
Doug A. Bowman

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53EEMara G. Silva, Doug A. Bowman: Body-based interaction for desktop games. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4249-4254
52EEDoug A. Bowman, Bernd Fröhlich, Yoshifumi Kitamura, Wolfgang Stürzlinger: Current trends in 3D user interface research. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 67(3): 223-224 (2009)
51EEChadwick A. Wingrave, Doug A. Bowman: Tiered Developer-Centric Representations for 3D Interfaces: Concept-Oriented Design in Chasm. VR 2008: 193-200
50EECurtis Wilkes, Doug A. Bowman: Advantages of velocity-based scaling for distant 3D manipulation. VRST 2008: 23-29
49EEDoug A. Bowman, Ryan P. McMahan: Virtual Reality: How Much Immersion Is Enough? IEEE Computer 40(7): 36-43 (2008)
48EEYi Wang, Doug A. Bowman, David M. Krum, Enylton Machado Coalho, Tonya L. Smith-Jackson, David Bailey, Sarah Peck, Swethan Anand, Trevor Kennedy, Yernar Abdrazakov: Effects of Video Placement and Spatial Context Presentation on Path Reconstruction Tasks with Contextualized Videos. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1755-1762 (2008)
47EERobert Ball, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman: Move to improve: promoting physical navigation to increase user performance with large displays. CHI 2007: 191-200
46EEDoug A. Bowman, Brian Badillo, Dhruv Manek: Evaluating the Need for Display-Specific and Device-Specific 3D Interaction Techniques. HCI (14) 2007: 195-204
45EEPhilip Schuchardt, Doug A. Bowman: The benefits of immersion for spatial understanding of complex underground cave systems. VRST 2007: 121-124
44EEAndrew Ray, Doug A. Bowman: Towards a system for reusable 3D interaction techniques. VRST 2007: 187-190
43EEBernd Fröhlich, Doug A. Bowman, Hiroo Iwata: Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Virtual Reality. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(3): 420-421 (2007)
42EEYi Wang, David M. Krum, Enylton Machado Coelho, Doug A. Bowman: Contextualized Videos: Combining Videos with Environment Models to Support Situational Understanding. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1568-1575 (2007)
41EEYi Wang, Kunmi Otitoju, Tong Liu, Sijung Kim, Doug A. Bowman: The Effect of Gaps Between Displays on Spatial Perception and Cognition Tasks in Virtual Environments. IJVR 6(2): 33-41 (2007)
40EENicholas F. Polys, Seonho Kim, Doug A. Bowman: Effects of information layout, screen size, and field of view on user performance in information-rich virtual environments. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 18(1): 19-38 (2007)
39EETao Ni, Doug A. Bowman, Jian Chen: Increased display size and resolution improve task performance in Information-Rich Virtual Environments. Graphics Interface 2006: 139-146
38EERyan P. McMahan, Doug Gorton, Joe Gresock, Will McConnell, Doug A. Bowman: Separating the effects of level of immersion and 3D interaction techniques. VRST 2006: 108-111
37EEYi Wang, Kunmi Otitoju, Tong Liu, Sijung Kim, Doug A. Bowman: Evaluating the effects of real world distraction on user performance in virtual environments. VRST 2006: 19-26
36EEWendy A. Schafer, Doug A. Bowman: Supporting Distributed Spatial Collaboration: An Investigation of Navigation and Radar View Techniques. GeoInformatica 10(2): 123-158 (2006)
35EEDoug A. Bowman, Jian Chen, Chadwick A. Wingrave, John F. Lucas, Andrew Ray, Nicholas F. Polys, Qing Li, Yonca Haciahmetoglu, Ji-Sun Kim, Seonho Kim, Robert Boehringer, Tao Ni: New Directions in 3D User Interfaces. IJVR 5(2): 3-14 (2006)
34EEJohn F. Lucas, Ji-Sun Kim, Doug A. Bowman: Resizing beyond widgets: object resizing techniques for immersive virtual environments. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1601-1604
33EEWendy A. Schafer, Doug A. Bowman: Integrating 2D and 3D views for spatial collaboration. GROUP 2005: 41-50
