2008 |
59 | EE | Tinne De Laet,
Joris De Schutter,
Herman Bruyninckx:
Rigorously Bayesian range finder sensor model for dynamic environments.
ICRA 2008: 2994-3001 |
58 | EE | Diederik Verscheure,
Jan Swevers,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
On-line identification of contact dynamics in the presence of geometric uncertainties.
ICRA 2008: 851-856 |
57 | EE | Tinne De Laet,
Ruben Smits,
Joris De Schutter,
Herman Bruyninckx:
Adaptive Full Scan Model for Range Finders in Dynamic Environments.
ISER 2008: 441-450 |
56 | EE | Luigi Villani,
Joris De Schutter:
Force Control.
Springer Handbook of Robotics 2008: 161-185 |
55 | EE | Goele Pipeleers,
Bram Demeulenaere,
Joris De Schutter,
Jan Swevers:
Robust high-order repetitive control: Optimal performance trade-offs.
Automatica 44(10): 2628-2634 (2008) |
54 | EE | Wim Meeussen,
Ernesto Staffetti,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Jing Xiao,
Joris De Schutter:
Integration of planning and execution in force controlled compliant motion.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(5): 437-450 (2008) |
2007 |
53 | EE | B. Corteville,
E. Aertbelien,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter,
Hendrik Van Brussel:
Human-inspired robot assistant for fast point-to-point movements.
ICRA 2007: 3639-3644 |
52 | EE | Tinne De Laet,
Wilm Decré,
Johan Rutgeerts,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
An application of constraint-based task specification and estimation for sensor-based robot systems.
IROS 2007: 1658-1664 |
51 | EE | Peter Slaets,
Tine Lefebvre,
Johan Rutgeerts,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Incremental Building of a Polyhedral Feature Model for Programming by Human Demonstration of Force-Controlled Tasks.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(1): 20-33 (2007) |
50 | EE | Wim Meeussen,
Johan Rutgeerts,
Klaas Gadeyne,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Contact-State Segmentation Using Particle Filters for Programming by Human Demonstration in Compliant-Motion Tasks.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(2): 218-231 (2007) |
2006 |
49 | EE | Wim Meeussen,
Johan Rutgeerts,
Klaas Gadeyne,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Contact State Segmentation Using Particle Filters for Programming by Human Demonstration in Compliant Motion Tasks.
ISER 2006: 3-12 |
2005 |
48 | | Joris De Schutter,
Johan Rutgeerts,
E. Aertbelien,
Friedl De Groote,
Tinne De Laet,
Tine Lefebvre,
Walter Verdonck,
Herman Bruyninckx:
Unified Constraint-Based Task Specification for Complex Sensor-Based Robot Systems.
ICRA 2005: 3607-3612 |
47 | EE | Jing Xiao,
Joris De Schutter:
Advanced Robotics 19(5): 477-478 (2005) |
46 | EE | Tine Lefebvre,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Task Planning With Active Sensing For Autonomous Compliant Motion.
I. J. Robotic Res. 24(1): 61-81 (2005) |
45 | EE | Tine Lefebvre,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Online statistical model recognition and State estimation for autonomous compliant motion.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 35(1): 16-29 (2005) |
2004 |
44 | EE | Wim Meeussen,
Jing Xiao,
Joris De Schutter,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Ernesto Staffetti:
Automatic Verification of Contact States Taking Into Account Manipulator Constraints.
ICRA 2004: 3583-3588 |
43 | EE | Tine Lefebvre,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Recursive non-linear Bayesian State Estimation and Model Recognition with Application to Contouring Tasks.
ICRA 2004: 5262-5267 |
42 | EE | Peter Slaets,
Johan Rutgeerts,
Klaas Gadeyne,
Tine Lefebvre,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Construction of a geometric 3-D model from sensor measurements collected during compliant motion.
ISER 2004: 571-580 |
41 | EE | Tine Lefebvre,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Exact non-linear Bayesian parameter estimation for autonomous compliant motion.
Advanced Robotics 18(8): 787-799 (2004) |
2003 |
40 | | Kathleen Denis,
Geert Van Ham,
Jos Vander Sloten,
Remy Van Audercke,
Georges Van der Perre,
Joris De Schutter,
Johan Bellemans,
Guy Fabry:
Registration of the tibia in robot-assisted total knee arthroplasty using surface matching.
CARS 2003: 664-669 |
39 | | Tine Lefebvre,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Active sensing for the identification of geometrical parameters during autonomous compliant motion.
