
Yasuyoshi Yokokohji

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40EEBenjamin Lavis, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Tomonari Furukawa: Estimation and control for cooperative autonomous searching in crowded urban emergencies. ICRA 2008: 2831-2836
39EEEmmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Takahiro Kanno, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji: Robust variable-scale bilateral control for micro teleoperation. ICRA 2008: 655-662
38EEKoji Shiratsuchi, Kohei Kawata, Emmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji: Design and Evaluation of a Telepresence Vision System for Manipulation Tasks. ICRA 2007: 4313-4318
37EEKenta Tanaka, Yusuke Kamotani, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji: Origami folding by a robotic hand. IROS 2007: 2540-2547
36EEMasamitsu Kurisu, Hiroki Muroi, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji: Calibration of laser range finder with a genetic algorithm. IROS 2007: 346-351
35EEEmmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji: Impulse-based Control of an Impulsive Haptic Interface. WHC 2007: 176-181
34EEKen Shigeta, Yuji Sato, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji: Motion Planning of Encountered-type Haptic Device for Multiple Fingertips Based on Minimum Distance Point Information. WHC 2007: 188-193
33EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Satoshi Chaen, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Evaluation of traversability of wheeled mobile robots on uneven terrains by a fractal terrain model. Advanced Robotics 21(1): 121-142 (2007)
32EEEmmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji: Feeling a rigid virtual world through an impulsive haptic display. Advanced Robotics 21(12): 1411-1440 (2007)
31EEEmmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji: Rendering a Rigid Virtual World through an Impulsive Haptic Interface. IROS 2006: 1547-1552
30EEEmmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Stability analysis and robust control for fixed-scale teleoperation. Advanced Robotics 20(6): 681-706 (2006)
29 Koichiro Hayashi, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Tele-existence Vision System with Image Stabilization for Rescue Robots. ICRA 2005: 50-55
28EEMasamitsu Kurisu, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Yusuke Shiokawa, Takayuki Samejima: Development of a laser range finder for three-dimensional map building in rubble. Advanced Robotics 19(3): 273-294 (2005)
27EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Nobuhiko Muramori, Yuji Sato, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Designing an Encountered-type Haptic Display for Multiple Fingertip Contacts Based on the Observation of Human Grasping Behaviors. I. J. Robotic Res. 24(9): 717-729 (2005)
26EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Yuki Kitaoka, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Motion capture from demonstrator's viewpoint and its application to robot teaching. J. Field Robotics 22(2): 87-97 (2005)
25EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Nobuhiko Muramori, Yuji Sato, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Designing an Encountered-Type Haptic Display for Multiple Fingertip Contacts Based on the Observation of Human Grasping Behavior. HAPTICS 2004: 66-73
24EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Nobuhiko Muramori, Yuji Sato, Takaharu Kikura, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Design and Path Planning of an Encountered-type Haptic Display for Multiple Fingertip Contacts based on the Observation of Human Grasping Behavior. ICRA 2004: 1986-1991
23EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Satoshi Chaen, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Evaluation of Traversability of Wheeled Mobile Robots on Uneven Terrains by Fractal Terrain Model. ICRA 2004: 2183-2188
22EEMasaki Fujiwara, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Guideline for Designing Haptic Master Hands Based on Dynamic Multi-Fingered Manipulability. HAPTICS 2003: 77-84
21 Takao Saida, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: FSW (feasible solution of wrench) for multi-legged robots. ICRA 2003: 3815-3820
20EETomoyasu Nakatsuru, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Daisuke Eto, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Image Overlay on Optical See-Through Displays for Vehicle Navigation. ISMAR 2003: 286-287
19EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Nobuhiko Muramori, Yuji Sato, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Designing an Encountered-Type Haptic Display for Multiple Fingertip Contacts based on the Observation of Human Grasping Behavior. ISRR 2003: 182-191
18EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Yukihiro Iida, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: 'Toy problem' as the benchmark test for teleoperation systems. Advanced Robotics 17(3): 253-273 (2003)
17 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Yuki Kitaoka, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Motion Capture from Demonstrator's Viewpoint and Its Application to Robot Teaching. ICRA 2002: 1551-1558
16 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Shigemitsu Nomoto, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Static Evaluation of Humanoid Robot Postures Constrained to the Surrounding Environment through their Limbs. ICRA 2002: 1856-1863
15EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Teruhiro Tsujioka, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Bilateral Control with Time-Varying Delay Including Communication Blackout. Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 2002: 285-
14 Takashi Imaida, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Toshitsugu Doi, Mitsushige Oda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Ground-Space Bilateral Teleoperation Experiment Using ETS-VII Robot Arm with Direct Kinesthetic Coupling. ICRA 2001: 1031-1038
13EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Yoshihiko Sugawara, Junji Kinoshita, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Mechano-Media that Transmit Kinesthetic Knowledge from a Human to Other Humans. ISRR 2001: 499-512
12EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Junji Kinoshita, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Path Planning for Encountered-Type Haptic Devices that Render Multiple Objects in 3D Space. VR 2001: 271-
11 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Takashi Imaida, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Bilateral Control with Energy Balance Monitoring under Time-Varying Communication Delay. ICRA 2000: 2684-2689
10EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Takashi Imaida, Yukihiro Iida, Toshitsugu Doi, Mitsushige Oda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Bilateral Teleoperation: Towards Fine Manipulation with Large Time Delay. ISER 2000: 11-20
9EEYasuyoshi Yokokohji, Yoshihiko Sugawara, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Accurate Image Overlay on Video See-through HMDs Using Vision and Accelerometers. VR 2000: 247-254
8 Mamoru Mitsuishi, Katsuya Tanaka, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Takaaki Nagao: Remote Rapid Manufacturing with "Action Media" as an Advanced User Interface. ICRA 1999: 1782-1787
7 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Moriyuki Sakamoto, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Vision-Aided Object Manipulation by a Multifingered Hand with Soft Fingertips. ICRA 1999: 3201-3208
6 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Yoshihiko Sugawara, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Accurate Image Overlay on Head-Mounted Displays Using Vision and Accelerometers. ICRA 1999: 3243-
5 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Ralph L. Hollis, Takeo Kanade: WYSIWYF Display: A Visual/Haptic Interface to Virtual Environment. Presence 8(4): 412-434 (1999)
4 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Norio Hosotani, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Analysis of Maneuverability and Stability of Micro-Teleoperation Systems. ICRA 1994: 237-243
3 Jun-ichi Imura, Toshiharu Sugie, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Robust Control of Robot Manipulators Based on Joint Torque Sensor Information. I. J. Robotic Res. 13(5): 434-442 (1994)
2 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Akira Ogawa, Hitoshi Hasunuma, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Operation Modes for Cooperating with Autonomous Functions in Intelligent Teleoperation Systems. ICRA (3) 1993: 510-515
1 Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Tsuneo Yoshikawa: Task Sharing and Intervention in Human-Robot Cooperating Systems. ISER 1993: 391-405

