
Jeffrey D. Smith

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5EEAndreas O. Frank, I. Alexander Twombly, Timothy J. Barth, Jeffrey D. Smith: Finite Element Methods for Real-Time Haptic Feedback of Soft-Tissue Models in Virtual Reality Simulators. VR 2001: 257-263
4EEFeng Cao, Jeffrey D. Smith, Kenji Takahashi: An Architecture of Distributed Media Servers for Supporting Guaranteed QoS and Media Indexing. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 1-5
3EEKenji Takahashi, Colin Potts, Vinay Kumar, Kenji Ota, Jeffrey D. Smith: Hypermedia Support for Collaboration in Requirements Analysis. ICRE 1996: 31-41
2 Jeffrey D. Smith, Kenji Takahashi: Multimedia Architecture to Support Requirements Analysis. IDMS 1996: 15-31
1EEColin Potts, Kenji Takahashi, Jeffrey D. Smith, Kenji Ota: An evaluation of inquiry-based requirements analysis for an Internet service. RE 1995: 172-180

Coauthor Index

1Timothy J. Barth [5]
2Feng Cao [4]
3Andreas O. Frank [5]
4Vinay Kumar [3]
5Kenji Ota [1] [3]
6Colin Potts [1] [3]
7Kenji Takahashi [1] [2] [3] [4]
8I. Alexander Twombly [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)