meer: Automatic Correction of Bias Field in Magnetic Resonance Images. ICIAP 1999: 752-756
33EEBogdan Matei, Peter Meer: Bootstrapping Errors-in-Variables Models. Workshop on Vision Algorithms 1999: 236-252
32EEDorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer, David J. Foran: Image-guided decision support system for pathology. Mach. Vis. Appl. 11(4): 213-224 (1999)
31EEDorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer: Distribution Free Decomposition of Multivariate Data. Pattern Anal. Appl. 2(1): 22-30 (1999)
30 Yoram Leedan, Peter Meer: Estimation with Bilinear Constraints in Computer Vision. ICCV 1998: 733-738
29 Dorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer: Distribution Free Decomposition of Multivariate Data. SSPR/SPR 1998: 602-610
28 Peter Meer, Bogdan Matei, Kyujin Cho: Input Guided Performance Evaluation. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 1998: 115-124
27EEKyuchin Cho, Peter Meer, Javier Cabrera: Correction to "Performance Assessment Through Bootstrap". IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(1): 94 (1998)
26EEKil-Moo Lee, Peter Meer, Rae-Hong Park: Robust Adaptive Segmentation of Range Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(2): 200-205 (1998)
25EEPeter Meer, Reiner Lenz, Sudhir Ramakrishna: Efficient Invariant Representations. International Journal of Computer Vision 26(2): 137-152 (1998)
24EEDorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer: Robust analysis of feature spaces: color image segmentation. CVPR 1997: 750-
23EEKyujin Cho, Peter Meer: Image Segmentation from Consensus Information. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 68(1): 72-89 (1997)
22 Kyujin Cho, Peter Meer, Javier Cabrera: Performance Assessment Through Bootstrap. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(11): 1185-1198 (1997)
21 David J. Foran, Peter Meer, Thomas V. Papathomas, Ivan Marsic: Compression guidelines for diagnostic telepathology. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 1(1): 55-60 (1997)
20EEJavier Cabrera, Peter Meer: Unbiased Estimation of Ellipses by Bootstrapping. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(7): 752-756 (1996)
19 Peter Meer, Rae-Hong Park, Kyujin Cho: Multiresolution Adaptive Image Smoothing. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 56(2): 140-148 (1994)
18 Sotirios G. Ziavras, Peter Meer: Adaptive Multiresolution Structures for Image Processing on Parallel Computers. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 23(3): 475-483 (1994)
17EEReiner Lenz, Peter Meer: Point configuration invariants under simultaneous projective and permutation transformations. Pattern Recognition 27(11): 1523-1532 (1994)
16EEReiner Lenz, Peter Meer: Experimental investigation of projection and permutation invariants. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(8): 751-760 (1994)
15 Peter Meer, Sudhir Ramakrishna, Reiner Lenz: Correspondence of Coplanar Features Through p-Invariant Representations. Applications of Invariance in Computer Vision 1993: 473-492
14EEAnnick Montanvert, Peter Meer, Azriel Rosenfeld: Hierarchical Image Analysis Using Irregular Tessellations. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(4): 307-316 (1991)
13EEJean-Michel Jolion, Peter Meer, Samira Bataouche: Robust Clustering with Applications in Computer Vision. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(8): 791-802 (1991)
12EEPeter Meer, Doron Mintz, Azriel Rosenfeld, Dong Yoon Kim: Robust regression methods for computer vision: A review. International Journal of Computer Vision 6(1): 59-70 (1991)