ICRA 2003: 2599-2604 |
38 | EE | Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter,
Tine Lefebvre,
Klaas Gadeyne,
Peter Soetens,
Johan Rutgeerts,
Peter Slaets,
Wim Meeussen:
Building Blocks for SLAM in Autonomous Compliant Motion.
ISRR 2003: 432-441 |
37 | EE | Kathleen Denis,
Andrea Ranftl,
Geert Van Ham,
Jos Vander Sloten,
Joris De Schutter,
Guy Fabry,
Johan Bellemans,
Remi Van Audekercke,
Georges Van der Perre:
Comparison of Registration Procedures of the Tibia in Robot-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty.
MICCAI (1) 2003: 182-189 |
36 | | Johan Baeten,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Integrated Vision/Force Robotic Servoing in the Task Frame Formalism.
I. J. Robotic Res. 22(10-11): 941-954 (2003) |
35 | EE | Mourad Oussalah,
Joris De Schutter:
Approximated fuzzy LR computation.
Inf. Sci. 153: 155-175 (2003) |
34 | EE | Lyudmila Mihaylova,
Joris De Schutter,
Herman Bruyninckx:
A multisine approach for trajectory optimization based on information gain.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 43(4): 231-243 (2003) |
2002 |
33 | | Johan Baeten,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Tool/Camera Configurations for Eye-in-Hand Hybrid Vision/Force Control.
ICRA 2002: 1704-1709 |
32 | | Wen-Hong Zhu,
Joris De Schutter:
Virtual Decomposition Based Motion/Force Control of Two Coordinated Industrial Manipulators KUKA361/KUKA160.
ICRA 2002: 1729-1734 |
31 | EE | Jan Swevers,
Birgit Naumer,
Stefan Pieters,
Erika Biber,
Walter Verdonck,
Joris De Schutter:
An Experimental Robot Load Identification Method for Industrial Application.
ISER 2002: 318-327 |
30 | EE | Lyudmila Mihaylova,
Tine Lefebvre,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Klaas Gadeyne,
Joris De Schutter:
A Comparison of Decision Making Criteria and Optimization Methods for Active Robotic Sensing.
Numerical Methods and Application 2002: 316-324 |
29 | EE | Mourad Oussalah,
Joris De Schutter:
Hybrid fuzzy probabilistic data association filter and joint probabilistic data association filter.
Inf. Sci. 142(1-4): 195-226 (2002) |
2001 |
28 | | Kathleen Denis,
Geert Van Ham,
Jos Vander Sloten,
Remi Van Audekercke,
Georges Van der Perre,
Joris De Schutter,
J. P. Kruth,
Johan Bellemans,
Guy Fabry:
Influence of bone milling parameters on the temperature rise, milling forces and surface flatness in view of robot-assisted total knee arthroplasty.
CARS 2001: 300-306 |
2000 |
27 | | Mourad Oussalah,
Joris De Schutter:
Possibilistic Kalman filtering for radar 2D tracking.
Inf. Sci. 130(1-4): 85-107 (2000) |
1999 |
26 | | Herman Bruyninckx,
Tine Lefebvre,
Joris De Schutter:
Experiments with Medium -Level Intelligent Force Control.
ISER 1999: 111-120 |
25 | EE | Joris De Schutter,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Stefan Dutré,
Jan De Geeter,
Jayantha Katupitiya,
Sabine Demey,
Tine Lefebvre:
Estimating First-Order Geometric Parameters and Monitoring Contact Transitions during Force-Controlled Compliant Motion.
I. J. Robotic Res. 18(12): 1161-1184 (1999) |
1998 |
24 | | Wen-Hong Zhu,
Joris De Schutter:
Experiments with Two Industrial Robot Manipulators Rigidly Holding an Egg.
ICRA 1998: 1534-1539 |
23 | | Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Modelling and Specification of Compliant Motions with Two and Three Contact Points.
ICRA 1998: 1938-1943 |
22 | | Qi Wang,
Joris De Schutter:
Towards Real-Time Robot Programming by Human Demonstration for 6D Force Controlled Actions.
ICRA 1998: 2256-2261 |
1997 |
21 | | Jurgen Vandorpe,
Hendrik Van Brussel,
Joris De Schutter,
Hong Xu,
Ronny Moreas:
Positioning of the Mobile Robot LiAS With Line Segments Extracted from 2D Range Finder Data using Total Least Squares.
