
Charles F. Hawkins

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34EECharles F. Hawkins, Ali Keshavarzi, Jaume Segura: A View from the Bottom: Nanometer Technology AC Parametric Failures -- Why, Where, and How to Detect. DFT 2003: 267-
33EEOleg Semenov, Arman Vassighi, Manoj Sachdev, Ali Keshavarzi, Charles F. Hawkins: Burn-in Temperature Projections for Deep Sub-micron Technologies. ITC 2003: 95-104
32EEAli Keshavarzi, Kaushik Roy, Charles F. Hawkins, Vivek De: Multiple-parameter CMOS IC testing with increased sensitivity for IDDQ. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 11(5): 863-870 (2003)
31EEJaume Segura, Ali Keshavarzi, Jerry M. Soden, Charles F. Hawkins: Parametric Failures in CMOS ICs - A Defect-Based Analysis. ITC 2002: 90-99
30EEB. Alorda, M. Rosales, Jerry M. Soden, Charles F. Hawkins, Jaume Segura: Charge Based Transient Current Testing (CBT) for Submicron CMOS SRAMs. ITC 2002: 947-953
29EEAli Keshavarzi, James Tschanz, Siva Narendra, Vivek De, W. Robert Daasch, Kaushik Roy, Manoj Sachdev, Charles F. Hawkins: Leakage and Process Variation Effects in Current Testing on Future CMOS Circuits. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 19(5): 36-43 (2002)
28EEIvan de Paúl, M. Rosales, B. Alorda, Jaume Segura, Charles F. Hawkins, Jerry M. Soden: Defect Oriented Fault Diagnosis for Semiconductor Memories using Charge Analysis: Theory and Experiments. VTS 2001: 286-291
27 Ali Keshavarzi, Kaushik Roy, Charles F. Hawkins, Manoj Sachdev, K. Soumyanath, Vivek De: Multiple-parameter CMOS IC testing with increased sensitivity for I_DDQ. ITC 2000: 1051-1059
26EEAli Keshavarzi, Kaushik Roy, Charles F. Hawkins: Intrinsic leakage in deep submicron CMOS ICs-measurement-based test solutions. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 8(6): 717-723 (2000)
25EEAli Keshavarzi, Siva Narendra, Shekhar Borkar, Charles F. Hawkins, Kaushik Roy, Vivek De: Technology scaling behavior of optimum reverse body bias for standby leakage power reduction in CMOS IC's. ISLPED 1999: 252-254
24EECharles F. Hawkins, Jaume Segura: Test and Reliability: Partners in IC Manufacturing, Part 1. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 16(3): 64-71 (1999)
23 Charles F. Hawkins, Jerry M. Soden: Deep Submicron CMOS Current IC Testing: Is There a Future? IEEE Design & Test of Computers 16(4): 14-15 (1999)
22EECharles F. Hawkins, Jaume Segura, Jerry M. Soden, Ted Dellin: Test and Reliability: Partners in IC Manufacturing, Part 2. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 16(4): 66-73 (1999)
21EEAlan W. Righter, Charles F. Hawkins, Jerry M. Soden, Peter C. Maxwell: CMOS IC reliability indicators and burn-in economics. ITC 1998: 194-203
20 Ali Keshavarzi, Kaushik Roy, Charles F. Hawkins: Intrinsic Leakage in Low-Power Deep Submicron CMOS ICs. ITC 1997: 146-155
19 Edward I. Cole Jr., Jerry M. Soden, Paiboon Tangyunyong, Patrick L. Candelaria, Richard W. Beegle, Daniel L. Barton, Christopher L. Henderson, Charles F. Hawkins: Transient Power Supply Voltage (VDDT) Analysis for Detecting IC Defects. ITC 1997: 23-31
18EEJerry M. Soden, Charles F. Hawkins: IDDQ Testing: Issues Present and Future. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 13(4): 61-65 (1996)
17EEJaume Segura, C. Benito, A. Rubio, Charles F. Hawkins: A detailed analysis and electrical modeling of gate oxide shorts in MOS transistors. J. Electronic Testing 8(3): 229-239 (1996)
16 Jaume Segura, Carol de Benito, A. Rubio, Charles F. Hawkins: A Detailed Analysis of GOS Defects in MOS Transistors: Testing Implications at Circuit Level. ITC 1995: 544-551
15 Charles F. Hawkins, Jerry M. Soden: IDDQ Design and Test Advantages Propel Industry. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 12(2): 40-41 (1995)
14 Charles F. Hawkins, Jerry M. Soden, Alan W. Righter, F. Joel Ferguson: Defect Classes - An Overdue Paradigm for CMOS IC. ITC 1994: 413-425
13 Richard H. Williams, Charles F. Hawkins: The Economics of Guardband Placement. ITC 1993: 218-225
12 Jerry M. Soden, Charles F. Hawkins: Quality Testing Requires Quality Thinking. ITC 1993: 596
11 Kenneth M. Wallquist, Alan W. Righter, Charles F. Hawkins: A General Purpose IDDQ Measurement Circuit. ITC 1993: 642-651
10 Richard H. Williams, R. Glenn Wagner, Charles F. Hawkins: Testing Errors: Data and Calculations in an IC Manufacturing Process. ITC 1992: 352-361
9 Christopher L. Henderson, Richard H. Williams, Charles F. Hawkins: Economic Impact of Type I Test Errors at System and Board Levels. ITC 1992: 444-452
8 Charles F. Hawkins: System Testing: The Future for All of Us. ITC 1992: 548
7EERavi K. Gulati, Charles F. Hawkins: Introduction. J. Electronic Testing 3(4): 289 (1992)
6EEJerry M. Soden, Charles F. Hawkins, Ravi K. Gulati, Weiwei Mao: IDDQ testing: A review. J. Electronic Testing 3(4): 291-303 (1992)
5 Charles F. Hawkins, Richard H. Williams: EE Curriculum - Continuous Process Improvement? ITC 1991: 1118
4 Christopher L. Henderson, Jerry M. Soden, Charles F. Hawkins: The Behavior and Testing Implications of CMOS IC Logic Gate Open Circuits. ITC 1991: 302-310
3 Jerry M. Soden, R. Keith Treece, Michael R. Taylor, Charles F. Hawkins: CMOS IC Stuck-Open Fault Electrical Effects and Design Considerations. ITC 1989: 423-430
2 Jerry M. Soden, Charles F. Hawkins: Reliability and Electrical Properties of Gate Oxide Shorts in CMOS ICs. ITC 1986: 443-451
1 Jerry M. Soden, Charles F. Hawkins: Electrical Characteristics and Testing Considerations for Gate Oxide Shorts in CMOS ICs. ITC 1985: 544-557

