10. CHARME 1999:
Bad Herrenalp,
Laurence Pierre, Thomas Kropf (Eds.):
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, 10th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME '99, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, September 27-29, 1999, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1703 Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-66559-5 BibTeX
editor = {Laurence Pierre and
Thomas Kropf},
title = {Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, 10th IFIP WG
10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME '99, Bad Herrenalb,
Germany, September 27-29, 1999, Proceedings},
booktitle = {CHARME},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1703},
year = {1999},
isbn = {3-540-66559-5},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Talks
Proof of Microprocessors
Model Checking
Formal Methiods and Industrial Applications
Abstraction and Compositional Techniques
Theorem Proving Related Approaches
Symbolic Simulation/Symbolic Traversal
Specification Languages and Methodologies
- Jun Sawada, Warren A. Hunt Jr.:
Results of the Verification of a Complex Pipelined Machine Model.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Hüsnü Yenigün, Vladimir Levin, Doron Peled, Peter A. Beerel:
Hazard-Freedom Checking in Speed-Independent Systems.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Klaus Schneider:
Yet another Look at the LTL Model Checking.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Stefan Hendricx, Luc J. M. Claesen:
Verification of Finite-State-Machine Refinements Using a Symbolic Methodology.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- George Economakos, George K. Papakonstantinou:
Refinement and Property Checking in High-Level Synthesis using Attribute Grammars.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Steven D. Johnson, Yanhong A. Liu, Yuchen Zhang:
A Systematic Incrementalization Technique and Its Application to Hardware Design.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Kathi Fisler, Moshe Y. Vardi:
Bisimulation and Model Checking.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Kenneth L. McMillan:
Circular Compositional Reasoning about Liveness.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Nancy A. Day, Jeffrey R. Lewis, Byron Cook:
Symbolic Simulation of Microprocessor Models using Type Classes in Haskell.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Aarti Gupta, Pranav Ashar, Sharad Malik:
Exploiting Retiming in a Guided Simulation Based Validation Methodology.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Jens Chr. Godesken:
Fault Models for Embedded Systems (Extended Abstract).
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Klaus Schneider, Michaela Huhn, George Logothetis:
Validation of Object-Oriented Concurrent Designs by Model Checking.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:01:13 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)