
Dieter Schmalstieg

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75EEAlessandro Mulloni, Daniel Wagner, Dieter Schmalstieg: Mobility and social interaction as core gameplay elements in multi-player augmented reality. DIMEA 2008: 472-478
74EEEduardo E. Veas, Dieter Schmalstieg: Creating Meaningful Environment Models for Augmented Reality. VR 2008: 295-296
73EERalph Schoenfelder, Dieter Schmalstieg: Augmented Reality for Industrial Building Acceptance. VR 2008: 83-90
72EEMarc Streit, Michael Kalkusch, K. Kashofer, Dieter Schmalstieg: Navigation and Exploration of Interconnected Pathways. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(3): 951-958 (2008)
71EEErick Méndez, Gerhard Schall, Sven Havemann, Sebastian Junghanns, Dieter W. Fellner, Dieter Schmalstieg: Generating Semantic 3D Models of Underground Infrastructure. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 28(3): 48-57 (2008)
70EEErick Méndez, Dieter Schmalstieg: Context Sensitive Stylesheets for Scene Graphs. IJVR 7(3): 77-84 (2008)
69EEIstván Barakonyi, Dieter Schmalstieg: Augmented reality agents for user interface adaptation. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 19(1): 23-35 (2008)
68EEBernhard Reitinger, Christopher Zach, Dieter Schmalstieg: Augmented Reality Scouting for Interactive 3D Reconstruction. VR 2007: 219-222
67EEDieter Wagner, Dieter Schmalstieg: Muddleware for Prototyping Mixed Reality Multiuser Games. VR 2007: 235-238
66EEDieter Schmalstieg, Gerhard Schall, Daniel Wagner, István Barakonyi, Gerhard Reitmayr, Joseph Newman, Florian Ledermann: Managing Complex Augmented Reality Models. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(4): 48-57 (2007)
65EEDaniel Wagner, Mark Billinghurst, Dieter Schmalstieg: How real should virtual characters be? Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2006: 57
64EEDaniel Wagner, Dieter Schmalstieg, Mark Billinghurst: Handheld AR for Collaborative Edutainment. ICAT 2006: 85-96
63EEIstván Barakonyi, Dieter Schmalstieg: Ubiquitous animated agents for augmented reality. ISMAR 2006: 145-154
62EEErick Méndez, Denis Kalkofen, Dieter Schmalstieg: Interactive context-driven visualization tools for augmented reality. ISMAR 2006: 209-218
61EEJoseph Newman, Gerhard Schall, Dieter Schmalstieg: Modelling and Handling Seams in Wide-Area Sensor Networks. ISWC 2006: 51-54
60EEAlexander Bornik, Reinhard Beichel, Dieter Schmalstieg: Interactive editing of segmented volumetric datasets in a hybrid 2D/3D virtual environment. VRST 2006: 197-206
59EEMichael Kalkusch, Dieter Schmalstieg: Extending the scene graph with a dataflow visualization system. VRST 2006: 252-260
58EEErnst Kruijff, Gerold Wesche, Kai Riege, Gernot Goebbels, Martijn Kunstman, Dieter Schmalstieg: Tactylus, a pen-input device exploring audiotactile sensory binding. VRST 2006: 312-315
57EEErnst Kruijff, Dieter Schmalstieg, Steffi Beckhaus: Using neuromuscular electrical stimulation for pseudo-haptic feedback. VRST 2006: 316-319
56EEBernhard Reitinger, Alexander Bornik, Reinhard Beichel, Dieter Schmalstieg: Liver Surgery Planning Using Virtual Reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(6): 36-47 (2006)
55EERaphael Grasset, Laurence Boissieux, Jean-Dominique Gascuel, Dieter Schmalstieg: Interactive Mediated Reality. AUIC 2005: 21-29
54EEIstván Barakonyi, Markus Weilguny, Thomas Psik, Dieter Schmalstieg: MonkeyBridge: autonomous agents in augmented reality games. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005: 172-175
53EEIstván Barakonyi, Dieter Schmalstieg: Augmented Reality Agents in the Development Pipeline of Computer Entertainment. ICEC 2005: 345-356
52EEDieter Schmalstieg: Augmented Reality Techniques in Games. ISMAR 2005: 176-177
51EEBernhard Reitinger, Pascal Werlberger, Alexander Bornik, Reinhard Beichel, Dieter Schmalstieg: Spatial Measurements for Medical Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2005: 208-209