Coauthor Index

1B. Alorda [28] [30]
2Daniel L. Barton [19]
3Richard W. Beegle [19]
4C. Benito [17]
5Carol de Benito [16]
6Shekhar Y. Borkar (Shekhar Borkar) [25]
7Patrick L. Candelaria [19]
8Edward I. Cole Jr. [19]
9W. Robert Daasch [29]
10Vivek De [25] [27] [29] [32]
11Ted Dellin [22]
12F. Joel Ferguson [14]
13Ravi K. Gulati [6] [7]
14Christopher L. Henderson [4] [9] [19]
15Ali Keshavarzi [20] [25] [26] [27] [29] [31] [32] [33] [34]
16Weiwei Mao [6]
17Peter C. Maxwell [21]
18Siva Narendra [25] [29]
19Ivan de Paúl [28]
20Alan W. Righter [11] [14] [21]
21M. Rosales [28] [30]
22Kaushik Roy [20] [25] [26] [27] [29] [32]
23A. Rubio [16] [17]
24Manoj Sachdev [27] [29] [33]
25Jaume Segura [16] [17] [22] [24] [28] [30] [31] [34]
26Oleg Semenov [33]
27Jerry M. Soden [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [12] [14] [15] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [28] [30] [31]
28K. Soumyanath [27]
29Paiboon Tangyunyong [19]
30Michael R. Taylor [3]
31R. Keith Treece [3]
32James Tschanz [29]
33Arman Vassighi [33]
34R. Glenn Wagner [10]
35Kenneth M. Wallquist [11]
36Richard H. Williams [5] [9] [10] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)