
Jovisa D. Zunic

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52EEJovisa D. Zunic, Kaoru Hirota: Measuring Shape Circularity. CIARP 2008: 94-101
51EEJovisa D. Zunic, Milos Stojmenovic: Boundary based shape orientation. Pattern Recognition 41(5): 1768-1781 (2008)
50EEMilos Stojmenovic, Amiya Nayak, Jovisa D. Zunic: Measuring linearity of planar point sets. Pattern Recognition 41(8): 2503-2511 (2008)
49EEJovisa D. Zunic, Paul L. Rosin: A Definition for Orientation for Multiple Component Shapes. CAIP 2007: 677-685
48EEMilos Stojmenovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: New Measure for Shape Elongation. IbPRIA (2) 2007: 572-579
47EEMartin N. Huxley, Jovisa D. Zunic: The Number of N-Point Digital Discs. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(1): 159-161 (2007)
46EESilvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: Separating Points by Parallel Hyperplanes - Characterization Problem. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18(5): 1356-1363 (2007)
45EEJovisa D. Zunic, Paul L. Rosin, Lazar Kopanja: Shape Orientability. ACCV (2) 2006: 11-20
44EEReinhard Klette, Jovisa D. Zunic: On Discrete Moments of Unbounded Order. DGCI 2006: 367-378
43EEJovisa D. Zunic: Boundary Based Orientation of Polygonal Shapes. PSIVT 2006: 108-117
42EEMartin N. Huxley, Jovisa D. Zunic: Different Digitisations of Displaced Discs. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 6(2): 255-268 (2006)
41EEJovisa D. Zunic, Paul L. Rosin, Lazar Kopanja: On the Orientability of Shapes. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(11): 3478-3487 (2006)
40EEJovisa D. Zunic, Lazar Kopanja, Jonathan E. Fieldsend: Notes on shape orientation where the standard method does not work. Pattern Recognition 39(5): 856-865 (2006)
39EEJovisa D. Zunic, Lazar Kopanja: On Shape Orientation When the Standard Method Does Not Work. CIARP 2005: 825-836
38EEPaul L. Rosin, Jovisa D. Zunic: Measuring rectilinearity. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 99(2): 175-188 (2005)
37 Reinhard Klette, Jovisa D. Zunic: Combinatorial Image Analysis, 10th InternationalWorkshop, IWCIA 2004, Auckland, New Zealand, December 1-3, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
36EEMartin N. Huxley, Jovisa D. Zunic: On the Number of Digitizations of a Disc Depending on Its Position. IWCIA 2004: 219-231
35EEJovisa D. Zunic, Paul L. Rosin: A New Convexity Measure for Polygons. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(7): 923-934 (2004)
34EEJovisa D. Zunic: A Characterization of Discretized Polygonal Convex Regions by Discrete Moments. CIARP 2003: 529-536
33EEJovisa D. Zunic: On discrete triangles characterization. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 90(2): 169-189 (2003)
32EEJovisa D. Zunic: Cutting Corners by Circles and Spheres. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 232-242 (2003)
31EEJovisa D. Zunic, Paul L. Rosin: Rectilinearity Measurements for Polygons. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(9): 1193-1200 (2003)
30EEJovisa D. Zunic, Paul L. Rosin: A Convexity Measurement for Polygons. BMVC 2002
29EEJovisa D. Zunic: On Characterization of Discrete Triangles by Discrete Moments. DGCI 2002: 232-243
28EEJovisa D. Zunic, Paul L. Rosin: A Rectilinearity Measurement for Polygons. ECCV (2) 2002: 746-758
27EEJovisa D. Zunic: Extremal problems on convex lattice polygons in sense of lp-metrics. Discrete Mathematics 259(1-3): 237-250 (2002)
26EEIvan Stojmenovic, Mahtab Seddigh, Jovisa D. Zunic: Dominating Sets and Neighbor Elimination-Based Broadcasting Algorithms in Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 13(1): 14-25 (2002)
25EEIvan Stojmenovic, Mahtab Seddigh, Jovisa D. Zunic: Internal Nodes based Broadcasting In Wireless Networks. HICSS 2001
24EEJovisa D. Zunic: Digital Partitions Encoding. Digital and Image Geometry 2000: 163-174
23EEReinhard Klette, Jovisa D. Zunic: Multigrid Error Bounds for Moments of Arbitrary Order. ICPR 2000: 3790-3793