ISER 1997: 373-384 |
20 | | Joris De Schutter,
Dirk Torfs,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Stefan Dutré:
Invariant Hybrid Force/Position Control of a Velocity Controlled Robot with Compliant End Effector Using Modal Decoupling.
I. J. Robotic Res. 16(3): 340-356 (1997) |
19 | | Sabine Demey,
Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Model-Based Planar Contour Following in the Presence of Pose and Model Errors.
I. J. Robotic Res. 16(6): 840-858 (1997) |
18 | | Jan De Geeter,
Hendrik Van Brussel,
Joris De Schutter:
A Smoothly Constrained Kalman Filter.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(10): 1171-1177 (1997) |
1996 |
17 | EE | Joris De Schutter,
Dirk Torfs,
Herman Bruyninckx:
Robot force control with an actively damped flexible end effector.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 19(2): 205-214 (1996) |
1995 |
16 | | Herman Bruyninckx,
Stefan Dutré,
Joris De Schutter:
Peg-on-Hole: A Model Based Solution to Peg and Holel Alignment.
ICRA 1995: 1919-1924 |
15 | | Sabine Demey,
Joris De Schutter:
Fast and High-Quality Planar Contour Following in the Presence of Large Position Uncertainties.
ICRA 1995: 2096-2101 |
14 | | Dirk Torfs,
Joris De Schutter:
Position Control of a Velocity Controlled Robot with Compliant End Effector Using Modal Decoupling.
ICRA 1995: 2463-2468 |
13 | | Joris De Schutter,
Dirk Torfs,
Stefan Dutré,
Herman Bruyninckx:
Robot Force Control Experiments with an Actively Damped Compliant End Effector.
ISER 1995: 507-515 |
12 | | Herman Bruyninckx,
Sabine Demey,
Stefan Dutré,
Joris De Schutter:
Kinematic Models for Model-Based Compliant Motion in the Presence of Uncertainty.
I. J. Robotic Res. 14(5): 465-482 (1995) |
1994 |
11 | | Sabine Demey,
Joris De Schutter:
Enhancing Surface Following with Invariant Differential Part Models.
ICRA 1994: 668-673 |
1993 |
10 | | Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter:
Kinematic Models of Rigid Body Interactions for Compliant Motion Tasks in the Presence of Uncertainties.
ICRA (1) 1993: 1007-1012 |
9 | | Herman Bruyninckx,
Joris De Schutter,
Stefan Dutré:
The "Reciprocity" and "Consistency" Based Approaches to Uncertainty Identification for Compliant Motions.
ICRA (1) 1993: 349-354 |
8 | | Dirk Torfs,
Joris De Schutter:
Comparison of Control Results of a Flexible One-Link Robot Equipped with a Velocity or Torque Controlled Actuator.
ICRA (2) 1993: 230-235 |
7 | | H. P. Qian,
Joris De Schutter:
Generalized Acceleration Control of Robot Manipulators with Nonlinear Active Damping.
ICRA (2) 1993: 480-486 |
1991 |
6 | | M. Adams,
Jan Swevers,
Dirk Torfs,
Joris De Schutter,
Hendrik Van Brussel:
Implementation of Control Algorithms for Flexible Joint Robots on a KUKA IR 161/60 Industrial Robot: Experimental Results.
ISER 1991: 35-48 |
1989 |
5 | | K. T. Song,
Joris De Schutter,
Hendrik Van Brussel:
Design and Implementation of a Path-Following Controller for an Autonomous Mobile Robot.
IAS 1989: 253-263 |
4 | | P. Simkens,
Joris De Schutter,
Hendrik Van Brussel:
Compliant Motion Simmulation.
IAS 1989: 347-353 |
3 | | Jan Swevers,
M. Adams,
Joris De Schutter,
Hendrik Van Brussel,
H. Thielemans:
Limitations of Linear Identification and Control Techniques for Flexible Robots with Nonlinear Joint Friction.
ISER 1989: 20-34 |
1988 |
2 | | Joris De Schutter,
Hendrik Van Brussel:
Compliant Robot Motion II. A Control Approach Based on External Control Loops.
I. J. Robotic Res. 7(4): 18-33 (1988) |
1 | | Joris De Schutter,
Hendrik Van Brussel:
Compliant Robot Motion I. A Formalism for Specifying Compliant Motion Tasks.
I. J. Robotic Res. 7(4): 3-17 (1988) |