
Alex Waibel

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83EEOlivier Hamon, Christian Fügen, Djamel Mostefa, Victoria Arranz, Muntsin Kolss, Alex Waibel, Khalid Choukri: End-to-End Evaluation in Simultaneous Translation. EACL 2009: 345-353
82EEKeni Bernardin, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Alex Waibel: Probabilistic integration of sparse audio-visual cues for identity tracking. ACM Multimedia 2008: 151-158
81EEPhilipp W. L. Große, Hartwig Holzapfel, Alex Waibel: Confidence based multimodal fusion for person identification. ACM Multimedia 2008: 885-888
80EEHartwig Holzapfel, Daniel Neubig, Alex Waibel: A dialogue approach to learning object descriptions and semantic categories. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(11): 1004-1013 (2008)
79EEMatthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel: Translation Model Pruning via Usage Statistics for Statistical Machine Translation. HLT-NAACL (Short Papers) 2007: 21-24
78EEQin Jin, Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel: Far-Field Speaker Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 15(7): 2023-2032 (2007)
77EERainer Stiefelhagen, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Christian Fügen, Petra Gieselmann, Hartwig Holzapfel, Florian Kraft, Kai Nickel, Michael Voit, Alex Waibel: Enabling Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction for the Karlsruhe Humanoid Robot. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(5): 840-851 (2007)
76EEAlex Waibel, Keni Bernardin, Matthias Wölfel: Computer-Supported Human-Human Multilingual Communication. 50 Years of Artificial Intelligence 2006: 271-287
75EERobert Malkin, Datong Chen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Directing Attention in Online Aggregate Sensor Streams via Auditory Blind Value Assignment. ICME 2006: 2137-2140
74EERobert Malkin, Datong Chen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Multimodal estimation of user interruptibility for smart mobile telephones. ICMI 2006: 118-125
73EEHartwig Holzapfel, Thomas Schaaf, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Christoph Schaa, Alex Waibel: A Robot Learns to Know People - First Contacts of a Robot. KI 2006: 302-316
72EESebastian Stüker, Chengqing Zong, Jürgen Reichert, Wenjie Cao, Muntsin Kolss, Guodong Xie, Kay Peterson, Peng Ding, Victoria Arranz, Jian Yu, Alex Waibel: Speech-to-Speech Translation Services for the Olympic Games 2008. MLMI 2006: 297-308
71EENico Schlaefer, Petra Gieselmann, Thomas Schaaf, Alex Waibel: A Pattern Learning Approach to Question Answering Within the Ephyra Framework. TSD 2006: 687-694
70 Fei Huang, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel: Clustering and Classifying Person Names by Origin. AAAI 2005: 1056-1061
69EEMaria Danninger, G. Flaherty, Keni Bernardin, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, T. Köhler, Robert Malkin, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Alex Waibel: The connector: facilitating context-aware communication. ICMI 2005: 69-75
68EEFlorian Metze, Petra Gieselmann, Hartwig Holzapfel, Tobias Kluge, Ivica Rogina, Alex Waibel, Matthias Wölfel, James L. Crowley, Patrick Reignier, Dominique Vaufreydaz, François Bérard, Bérangère Cohen, Joëlle Coutaz, Sylvie Rouillard, Victoria Arranz, Manu Bertrán, Horacio Rodriguez: The "FAME" Interactive Space. MLMI 2005: 126-137
67EEAlex Waibel: CHIL - Computers in the Human Interaction Loop. MVA 2005: 18-18