Coauthor Index

1Satoshi Chaen [23] [33]
2Toshitsugu Doi [10] [14]
3Daisuke Eto [20]
4Masaki Fujiwara [22]
5Tomonari Furukawa [40]
6Hitoshi Hasunuma [2]
7Koichiro Hayashi [29]
8Ralph L. Hollis [5]
9Norio Hosotani [4]
10Yukihiro Iida [10] [18]
11Takashi Imaida [10] [11] [14]
12Jun-ichi Imura [3]
13Yusuke Kamotani [37]
14Takeo Kanade [5]
15Takahiro Kanno [39]
16Kohei Kawata [38]
17Takaharu Kikura [24]
18Junji Kinoshita [12] [13]
19Yuki Kitaoka [17] [26]
20Masamitsu Kurisu [28] [36]
21Benjamin Lavis [40]
22Mamoru Mitsuishi [8]
23Nobuhiko Muramori [19] [24] [25] [27]
24Hiroki Muroi [36]
25Takaaki Nagao [8]
26Tomoyasu Nakatsuru [20]
27Shigemitsu Nomoto [16]
28Mitsushige Oda [10] [14]
29Akira Ogawa [2]
30Emmanuel B. Vander Poorten [30] [31] [32] [35] [38] [39]
31Takao Saida [21]
32Moriyuki Sakamoto [7]
33Takayuki Samejima [28]
34Yuji Sato [19] [24] [25] [27] [34]
35Ken Shigeta [34]
36Yusuke Shiokawa [28]
37Koji Shiratsuchi [38]
38Yoshihiko Sugawara [6] [9] [13]
39Toshiharu Sugie [3]
40Katsuya Tanaka [8]
41Kenta Tanaka [37]
42Teruhiro Tsujioka [15]
43Tsuneo Yoshikawa [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [29] [30] [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)