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Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 23

FLoC'99 Second Federated Logic Conference

Volume 23, Number 1, 1999

A Tutorial Workshop on Realizability Semantics and Applications
A workshop associated to the 1999 Federated Logic Conference
Trento, Italy, June 30 - July 1, 1999

Volume 23, Number 2, 1999

SMC'99 First International Workshop on Symbolic Model Checking
Trento, Italy, July 6, 1999

Volume 23, Number 3, 1999

CALCULEMUS 99 Systems for Integrated Computation and Deduction
Trento, Italy, July 11-12, 1999

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:58:12 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)