66EEJan Kratt, Florian Metze, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Alex Waibel: Large Vocabulary Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using the Janus Speech Recognition Toolkit. DAGM-Symposium 2004: 488-495
65EEFei Huang, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel: Improving Named Entity Translation Combining Phonetic and Semantic Similarities. HLT-NAACL 2004: 281-288
64EEXilin Chen, Jie Yang, Jing Zhang, Alex Waibel: Automatic detection and recognition of signs from natural scenes. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(1): 87-99 (2004)
63EEJohn W. McDonough, Thomas Schaaf, Alex Waibel: Speaker adaptation with all-pass transforms. Speech Communication 42(1): 75-91 (2004)
62EEAshish Venugopal, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel: Effective Phrase Translation Extraction from Alignment Models. ACL 2003: 319-326
61EEAlex Waibel, Ahmed Badran, Alan W. Black, Robert E. Frederking, Donna Gates, Alon Lavie, Lori S. Levin, Kevin Lenzo, Laura Mayfield Tomokiyo, Jürgen Reichert, Tanja Schultz, Dorcas Wallace, Monika Woszczyna, Jing Zhang: Speechalator: Two-Way Speech-to-Speech Translation in Your Hand. HLT-NAACL 2003
60EEXilin Chen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Calibration of a Hybrid Camera Network. ICCV 2003: 150-155
59EEFei Huang, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel: Extracting named entity translingual equivalence with limited resources. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 2(2): 124-129 (2003)
58EEHartwig Holzapfel, Christian Fügen, Matthias Denecke, Alex Waibel: Integrating Emotional Cues into a Framework for Dialogue Management. ICMI 2002: 141-148
57EEJing Zhang, Xilin Chen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: A PDA-Based Sign Translator. ICMI 2002: 217-222
56EEZhirong Wang, Umut Topkara, Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel: Towards Universal Speech Recognition. ICMI 2002: 247-252
55EEBrad A. Myers, Robert Malkin, Michael Bett, Alex Waibel, Ben Bostwick, Robert C. Miller, Jie Yang, Matthias Denecke, Edgar Seemann, Jie Zhu, Choon Hong Peck, Dave Kong, Jeffrey Nichols, William L. Scherlis: Flexi-Modal and Multi-Machine User Interfaces. ICMI 2002: 343-348
54EEJing Zhang, Xilin Chen, Andreas Hanneman, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: A Robust Approach for Recognition of Text Embedded in Natural Scenes. ICPR (3) 2002: 204-207
53EEXilin Chen, Jie Yang, Jing Zhang, Alex Waibel: Automatic Detection of Signs with Affine Transformation. WACV 2002: 32-36
52EEBernhard Suhm, Brad A. Myers, Alex Waibel: Multimodal error correction for speech user interfaces. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 8(1): 60-98 (2001)
51EEStefan Jäger, Stefan Manke, Jürgen Reichert, Alex Waibel: Online handwriting recognition: the NPen++ recognizer. IJDAR 3(3): 169-180 (2001)
50EEKlaus Zechner, Alex Waibel: Minimizing Word Error Rate in Textual Summaries of Spoken Language. ANLP 2000: 186-193
49EEKlaus Zechner, Alex Waibel: DIASUMM: Flexible Summarization of Spontaneous Dialogues in Unrestricted Domains. COLING 2000: 968-974
48EERalph Gross, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Face Recognition in a Meeting Room. FG 2000: 294-299
47EEXiaojin Zhu, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Segmenting Hands of Arbitrary Color. FG 2000: 446-455
46EERainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Simultaneous Tracking of Head Poses in a Panoramic View. ICPR 2000: 3726-3733