32EENicholas F. Polys, Seonho Kim, Doug A. Bowman: Effects of information layout, screen size, and field of view on user performance in information-rich virtual environments. VRST 2005: 46-55
31EEMichael Narayan, Leo Waugh, Xiaoyu Zhang, Pradyut Bafna, Doug A. Bowman: Quantifying the benefits of immersion for collaboration in virtual environments. VRST 2005: 78-81
30 Mehdi Setareh, Doug A. Bowman: Development of an Immersive Virtual Environment as A Tool for Teaching Building Sciences. MSV/AMCS 2004: 3-9
29EEJian Chen, Pardha S. Pyla, Doug A. Bowman: Testbed Evaluation of Navigation and Text Display Techniques in an Information-Rich Virtual Environment. VR 2004: 181-190
28EEDoug A. Bowman, Matthew Gracey, John F. Lucas: Efficient, Intuitive User Interfaces for Classroom-Based Immersive Virtual Environments. VR 2004: 219-220
27 Bernd Fröhlich, Yoshifumi Kitamura, Doug A. Bowman: Beyond Wand and Glove Based Interaction. VR 2004: 268
26EEJian Chen, Pardha S. Pyla, Doug A. Bowman: Colorplate: Testbed Evaluation of Navigation and Text Display Techniques in an Information-Rich Virtual Environment. VR 2004: 289
25EENicholas F. Polys, Doug A. Bowman, Chris North, Reinhard C. Laubenbacher, Karen Duca: PathSim visualizer: an Information-Rich Virtual Environment framework for systems biology. Web3D 2004: 7-14
24EEWendy A. Schafer, Doug A. Bowman: Evaluating the effects of frame of reference on spatial collaboration using desktop collaborative virtual environments. Virtual Reality 7(3-4): 164-174 (2004)
23EENicholas F. Polys, Doug A. Bowman: Design and display of enhancing information in desktop information-rich virtual environments: challenges and techniques. Virtual Reality 8(1): 41-54 (2004)
22 Wendy A. Schafer, Doug A. Bowman: A Comparison of Traditional and Fisheye Radar View Techniques for Spatial Collaboration. Graphics Interface 2003: 39-46
21 John M. Carroll, Doug A. Bowman, D. Scott McCrickard, Chris North, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Mary Beth Rosson: Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech. INTERACT 2003
20 Daniel Larimer, Doug A. Bowman: VEWL: A Framework for Building a Windowing Interface in a Virtual Environment. INTERACT 2003
19EEChadwick A. Wingrave, Deborah Hix, Dieter Schmalstieg, Blair MacIntyre, Doug A. Bowman, Mark R. Mine: Mixed Reality: The Continuum from Virtual to Augmented Reality. VR 2003: 121-124
18EEDoug A. Bowman, Mehdi Setareh, Márcio S. Pinho, Ali Ndiwalana, Alex Kalita, Yunha Lee, John F. Lucas, Matthew Gracey, Malini Kothapalli, Qinwei Zhu, Ameya Datey, Pradeep Tumati: Virtual-SAP: An Immersive Tool for Visualizing the Response of Building Structures to Environmental Conditions. VR 2003: 243-250
17EEDoug A. Bowman, Chris North, Jian Chen, Nicholas F. Polys, Pardha S. Pyla, Umur Yilmaz: Information-rich virtual environments: theory, tools, and research agenda. VRST 2003: 81-90
16EEMárcio S. Pinho, Doug A. Bowman, Carla Maria Dal Sasso Freitas: Cooperative object manipulation in immersive virtual environments: framework and techniques. VRST 2002: 171-178
15EEWendy A. Schafer, Doug A. Bowman, John M. Carroll: Map-based navigation in a graphical MOO. ACM Crossroads 9(1): 8-15 (2002)
14EETimothy B. Terriberry, David F. Cox, Doug A. Bowman: A Tool for the Interactive 3D Visualization of Electronic Structure in Molecules and Solids. Computers & Chemistry 26(4): 313-319 (2002)
13 Doug A. Bowman: A Survey of Usability Evaluation in Virtual Environments: Classification and Comparison of Methods. Presence 11(4): 404-424 (2002)
12EEDoug A. Bowman, Mark Billinghurst: Introduction. Virtual Reality 6(3): 105-106 (2002)
11EEDoug A. Bowman, Chadwick A. Wingrave, J. M. Campbell, V. Q. Ly, C. J. Rhoton: Novel Uses of Pinch GlovesTM for Virtual Environment Interaction Techniques. Virtual Reality 6(3): 122-129 (2002)
10EEDoug A. Bowman, Chadwick A. Wingrave: Design and Evaluation of Menu Systems for Immersive Virtual Environments. VR 2001: 149-156
