
Stefan Scherer

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12EEStefan Scherer, Mohamed Oubbati, Friedhelm Schwenker, Günther Palm: Real-Time Emotion Recognition from Speech Using Echo State Networks. ANNPR 2008: 205-216
11EEStefan Scherer, Mohamed Oubbati, Friedhelm Schwenker, Günther Palm: Real-Time Emotion Recognition Using Echo State Networks. PIT 2008: 200-204
10EEStefan Scherer, Friedhelm Schwenker, Günther Palm: Emotion Recognition from Speech Using Multi-Classifier Systems and RBF-Ensembles. Speech, Audio, Image and Biomedical Signal Processing using Neural Networks 2008: 49-70
9EEHari Krishna Maganti, Stefan Scherer, Günther Palm: A Novel Feature for Emotion Recognition in Voice Based Applications. ACII 2007: 710-711
8EEChristian Thiel, Stefan Scherer, Friedhelm Schwenker: Fuzzy-Input Fuzzy-Output One-Against-All Support Vector Machines. KES (3) 2007: 156-165
7EEPeter Werth, Stefan Scherer: A Novel Bidirectional Framework for Control and Refinement of Area Based Correlation Techniques. ICPR 2000: 3738-3741
6EEMartin Berger, Thomas Auer, Gernot Bachler, Stefan Scherer, Axel Pinz: 3D Model Based Pose Determination in Real-Time: Strategies, Convergence, Accurac. ICPR 2000: 4567-4570
5EEMartin Berger, Gernot Bachler, Stefan Scherer: Vision Guided Bin Picking and Mounting in a Flexible Assembly Cell. IEA/AIE 2000: 109-118
4EEMartin Berger, Vassili Kravtchenko-Berejnoi, Stefan Scherer: Fitting 3D Models To 2D Imagery: A Physics Based Approach. MVA 2000: 485-488
3EEGernot Bachler, Martin Berger, Reinhard Röhrer, Stefan Scherer, Axel Pinz: A Vision Driven Automatic Assembly Unit. CAIP 1999: 375-382
2EEPeter Werth, Stefan Scherer, Axel Pinz: Subpixel Stereo Matching by Robust Estimation of Local Distortion Using Gabor Filters. CAIP 1999: 641-648
1EEStefan Scherer, Axel Pinz, Peter Werth: The Discriminatory Power of Ordinal Measures - Towards a New Coefficient. CVPR 1999: 1076-1081

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Auer [6]
2Gernot Bachler [3] [5] [6]
3Martin Berger [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Vassili Kravtchenko-Berejnoi [4]
5Hari Krishna Maganti [9]
6Mohamed Oubbati [11] [12]
7Günther Palm [9] [10] [11] [12]
8Axel Pinz [1] [2] [3] [6]
9Reinhard Röhrer [3]
10Friedhelm Schwenker [8] [10] [11] [12]
11Christian Thiel [8]
12Peter Werth [1] [2] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)