45EERalph Gross, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Growing Gaussian Mixture Models for Pose Invariant Face Recognition. ICPR 2000: 5088-5091
44 Ralph Gross, Michael Bett, Hua Yu, Xiaojin Zhu, Yue Pan, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Towards a Multimodal Meeting Record. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III) 2000: 1593-1596
43 Thomas Kemp, Alex Waibel: End to end evaluation of the ISL View4You broadcast news transcription and retrieval system. RIAO 2000: 1145-1162
42 Michael Bett, Ralph Gross, Hua Yu, Xiaojin Zhu, Yue Pan, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Multimodal Meeting Tracker. RIAO 2000: 32-45
41EEUwe Meier, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Towards Unrestricted Lip Reading. IJPRAI 14(5): 571-585 (2000)
40EELori S. Levin, Alon Lavie, Monika Woszczyna, Donna Gates, Marsal Gavaldà, Detlef Koll, Alex Waibel: The Janus-III Translation System: Speech-to-Speech Translation in Multiple Domains. Machine Translation 15(1-2): 3-25 (2000)
39EEJie Yang, Xiaojin Zhu, Ralph Gross, John Kominek, Yue Pan, Alex Waibel: Multimodal people ID for a multimedia meeting browser. ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 159-168
38EERainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: Modeling focus of attention for meeting indexing. ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 3-10
37EEBernhard Suhm, Brad A. Myers, Alex Waibel: Model-Based and Empirical Evaluation of Multimodal Interactive Error Correction. CHI 1999: 584-591
36EEJie Yang, Weiyi Yang, Matthias Denecke, Alex Waibel: Smart Sight: A Tourist Assistant System. ISWC 1999: 73-78
35EERainer Stiefelhagen, Michael Finke, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: From Gaze to Focus of Attention. VISUAL 1999: 761-768
34 Jie Yang, Weier Lu, Alex Waibel: Skin-Color Modeling and Adaptation. ACCV (2) 1998: 687-694
33EEMonika Woszczyna, Matthew Broadhead, Donna Gates, Marsal Gavaldà, Alon Lavie, Lori S. Levin, Alex Waibel: A Modular Approach to Spoken Language Translation for Large Domains. AMTA 1998: 31-40
32EEJie Yang, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Uwe Meier, Alex Waibel: Visual Tracking for Multimodal Human Computer Interaction. CHI 1998: 140-147
31 Ye-Yi Wang, Alex Waibel: Modeling with Structures in Statistical Machine Translation. COLING-ACL 1998: 1357-1363
30 Klaus Zechner, Alex Waibel: Using Chunk Based Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains for Reducing Word Error Rate in Speech Recognition. COLING-ACL 1998: 1453-1459
29 Marsal Gavaldà, Alex Waibel: Growing Semantic Grammars. COLING-ACL 1998: 451-456
28EEJürgen Fritsch, Alex Waibel: Hierarchies of neural networks for connectionist speech recognition. ESANN 1998: 249-254
27 Ye-Yi Wang, Alex Waibel: Decoding Algorithm in Statistical Machine Translation. ACL 1997: 366-372
26EERainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel: A Model-Based Gaze Tracking System. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 6(2): 193-209 (1997)
25 Alex Waibel, Alon Lavie, Lori S. Levin: Janus: A System for Translation of Conversational Speech. KI 11(4): 51-55 (1997)
24EEFinn Dag Buø, Alex Waibel: FeasPar - A Feature Structure Parser Learning to Parse Spoken Language. COLING 1996: 188-193
23EEAlon Lavie, Donna Gates, Marsal Gavaldà, Laura Mayfield, Alex Waibel, Lori S. Levin: Multi-lingual Translation of Spontaneously Spoken Language in a Limited Domain. COLING 1996: 442-447
