
Its'hak Dinstein

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30EEItay Bar Yosef, Isaac Beckman, Klara Kedem, Its'hak Dinstein: Binarization, character extraction, and writer identification of historical Hebrew calligraphy documents. IJDAR 9(2-4): 89-99 (2007)
29EEItay Bar Yosef, Isaac Beckman, Klara Kedem, Its'hak Dinstein: Extraction of Specified Objects from Binary Images Using Object Based Erosion Transform: Application to Hebrew Calligraphic Manuscripts. ICDAR 2005: 878-882
28EEItay Bar Yosef, Klara Kedem, Its'hak Dinstein, Malachi Beit-Arie, Edna Engel: Classification of Hebrew Calligraphic Handwriting Styles: Preliminary Results. DIAL 2004: 299-305
27EEBoaz Cohen, Its'hak Dinstein: New maximum likelihood motion estimation schemes for noisy ultrasound images. Pattern Recognition 35(2): 455-463 (2002)
26EEBoaz Cohen, Its'hak Dinstein: Detection of the presence of aliasing in digital image sequences. ICIP (1) 2001: 634-637
25EEBoaz Cohen, Its'hak Dinstein: Motion Estimation in Noisy Ultrasound Images by Maximum Likelihood. ICPR 2000: 3186-3189
24EEBoaz Lerner, Hugo Guterman, Mayer Aladjem, Its'hak Dinstein: On the Initialisation of Sammon's Nonlinear Mapping. Pattern Anal. Appl. 3(1): 61-68 (2000)
23EEGady Agam, Its'hak Dinstein: Compound Regulated Morphological Operations and Their Application to the Analysis of Line-Drawings. GREC 1999: 58-68
22EEGady Agam, Its'hak Dinstein: Regulated morphological operations. Pattern Recognition 32(6): 947-971 (1999)
21EEBoaz Lerner, Hugo Guterman, Mayer Aladjem, Its'hak Dinstein: A comparative study of neural network based feature extraction paradigms. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(1): 7-14 (1999)
20 Gady Agam, Its'hak Dinstein: Efficient Implementation of Regulated Morphological Operations Based on Directional Interval Coding. SSPR/SPR 1998: 397-404
19EEBoaz Lerner, Hugo Guterman, Mayer Aladjem, Its'hak Dinstein, Yitzhak Romem: On pattern classification with Sammon's nonlinear mapping an experimental study. Pattern Recognition 31(4): 371-381 (1998)
18 Gady Agam, Its'hak Dinstein: Directional Decomposition of Line-Drawing Images Based on Regulated Morphological Operations. GREC 1997: 21-34
17 Gady Agam, Its'hak Dinstein: Geometric Separation of Partially Overlapping Nonrigid Objects Applied to Automatic Chromosome Classification. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(11): 1212-1222 (1997)
16EEBoaz Cohen, Its'hak Dinstein, Moshe Eyal: A system for computerized classification of color textured perthite images. Pattern Recognition 30(9): 1533-1545 (1997)
15 Gady Agam, Its'hak Dinstein: Generalized Morphological Operators Applied to Map-Analysis. SSPR 1996: 60-69
14 Gady Agam, Huizhu Luo, Its'hak Dinstein: Morphological Approach for Dashed Lines Detection. GREC 1995: 92-105
13EEHuizhu Luo, Gady Agam, Its'hak Dinstein: Directional mathematical morphology approach for line thinning and extraction of character strings from maps and line drawings. ICDAR 1995: 257-260
12EEBoaz Lerner, Hugo Guterman, Its'hak Dinstein, Yitzhak Romem: Human chromosome classification using multilayer perceptron neural network. Int. J. Neural Syst. 6(3): 359-370 (1995)
11EEBoaz Lerner, Hugo Guterman, Its'hak Dinstein, Yitzhak Romem: Medial axis transform-based features and a neural network for human chromosome classification. Pattern Recognition 28(11): 1673-1683 (1995)
10EEArie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein: Matching of partially occluded planar curves. Pattern Recognition 28(2): 199-209 (1995)
9EEArie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein: Optimal polygonal approximation of digital curves. Pattern Recognition 28(3): 373-379 (1995)
8EEArie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein: An algorithm for polygonal approximation based on iterative point elimination. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(6): 557-563 (1995)
7EEArie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein: Using Simple Decomposition for Smoothing and Feature Point Detection of Noisy Digital Curves. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(8): 808-813 (1994)
6EEMin Gi Kim, Its'hak Dinstein, Leonard Shaw: A Prototype Filter Design Approach to Pyramid Generation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(12): 1233-1240 (1993)
5EEMayer Aladjem, Its'hak Dinstein: Linear mappings of local data structures. Pattern Recognition Letters 13(3): 153-159 (1992)
4EEIts'hak Dinstein, Gad M. Landau, Gideon Guy: Parallel (pram erew) algorithms for contour-based 2D shape recognition. Pattern Recognition 24(10): 929-942 (1991)
3 Its'hak Dinstein, Gad M. Landau: Parallel computable contour based feature strings for 2-D shape recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(5): 299-306 (1991)
2EEIts'hak Dinstein, Gad M. Landau: Parallel algorithms for contour extraction and coding on an EREW PRAM computer. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(2): 87-93 (1990)
1 Jorge L. C. Sanz, Its'hak Dinstein, Dragutin Petkovic: Computing Multi-Colored Polygonal Masks in Pipeline Architectures and Its Application to Automated Visual Inspection. Commun. ACM 30(4): 318-329 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Gady Agam [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [20] [22] [23]
2Mayer Aladjem [5] [19] [21] [24]
3Isaac Beckman [29] [30]
4Malachi Beit-Arie [28]
5Boaz Cohen [16] [25] [26] [27]
6Edna Engel [28]
7Moshe Eyal [16]
8Hugo Guterman [11] [12] [19] [21] [24]
9Gideon Guy [4]
10Klara Kedem [28] [29] [30]
11Min Gi Kim [6]
12Gad M. Landau [2] [3] [4]
13Boaz Lerner [11] [12] [19] [21] [24]
14Huizhu Luo [13] [14]
15Dragutin Petkovic [1]
16Arie Pikaz [7] [8] [9] [10]
17Yitzhak Romem [11] [12] [19]
18Jorge L. C. Sanz [1]
19Leonard Shaw [6]
20Itay Bar Yosef [28] [29] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)