
Stavri G. Nikolov

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11EENedeljko Cvejic, Stavri G. Nikolov, Henry D. Knowles, Artur Loza, Alin Achim, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah: The Effect of Pixel-Level Fusion on Object Tracking in Multi-Sensor Surveillance Video. CVPR 2007
10EEJian Li, Christopher P. Benton, Stavri G. Nikolov, Nicholas E. Scott-Samuel: Adaptive Multiscale Optical Flowestimation. ICIP (2) 2007: 509-512
9EEAsher Mahmood, Philip M. Tudor, William Oxford, Robert Hansford, James D. B. Nelson, Nicholas G. Kingsbury, Antonis Katartzis, Maria Petrou, Nikolaos Mitianoudis, Tania Stathaki, Alin Achim, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah, Stavri G. Nikolov, Artur Loza, Nedeljko Cvejic: Applied Multi-Dimensional Fusion. Comput. J. 50(6): 646-659 (2007)
8EEA. Ardeshir Goshtasby, Stavri G. Nikolov: Image fusion: Advances in the state of the art. Information Fusion 8(2): 114-118 (2007)
7EEJohn J. Lewis, Robert J. O'Callaghan, Stavri G. Nikolov, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah: Pixel- and region-based image fusion with complex wavelets. Information Fusion 8(2): 119-130 (2007)
6 Lyudmila Mihaylova, Artur Loza, Stavri G. Nikolov, John J. Lewis, Eduardo Fernández Canga, J. Li, Timothy D. Dixon, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah, David R. Bull: The Influence of Multi-Sensor Video Fusion on Object Tracking Using a Particle Filter. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2006: 354-358
5EETimothy D. Dixon, Eduardo Fernández Canga, J. M. Noyes, Tom Troscianko, Stavri G. Nikolov, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah: Methods for the assessment of fused images. TAP 3(3): 309-332 (2006)
4EEStavri G. Nikolov, Timothy D. Newman, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah, Michael G. Jones, Iain D. Gilchrist: Gaze-contingent display using texture mapping and OpenGL: system and applications. ETRA 2004: 11-18
3EEStavri G. Nikolov, David R. Bull, Iain D. Gilchrist: Gaze-Contingent Multi-modality Displays of Multi-layered Geographical Maps. Numerical Methods and Application 2002: 325-332
2EEStavri G. Nikolov, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah, M. Halliwell, P. N. T. Wells: Fusion of 2-D Images Using Their Multiscale Edges. ICPR 2000: 3045-3048
1EEStavri G. Nikolov, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah: A Global Graph Model of Image Registration. VISUAL 1999: 333-340

Coauthor Index

1Alin Achim [9] [11]
2Christopher P. Benton [10]
3David R. Bull [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11]
4Cedric Nishan Canagarajah [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11]
5Eduardo Fernández Canga [5] [6]
6Nedeljko Cvejic [9] [11]
7Timothy D. Dixon [5] [6]
8Iain D. Gilchrist [3] [4]
9A. Ardeshir Goshtasby (Ardeshir Goshtasby) [8]
10M. Halliwell [2]
11Robert Hansford [9]
12Michael G. Jones [4]
13Antonis Katartzis [9]
14Nicholas G. Kingsbury [9]
15Henry D. Knowles [11]
16John J. Lewis [6] [7]
17J. Li [6]
18Jian Li [10]
19Artur Loza [6] [9] [11]
20Asher Mahmood [9]
21Lyudmila Mihaylova [6]
22Nikolaos Mitianoudis [9]
23James D. B. Nelson [9]
24Timothy D. Newman [4]
25J. M. Noyes [5]
26Robert J. O'Callaghan [7]
27William Oxford [9]
28Maria Petrou [9]
29Nicholas E. Scott-Samuel [10]
30Tania Stathaki [9]
31Tom Troscianko [5]
32Philip M. Tudor [9]
33P. N. T. Wells [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)