22 Finn Dag Buø, Alex Waibel: Search in a Learnable Spoken Language Parser. ECAI 1996: 562-566
21 Donna Gates, Alon Lavie, Lori S. Levin, Alex Waibel, Marsal Gavaldà, Laura Mayfield, Monika Woszczyna, Puming Zhan: End-to-End Evaluation in JANUS: A Speech-to-speech Translation System. ECAI Workshop on Dialogue Processing in Spoken Language Systems 1996: 195-206
20EEJürgen Fritsch, Michael Finke, Alex Waibel: Adaptively Growing Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts. NIPS 1996: 459-465
19 Alex Waibel, Minh Tue Vo, Paul Duchnowski, Stefan Manke: Multimodal Interfaces. Artif. Intell. Rev. 10(3-4): 299-319 (1996)
18 Alex Waibel: Interactive Translation of Conversational Speech. IEEE Computer 29(7): 41-48 (1996)
17EEStefan Manke, Michael Finke, Alex Waibel: NPen/sup ++/: a writer independent, large vocabulary on-line cursive handwriting recognition system. ICDAR 1995: 403-408
16 Petra Geutner, Bernhard Suhm, Finn Dag Buø, Thomas Kemp, Laura Mayfield, Arthur E. McNair, Ivica Rogina, Tanja Schultz, Tilo Sloboda, Wayne H. Ward, Monika Woszczyna, Alex Waibel: Integrating different learning approaches into a multilingual spoken language translation system. Learning for Natural Language Processing 1995: 117-131
15EEStefan Manke, Michael Finke, Alex Waibel: The Use of Dynamic Writing Information in a Connectionist On-Line Cursive Handwriting Recognition System. NIPS 1994: 1093-1100
14 Alex Waibel: Introduction Structured Connectionist Systems. Machine Learning 15(2): 121-123 (1994)
13EEMinh Tue Vo, Alex Waibel: Multi-modal HCI: combination of gesture and speech recognition. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 69-70
12EEJoe Tebelskis, Alex Waibel: Performance Through Consistency: MS-TDNN's for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition. NIPS 1992: 696-703
11EEHermann Hild, Alex Waibel: Connected Letter Recognition with a Multi-State Time Delay Neural Network. NIPS 1992: 712-719
10EEJohn B. Hampshire II, Alex Waibel: The Meta-Pi Network: Building Distributed Knowledge Representations for Robust Multisource Pattern Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(7): 751-769 (1992)
9 Michael Franzini, Alex Waibel, Kai-Fu Lee: Continuous Speech Recognition with the Connectionist Viterbi Training Procedure: A Summary of Recent Work. IWANN 1991: 355-360
8EEPatrick Haffner, Alex Waibel: Multi-State Time Delay Networks for Continuous Speech Recognition. NIPS 1991: 135-142
7EEAlex Waibel, Ajay N. Jain, Arthur E. McNair, Joe Tebelskis, Louise Osterholtz, Hiroaki Saito, Otto Schmidbauer, Tilo Sloboda, Monika Woszczyna: JANUS: Speech-to-Speech Translation Using Connectionist and Non-Connectionist Techniques. NIPS 1991: 183-190
6EEUlrich Bodenhausen, Alex Waibel: The Tempo 2 Algorithm: Adjusting Time-Delays By Supervised Learning. NIPS 1990: 155-161
5EEJoe Tebelskis, Alex Waibel, Bojan Petek, Otto Schmidbauer: Continuous Speech Recognition by Linked Predictive Neural Networks. NIPS 1990: 199-205
4EEKevin J. Lang, Alex Waibel, Geoffrey E. Hinton: A time-delay neural network architecture for isolated word recognition. Neural Networks 3(1): 23-43 (1990)
3EEJohn B. Hampshire II, Alex Waibel: Connectionist Architectures for Multi-Speaker Phoneme Recognition. NIPS 1989: 203-210
2EEAjay N. Jain, Alex Waibel: Incremental Parsing by Modular Recurrent Connectionist Networks. NIPS 1989: 364-371
1EEAlex Waibel: Consonant Recognition by Modular Construction of Large Phonemic Time-Delay Neural Networks. NIPS 1988: 215-223