11EESunil Arya, Daniel DeMenthon, Peter Meer, Larry S. Davis: Textural analysis of range images. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(10): 619-626 (1991)
10 Rae-Hong Park, Peter Meer: Edge-preserving artifact-free smoothing with image pyramids. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(8): 467-475 (1991)
9 Annick Montanvert, Peter Meer, Azriel Rosenfeld: Hierarchical Image Analysis Using Irregular Tessellations. ECCV 1990: 28-32
8EEPeter Meer, Jean-Michel Jolion, Azriel Rosenfeld: A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Blind Estimation of Noise Variance. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(2): 216-223 (1990)
7EEPeter Meer, C. Allen Sher, Azriel Rosenfeld: The Chain Pyramid: Hierarchical Contour Processing. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(4): 363-376 (1990)
6EEJean-Michel Jolion, Peter Meer, Azriel Rosenfeld: Border delineation in image pyramids by concurrent tree growing. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(2): 107-115 (1990)
5EEPeter Meer: Stochastic image pyramids. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 45(3): 269-294 (1989)
4EEPeter Meer, Steven Connelly: A fast parallel method for synthesis of random patterns. Pattern Recognition 22(2): 189-204 (1989)
3EEPeter Meer, Shijie Wang, Harry Wechsler: Edge detection by associative mapping. Pattern Recognition 22(5): 491-503 (1989)
2EEPeter Meer, Song-Nian Jiang, Ernest S. Baugher, Azriel Rosenfeld: Robustness of image pyramids under structural perturbations. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 44(3): 307-331 (1988)
1EEPeter Meer, Ernest S. Baugher, Azriel Rosenfeld: Extraction of trend lines and extrema from multiscale curves. Pattern Recognition 21(3): 217-226 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Sunil Arya [11]
2Samira Bataouche [13]
3Ernest S. Baugher [1] [2]
4Jacques Bride [49]
5Javier Cabrera [20] [22] [27]
6Pedro Latorre Carmona [74]
7Haifeng Chen [50] [54] [57] [60] [61]
8Wenjin Chen [38] [63] [73]
9Kyuchin Cho [27]
10Kyujin Cho [19] [22] [23] [28]
11Chris Mario Christoudias (Christopher M. Christoudias) [52]
12Dorin Comaniciu [24] [29] [31] [32] [35] [38] [40] [42] [44] [48] [51] [55] [56] [81]
13Steven Connelly [4]
14Larry S. Davis [11]
15Daniel DeMenthon [11]
16Michael D. Feldman [73]
17David J. Foran [21] [32] [38] [40] [62] [63] [71] [73] [75] [78]
18María A. Garza-Jinich [34]
19Yakup Genc [36] [64] [72] [79]
20Bogdan Georgescu [38] [42] [46] [47] [52] [53] [58] [59] [63] [81]
21Lauri A. Goodell [40] [63]
22Wei He [63]
23Song-Nian Jiang [2]
24Jean-Michel Jolion [6] [8] [13]
25Dong Yoon Kim [12]
26Kil-Moo Lee [26]
27Yoram Leedan [30] [36] [39]
28Reiner Lenz [15] [16] [17] [25] [74]
29Ivan Marsic [21]
30Bogdan Matei [28] [33] [37] [43] [45] [47] [66]
31Verónica Medina [34]
32Doron Mintz [12]
33Annick Montanvert [9] [14]
34Thomas V. Papathomas [21]
35Rae-Hong Park [10] [19] [26]
36Jean Ponce [36]
37Fatih Murat Porikli (Fatih Porikli) [67] [69] [76] [80]
38Sudhir Ramakrishna [15] [25]
39Visvanathan Ramesh [44] [48] [56]
40Azriel Rosenfeld [1] [2] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12] [14]
41Gratian Salaru [73]
42C. Allen Sher [7]
43Ilan Shimshoni [58] [60]
44Charles V. Stewart [41]
45Raghav Subbarao [64] [65] [68] [70] [72] [77] [79]
46Oncel Tuzel [65] [67] [69] [71] [76] [78] [80]
47David E. Tyler [41] [50] [55]
48Shijie Wang [3]
49Harry Wechsler [3]
50Kun Xu [42]
51Oscar Yañez [34]
52Lin Yang [62] [71] [73] [75] [78] [81]
53Yefeng Zheng [81]
54Sotirios G. Ziavras [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)