50EEDaniel Wagner, Thomas Pintaric, Florian Ledermann, Dieter Schmalstieg: Towards Massively Multi-user Augmented Reality on Handheld Devices. Pervasive 2005: 208-219
49EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: OpenTracker: A flexible software design for three-dimensional interaction. Virtual Reality 9(1): 79-92 (2005)
48 István Barakonyi, Tamer Fahmy, Dieter Schmalstieg: Remote Collaboration Using Augmented Reality Videoconferencing. Graphics Interface 2004: 89-96
47EEIstván Barakonyi, Thomas Psik, Dieter Schmalstieg: Agents That Talk And Hit Back: Animated Agents in Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2004: 141-150
46EEJoseph Newman, Martin Wagner, Martin Bauer, Asa MacWilliams, Thomas Pintaric, Dagmar Beyer, Daniel Pustka, Franz Strasser, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gudrun Klinker: Ubiquitous Tracking for Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2004: 192-201
45EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: Location based Applications for Mobile Augmented Reality. AUIC 2003: 65-73
44EERaphael Grasset, Jean-Dominique Gascuel, Dieter Schmalstieg: Interactive Mediated Reality. ISMAR 2003: 302-303
43EEGerhard Reitmayr, Mark Billinghurst, Dieter Schmalstieg: WireAR-Legacy Applications in Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2003: 331-332
42EEIstván Barakonyi, Tamer Fahmy, Dieter Schmalstieg, Karin Kosina: Collaborative Work with Volumetric Data Using Augmented Reality Videoconferencing. ISMAR 2003: 333-334
41EEDaniel Wagner, Dieter Schmalstieg: First Steps Towards Handheld Augmented Reality. ISWC 2003: 127-137
40EEErik Pojar, Dieter Schmalstieg: User-controlled creation of multiresolution meshes. SI3D 2003: 127-130
39 Stefan Bruckner, Dieter Schmalstieg, Helwig Hauser, Eduard Gröller: The Inverse Warp: Non-Invasive Integration of Shear-Warp Volume Rendering into Polygon Rendering Pipelines. VMV 2003: 529-536
38EEChadwick A. Wingrave, Deborah Hix, Dieter Schmalstieg, Blair MacIntyre, Doug A. Bowman, Mark R. Mine: Mixed Reality: The Continuum from Virtual to Augmented Reality. VR 2003: 121-124
37EEHannes Kaufmann, Dieter Schmalstieg: Mathematics and geometry education with collaborative augmented reality. Computers & Graphics 27(3): 339-345 (2003)
36EEOliver Bimber, Bernd Fröhlich, Dieter Schmalstieg, L. Miguel Encarnação: Real-time view-dependent image warping to correct non-linear distortion for curved Virtual Showcase displays. Computers & Graphics 27(4): 515-528 (2003)
35 Dieter Schmalstieg, Gerhard Reitmayr, Gerd Hesina: Distributed Applications for Collaborative Three-Dimensional Workspaces. Presence 12(1): 52-67 (2003)
34EEStanislav L. Stoev, Dieter Schmalstieg, Wolfgang Straßer: The Through-the-Lens Metaphor: Taxonomy and Application. VR 2002: 285-286
33EEMark Billinghurst, Dieter Schmalstieg: Tutorial 2: Developing Augmented Reality Applications. VR 2002: 300-
32EEDieter Schmalstieg, Gerd Hesina: Distributed Applications for Collaborative Augmented Reality. VR 2002: 59-66
31EEStanislav L. Stoev, Dieter Schmalstieg: Application and taxonomy of through-the-lens techniques. VRST 2002: 57-64
30 Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton L. Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Zsolt Szalavári, L. Miguel Encarnação, Michael Gervautz, Werner Purgathofer: The Studierstube Augmented Reality Project. Presence 11(1): 33-54 (2002)
29EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality. ISAR 2001: 114-123
28EEKlaus Dorfmüller-Ulhaas, Dieter Schmalstieg: Finger Tracking for Interaction in Augmented Environments. ISAR 2001: 55-
27EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: A Wearable 3D Augmented Reality Workspace. ISWC 2001: 165-166
26EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: OpenTracker-An Open Software Architecture for Reconfigurable Tracking Based on XML. VR 2001: 285-286
