
J. P. Kruth

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5EEBert Lauwers, Pieter Dejonghe, J. P. Kruth: Optimal and collision free tool posture in five-axis machining through the tight integration of tool path generation and machine simulation. Computer-Aided Design 35(5): 421-432 (2003)
4 Kathleen Denis, Geert Van Ham, Jos Vander Sloten, Remi Van Audekercke, Georges Van der Perre, Joris De Schutter, J. P. Kruth, Johan Bellemans, Guy Fabry: Influence of bone milling parameters on the temperature rise, milling forces and surface flatness in view of robot-assisted total knee arthroplasty. CARS 2001: 300-306
3 J. P. Kruth, A. Kerstens, Pieter Dejonghe: Manufacturability of Reverse Engineered CAD-models: A case study. SSM 1998: 187-195
2 J. P. Kruth, Bert Lauwers, Pieter Dejonghe, J. Dotremont: Optimized NC-toolpath Generation for 5-axis Machining of Complex Surfaces. SSM 1998: 343-350
1 J. P. Kruth: New Manufacturing Techniques for Rapid Prototyping and Concurrent Engineering. Manufacturing in the Era of Concurrent Engineering 1992: 51-83

Coauthor Index

1Remi Van Audekercke [4]
2Johan Bellemans [4]
3Pieter Dejonghe [2] [3] [5]
4Kathleen Denis [4]
5J. Dotremont [2]
6Guy Fabry [4]
7Geert Van Ham [4]
8A. Kerstens [3]
9Bert Lauwers [2] [5]
10Georges Van der Perre [4]
11Joris De Schutter [4]
12Jos Vander Sloten [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)