
Robert W. Lindeman

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26EEPaulo Goncalves de Barros, Robert W. Lindeman, Timothy J. Loughlin: Head-movement evaluation for first-person games. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4399-4404
25EEHirofumi Hamazaki, Shinya Kitaoka, Maya Ozaki, Yoshifumi Kitamura, Robert W. Lindeman, Fumio Kishino: Extracting camera-control requirements and camera movement generation in a 3D virtual environment. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 126-129
24EERobert W. Lindeman, Haruo Noma, Paulo Goncalves de Barros: An Empirical Study of Hear-Through Augmented Reality: Using Bone Conduction to Deliver Spatialized Audio. VR 2008: 35-42
23 Leena M. Razzaq, Neil T. Heffernan, Robert W. Lindeman: What Level of Tutor Interaction is Best? AIED 2007: 222-229
22EERobert W. Lindeman, Haruo Noma: A classification scheme for multi-sensory augmented reality. VRST 2007: 175-178
21EERobert W. Lindeman, Yasuyuki Yanagida, Kenichi Hosaka, Shinji Abe: The TactaPack: A Wireless Sensor/Actuator Package for Physical Therapy Applications. HAPTICS 2006: 51
20EEHaruo Noma, Yasukimi Hashida, Kenji Susami, Kenichi Hosaka, Yasuyuki Yanagida, Robert W. Lindeman, Yuichiro Kume: A Study of Mounting Methods for Tactors Using an Elastic Polymer. HAPTICS 2006: 52
19EELuv Kohli, Masataka Niwa, Haruo Noma, Kenji Susami, Kenichi Hosaka, Yasuyuki Yanagida, Robert W. Lindeman, Yuichiro Kume: Towards Effective Information Display Using Vibrotactile Apparent Motion. HAPTICS 2006: 68
18EEMasataka Niwa, Haruo Noma, Kenichi Hosaka, Yasuyuki Yanagida, Robert W. Lindeman: Controlling the Perceived Vibrational Frequency and Amplitude of a Voice-Coil-Type Tactor. HAPTICS 2006: 7
17EERobert W. Lindeman, Yasuyuki Yanagida, Haruo Noma, Kenichi Hosaka: Wearable vibrotactile systems for virtual contact and information display. Virtual Reality 9(2-3): 203-213 (2006)
16EERobert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, Erick Mendez-Mendez, Sachin Patil, Daniel Phifer: Effectiveness of directional vibrotactile cuing on a building-clearing task. CHI 2005: 271-280
15EEJustin Cohen, Masataka Niwa, Robert W. Lindeman, Haruo Noma, Yasuyuki Yanagida, Kenichi Hosaka: A closed-loop tactor frequency control system for vibrotactile feedback. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1296-1299
14EEErick Méndez, Shunsuke Yoshida, Haruo Noma, Robert W. Lindeman, Yasuyuki Yanagida, Shinobu Masaki, Kenichi Hosaka: Haptic-Assisted Guidance System for Navigating Volumetric Data Sets. WHC 2005: 531-534
13EEJose L. Hernandez-Rebollar, Nicholas Kyriakopoulos, Robert W. Lindeman: A New Instrumented Approach For Translating American Sign Language Into Sound And Text. FGR 2004: 547-552
12EEYasuyuki Yanagida, Mitsuhiro Kakita, Robert W. Lindeman, Yuichiro Kume, Nobuji Tetsutani: Vibrotactile Letter Reading Using a Low-Resolution Tactor Array. HAPTICS 2004: 400-406
11EERobert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, Corinna E. Lathan, Jack Maxwell Vice: The Design and Deployment of a Wearable Vibrotactile Feedback System. ISWC 2004: 56-59
10 Neal Rosen, Rizwan Sattar, Robert W. Lindeman, Rahul Simha, Bhagirath Narahari: HomeOS: Context-Aware Home Connectivity. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 739-744
9EERobert W. Lindeman, Robert Page, Yasuyuki Yanagida, John L. Sibert: Towards full-body haptic feedback: the design and deployment of a spatialized vibrotactile feedback system. VRST 2004: 146-149
8EERobert W. Lindeman, Justin R. Cutler: Controller Design for a Wearable, Near-Field Haptic Display. HAPTICS 2003: 397-403
7 Robert W. Lindeman, Yasuyuki Yanagida, John L. Sibert, Robert A. Lavine: Effective Vibrotactile Cueing in a Visual Search Task. INTERACT 2003
6EERobert W. Lindeman, Yasuyuki Yanagida: Empirical Studies for Effective Near-Field Haptics in Virtual Environments. VR 2003: 287-288
5EEJose L. Hernandez-Rebollar, Robert W. Lindeman, Nicholas Kyriakopoulos: A Multi-Class Pattern Recognition System for Practical Finger Spelling Translation. ICMI 2002: 185-190
4EERobert W. Lindeman, James N. Templeman, John L. Sibert, Justin R. Cutler: Handling of Virtual Contact in Immersive Virtual Environments: Beyond Visuals. Virtual Reality 6(3): 130-139 (2002)
3EERobert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, James N. Templeman: The Effect of 3D Widget Representation and Simulated Surface Constraints on Interaction in Virtual Environments. VR 2001: 141-148
2EERobert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, James K. Hahn: Towards Usable VR: An Empirical Study of User Interfaces for Immersive Virtual Environments. CHI 1999: 64-71
1EERobert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, James K. Hahn: Hand-Held Windows: Towards Effective 2D Interaction in Immersive Virtual Environments. VR 1999: 205-212

Coauthor Index

1Shinji Abe [21]
2Paulo Goncalves de Barros [24] [26]
3Justin Cohen [15]
4Justin R. Cutler [4] [8]
5James K. Hahn [1] [2]
6Hirofumi Hamazaki [25]
7Yasukimi Hashida [20]
8Neil T. Heffernan [23]
9Jose L. Hernandez-Rebollar [5] [13]
10Kenichi Hosaka [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
11Mitsuhiro Kakita [12]
12Fumio Kishino [25]
13Yoshifumi Kitamura [25]
14Shinya Kitaoka [25]
15Luv Kohli [19]
16Yuichiro Kume [12] [19] [20]
17Nicholas Kyriakopoulos [5] [13]
18Corinna E. Lathan [11]
19Robert A. Lavine [7]
20Timothy J. Loughlin [26]
21Shinobu Masaki [14]
22Erick Méndez [14]
23Erick Mendez-Mendez [16]
24Bhagirath Narahari [10]
25Masataka Niwa [15] [18] [19]
26Haruo Noma [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22] [24]
27Maya Ozaki [25]
28Robert Page [9]
29Sachin Patil [16]
30Daniel Phifer [16]
31Leena M. Razzaq [23]
32Neal Rosen [10]
33Rizwan Sattar [10]
34John L. Sibert [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [9] [11] [16]
35Rahul Simha [10]
36Kenji Susami [19] [20]
37James N. Templeman [3] [4]
38Nobuji Tetsutani [12]
39Jack Maxwell Vice [11]
40Yasuyuki Yanagida [6] [7] [9] [12] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
41Shunsuke Yoshida [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)