22EEJovisa D. Zunic, Natasa Sladoje: Efficiency of Characterizing Ellipses and Ellipsoids by Discrete Moments. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 22(4): 407-414 (2000)
21EEJovisa D. Zunic: The Discrete Moments of the Circles. DGCI 1999: 41-52
20EEAlioune Ngom, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: On the Number of Multilinear Partitions and the Computing Capacity of Multiple-Valued Multiple-Threshold Perceptrons. ISMVL 1999: 208-213
19 Reinhard Klette, Jovisa D. Zunic: Digital Approximation of Moments of Convex Regions. Graphical Models and Image Processing 61(5): 274-298 (1999)
18 Reinhard Klette, Jovisa D. Zunic: Gravity Centres of Smooth Planar Conves Regions from Digital Pictures. IVCNZ 1998: 375-380
17EEJovisa D. Zunic: Limit shape of convex lattice polygons having the minimal Linfinity diameter w.r.t. the number of their vertices. Discrete Mathematics 187(1-3): 245-254 (1998)
16 Jovisa D. Zunic, Dragan M. Acketa: A General Coding Scheme for Families of Digital Curve Segments. Graphical Models and Image Processing 60(6): 437-460 (1998)
15 Jovisa D. Zunic, Natasa Sladoje: A Characterization of Digital Disks by Discrete Moments. CAIP 1997: 582-589
14 Natasa Sladoje, Jovisa D. Zunic: Ellipses Estimation from their Digitization. DGCI 1997: 187-198
13 Jovisa D. Zunic, Dragan M. Acketa: Least squares fitting of digital polynominal segments. DGCI 1996: 17-23
12 Reinhard Klette, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: A Parametrization of Digital Planes by Least-Squares Fits and Generalizations. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(3): 295-300 (1996)
11EESnezana Matic-Kekic, Dragan M. Acketa, Jovisa D. Zunic: An exact construction of digital convex polygons with minimal diameter. Discrete Mathematics 150(1-3): 303-313 (1996)
10EEJovisa D. Zunic: A representation of digital hyperbolas y = 1/x alpha + beta. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(9): 975-983 (1996)
9 Reinhard Klette, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: A Representation of Digital Planes by Least Square Fits. CAIP 1995: 753-758
8 Dragan M. Acketa, Jovisa D. Zunic: On the Maximal Number of Edges of Convex Digital Polygons Included into an m x m -Grid. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 69(2): 358-368 (1995)
7EEJovisa D. Zunic: A coding scheme for certain sets of digital curves. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(1): 97-104 (1995)
6 A. Ivic, Jack Koplowitz, Jovisa D. Zunic: On the number of digital convex polygons inscribed into an (m, m)-grid. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(5): 1681- (1994)
5 Dragan M. Acketa, Jovisa D. Zunic: A Simple Construction of a Digital Convex n-gon with Almost Minimal Diameter. Inf. Sci. 77(3-4): 275-291 (1994)
4EERobert A. Melter, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: A new characterization of digital lines by least square fits. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(2): 83-88 (1993)
3 Jovisa D. Zunic: Inner and Outer Convex Hull Approximation for Finite Planar Point Sets. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 27(2): 75-83 (1991)
2 Dragan M. Acketa, Jovisa D. Zunic: On the Number of Linear Partitions of the (m, n)-Grid. Inf. Process. Lett. 38(3): 163-168 (1991)
1 Jovisa D. Zunic: Approximate Convex Hull Algorithm - Efficiency Evaluations. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 26(3): 137-148 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Dragan M. Acketa [2] [5] [8] [11] [13] [16]
2Jonathan E. Fieldsend [40]
3Silvia Ghilezan [46]
4Kaoru Hirota [52]
5Martin N. Huxley [36] [42] [47]
6A. Ivic [6]
7Reinhard Klette [9] [12] [18] [19] [23] [37] [44]
8Lazar Kopanja [39] [40] [41] [45]
9Jack Koplowitz [6]
10Snezana Matic-Kekic [11]
11Robert A. Melter [4]
12Amiya Nayak [50]
13Alioune Ngom [20]
14Jovanka Pantovic [46]
15Paul L. Rosin [28] [30] [31] [35] [38] [41] [45] [49]
16Mahtab Seddigh [25] [26]
17Natasa Sladoje [14] [15] [22]
18Ivan Stojmenovic [4] [9] [12] [20] [25] [26]
19Milos Stojmenovic [48] [50] [51]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)