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VR 2001: Yokohama, Japan

Virtual Reality 2001 Conference (VR'01), 13-17 March 2001, Yokohama, Japan, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society, online publication: http://computer.org/proceedings/vr/0948/0948toc.htm

Keynote Address

Invited Speaker

Paper Session 1: Haptic Display

Paper Session 2: Shared Virtual World

Paper Session 3: Tracking and Motion Capture

Paper Session 4: VR Software and Tools

Paper Session 5: Haptics And Locomotion

Paper Session 6: Interface

Paper Session 7: 3D Displays

Paper Session 8: Applications

Paper Session 9: Human Factors

Paper Session 10: Haptic Simulation

Poster Papers




Copyright © Sat May 16 23:46:51 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)