Coauthor Index

1Victoria Arranz [68] [72] [83]
2Ahmed Badran [61]
3François Bérard [68]
4Keni Bernardin [69] [76] [82]
5Manu Bertrán [68]
6Michael Bett [42] [44] [55]
7Alan W. Black [61]
8Ulrich Bodenhausen [6]
9Ben Bostwick [55]
10Matthew Broadhead [33]
11Finn Dag Buø [16] [22] [24]
12Wenjie Cao [72]
13Datong Chen [74] [75]
14Xilin Chen [53] [54] [57] [60] [64]
15Khalid Choukri [83]
16Bérangère Cohen [68]
17Joëlle Coutaz [68]
18James L. Crowley [68]
19Maria Danninger [69]
20Matthias Denecke [36] [55] [58]
21Peng Ding [72]
22Paul Duchnowski [19]
23Matthias Eck [79]
24Hazim Kemal Ekenel [69] [73] [77]
25Michael Finke [15] [17] [20] [35]
26G. Flaherty [69]
27Michael Franzini [9]
28Robert E. Frederking [61]
29Jürgen Fritsch [20] [28]
30Christian Fügen [58] [77] [83]
31Donna Gates [21] [23] [33] [40] [61]
32Marsal Gavaldà [21] [23] [29] [33] [40]
33Petra Geutner [16]
34Petra Gieselmann [68] [71] [77]
35Ralph Gross [39] [42] [44] [45] [48]
36Philipp W. L. Große [81]
37Patrick Haffner [8]
38Olivier Hamon [83]
39John B. Hampshire II [3] [10]
40Andreas Hanneman [54]
41Hermann Hild [11]
42Geoffrey E. Hinton [4]
43Hartwig Holzapfel [58] [68] [73] [77] [80] [81]
44Fei Huang [59] [65] [70]
45Stefan Jäger [51]
46Ajay N. Jain [2] [7]
47Qin Jin [78]
48Thomas Kemp [16] [43]
49Tobias Kluge [68]
50T. Köhler [69]
51Detlef Koll [40]
52Muntsin Kolss [72] [83]
53John Kominek [39]
54Dave Kong [55]
55Florian Kraft [77]
56Jan Kratt [66]
57Kevin J. Lang [4]
58Alon Lavie [21] [23] [25] [33] [40] [61]
59Kai-Fu Lee [9]
60Kevin Lenzo [61]
61Lori S. Levin [21] [23] [25] [33] [40] [61]
62Weier Lu [34]
63Robert Malkin [55] [69] [74] [75]
64Stefan Manke [15] [17] [19] [51]
65Laura Mayfield [16] [21] [23]
66John W. McDonough [63]
67Arthur E. McNair [7] [16]
68Uwe Meier [32] [41]
69Florian Metze [66] [68]
70Rob Miller (Robert C. Miller) [55]
71Djamel Mostefa [83]
72Brad A. Myers [37] [52] [55]
73Daniel Neubig [80]
74Jeffrey Nichols [55]
75Kai Nickel [77]
76Louise Osterholtz [7]
77Yue Pan [39] [42] [44]
78Choon Hong Peck [55]
79Bojan Petek [5]
80Kay Peterson [72]
81Jürgen Reichert [51] [61] [72]
82Patrick Reignier [68]
83Horacio Rodriguez [68]
84Ivica Rogina [16] [68]
85Sylvie Rouillard [68]
86Hiroaki Saito (Hiroaki Saitoh) [7]
87Christoph Schaa [73]
88Thomas Schaaf [63] [71] [73]
89William L. Scherlis (Bill Scherlis) [55]
90Nico Schlaefer [71]
91Otto Schmidbauer [5] [7]
92Tanja Schultz [16] [56] [61] [78]
93Edgar Seemann [55]
94Tilo Sloboda [7] [16]
95Rainer Stiefelhagen [26] [32] [35] [38] [41] [46] [66] [69] [77] [82]
96Sebastian Stüker [72]
97Bernhard Suhm [16] [37] [52]
98Joe Tebelskis [5] [7] [12]
99Laura Mayfield Tomokiyo [61]
100Umut Topkara [56]
101Dominique Vaufreydaz [68]
102Ashish Venugopal [62]
103Minh Tue Vo [13] [19]
104Stephan Vogel [59] [62] [65] [70] [79]
105Michael Voit [77]
106Dorcas Wallace [61]
107Ye-Yi Wang [27] [31]
108Zhirong Wang [56]
109Wayne H. Ward [16]
110Matthias Wölfel [68] [76]
111Monika Woszczyna [7] [16] [21] [33] [40] [61]
112Guodong Xie [72]
113Jie Yang [26] [32] [34] [35] [36] [38] [39] [41] [42] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [53] [54] [55] [57] [60] [64] [74] [75]
114Weiyi Yang [36]
115Hua Yu [42] [44]
116Jian Yu [72]
117Klaus Zechner [30] [49] [50]
118Puming Zhan [21]
119Jing Zhang [53] [54] [57] [61] [64]
120Jie Zhu [55]
121Xiaojin Zhu [39] [42] [44] [47]
122Chengqing Zong [72]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)