9 Doug A. Bowman, Donald B. Johnson, Larry F. Hodges: Testbed Evaluation of Virtual Environment Interaction Techniques. Presence 10(1): 75-95 (2001)
8 Doug A. Bowman, Ernst Kruijff, Joseph J. LaViola Jr., Ivan Poupyrev: An Introduction to 3D User Interface Design. Presence 10(1): 96-108 (2001)
7 G. Drew Kessler, Doug A. Bowman, Larry F. Hodges: The Simple Virtual Environment Library: An Extensible Framework for Building VE Applications. Presence 9(2): 187-208 (2000)
6EEDoug A. Bowman, Donald B. Johnson, Larry F. Hodges: Testbed evaluation of virtual environment interaction techniques. VRST 1999: 26-33
5 Doug A. Bowman, Larry F. Hodges: Formalizing the Design, Evaluation, and Application of Interaction Techniques for Immersive Virtual Environments. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 10(1): 37-53 (1999)
4 Doug A. Bowman, Jean Wineman, Larry F. Hodges, Don Allison: The Educational Value of an Information-Rich Virtual Environment. Presence 8(3): 317-331 (1999)
3 Doug A. Bowman, Elizabeth Thorpe Davis, Larry F. Hodges, Albert N. Badre: Maintaining Spatial Orientation during Travel in an Immersive Virtual Environment. Presence 8(6): 618-631 (1999)
2 Doug A. Bowman, Larry F. Hodges, Jay David Bolter: The Virtual Venue: User-Computer Interaction in Information-Rich Virtual Environments. Presence 7(5): 478-493 (1998)
1EEDoug A. Bowman, Larry F. Hodges: An Evaluation of Techniques for Grabbing and Manipulating Remote Objects in Immersive Virtual Environments. SI3D 1997: 35-38, 182

Coauthor Index

1Yernar Abdrazakov [48]
2Don Allison [4]
3Swethan Anand [48]
4Brian Badillo [46]
5Albert N. Badre (Al Badre) [3]
6Pradyut Bafna [31]
7David Bailey [48]
8Robert Ball [47]
9Mark Billinghurst [12]
10Robert Boehringer [35]
11Jay David Bolter (Jay D. Bolter) [2]
12J. M. Campbell [11]
13John M. Carroll [15] [21]
14Jian Chen [17] [26] [29] [35] [39]
15Enylton Machado Coalho [48]
16Enylton Machado Coelho [42]
17David F. Cox [14]
18Ameya Datey [18]
19Elizabeth Thorpe Davis [3]
20Karen Duca [25]
21Carla Maria Dal Sasso Freitas (Carla M. D. S. Freitas) [16]
22Bernd Fröhlich (Bernd Froehlich) [27] [43] [52]
23Doug Gorton [38]
24Matthew Gracey [18] [28]
25Joe Gresock [38]
26Yonca Haciahmetoglu [35]
27Deborah Hix [19]
28Larry F. Hodges [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
29Hiroo Iwata [43]
30Donald B. Johnson [6] [9]
31Alex Kalita [18]
32Trevor Kennedy [48]
33G. Drew Kessler [7]
34Ji-Sun Kim [34] [35]
35Seonho Kim [32] [35] [40]
36Sijung Kim [37] [41]
37Yoshifumi Kitamura [27] [52]
38Malini Kothapalli [18]
39Ernst Kruijff [8]
40David M. Krum [42] [48]
41Joseph J. LaViola Jr. [8]
42Daniel Larimer [20]
43Reinhard C. Laubenbacher [25]
44Yunha Lee [18]
45Qing Li [35]
46Tong Liu [37] [41]
47John F. Lucas [18] [28] [34] [35]
48V. Q. Ly [11]
49Blair MacIntyre [19]
50Dhruv Manek [46]
51Will McConnell [38]
52D. Scott McCrickard [21]
53Ryan P. McMahan [38] [49]
54Mark R. Mine [19]
55Michael Narayan [31]
56Ali Ndiwalana [18]
57Tao Ni [35] [39]
58Chris North [17] [21] [25] [47]
59Kunmi Otitoju [37] [41]
60Sarah Peck [48]
61Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones [21]
62Márcio S. Pinho [16] [18]
63Nicholas F. Polys [17] [23] [25] [32] [35] [40]
64Ivan Poupyrev [8]
65Pardha S. Pyla [17] [26] [29]
66Andrew Ray [35] [44]
67C. J. Rhoton [11]
68Mary Beth Rosson [21]
69Wendy A. Schafer [15] [22] [24] [33] [36]
70Dieter Schmalstieg [19]
71Philip Schuchardt [45]
72Mehdi Setareh [18] [30]
73Mara G. Silva [53]
74Tonya L. Smith-Jackson [48]
75Wolfgang Stürzlinger [52]
76Timothy B. Terriberry [14]
77Pradeep Tumati [18]
78Yi Wang [37] [41] [42] [48]
79Leo Waugh [31]
80Curtis Wilkes [50]
81Jean Wineman [4]
82Chadwick A. Wingrave [10] [11] [19] [35] [51]
83Umur Yilmaz [17]
84Xiaoyu Zhang [31]
85Qinwei Zhu [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)