25EEGerhard Reitmayr, Dieter Schmalstieg: An open software architecture for virtual reality interaction. VRST 2001: 47-54
24EEOliver Bimber, Bernd Fröhlich, Dieter Schmalstieg, L. Miguel Encarnação: The Virtual Showcase. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(6): 48-55 (2001)
23EEChris Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer: Scheduling for Very Large Virtual Environments and Networked Games Using Visibility and Priorities. DS-RT 2000: 31-38
22 Peter Wonka, Michael Wimmer, Dieter Schmalstieg: Visibility Preprocessing with Occluder Fusion for Urban Walkthroughs. Rendering Techniques 2000: 71-82
21EEChris Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer: Priority Round-Robin Scheduling for Very Large Virtual Environments. VR 2000: 135-142
20EEOliver Bimber, L. Miguel Encarnação, Dieter Schmalstieg: Real Mirrors Reflecting Virtual Worlds. VR 2000: 21-
19 Oliver Bimber, L. Miguel Encarnação, Dieter Schmalstieg: Augmented Reality with Back-Projection Systems using Transflective Surfaces. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000)
18EEL. Miguel Encarnação, Robert J. Barton III, Oliver Bimber, Dieter Schmalstieg: Walk-up VR: Virtual Reality beyond Projection Screens. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(6): 19-23 (2000)
17EEChris Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer: Priority Scheduling for Networked Virtual Environments. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(6): 66-75 (2000)
16EEDieter Schmalstieg, L. Miguel Encarnação, Zsolt Szalavári: Using transparent props for interaction with the virtual table. SI3D 1999: 147-153
15EEAnton L. Fuhrmann, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer: Fast calibration for augmented reality. VRST 1999: 166-167
14EEGerd Hesina, Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton L. Fuhrmann, Werner Purgathofer: Distributed Open Inventor: a practical approach to distributed 3D graphics. VRST 1999: 74-81
13 L. Miguel Encarnação, G. Bimber, Dieter Schmalstieg, S. D. Chandler: A Translucent Sketchpad for the Virtual Table Exploring Motion-based Gesture Recognition. Comput. Graph. Forum 18(3): 277-286 (1999)
12 Peter Wonka, Dieter Schmalstieg: Occluder Shadows for Fast Walkthroughs of Urban Environments. Comput. Graph. Forum 18(3): 51-60 (1999)
11EEMichael Wimmer, Markus Giegl, Dieter Schmalstieg: Fast walkthroughs with image caches and ray casting. Computers & Graphics 23(6): 831-838 (1999)
10 Dieter Schmalstieg, Gernot Schaufler: Sewing Worlds Together with SEAMS: A Mechanism to Construct Complex Virtual Environments. Presence 8(4): 449-461 (1999)
9EEGerd Hesina, Dieter Schmalstieg: A Network Architecture for Remote Rendering. DIS-RT 1998: 88-91
8EEDieter Schmalstieg, Gernot Schaufler: Incremental Encoding of Polygonal Models. HICSS (1) 1997: 638-645
7EEAnton L. Fuhrmann, Helwig Löffelmann, Dieter Schmalstieg: Collaborative augmented reality: exploring dynamical systems. IEEE Visualization 1997: 459-462
6EEDieter Schmalstieg: Lodestar: An Octree-Based Level of Detail Generator for VRML. VRML 1997: 125-132
5EEDieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz: Modeling and rendering of outdoor scenes for distributed virtual environments. VRST 1997: 209-215
4EEDieter Schmalstieg, Robert F. Tobler: Exploiting coherence in 2.5-D visibility computation. Computers & Graphics 21(1): 121-123 (1997)
3EEGernot Schaufler, Tomasz Mazuryk, Dieter Schmalstieg: High Fidelity for Immersive Displays. CHI Conference Companion 1996: 235-236
2EEDieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz: Demand-Driven Geometry Transmission for Distributed Virtual Environments. Comput. Graph. Forum 15(3): 421-431 (1996)
1 Michael Gervautz, Dieter Schmalstieg: Animation and Visualization - Current Status and Trends. EUROSIM 1995: 55-64

Coauthor Index

1István Barakonyi [42] [47] [48] [53] [54] [63] [66] [69]
2Robert J. Barton III [18]
3Martin Bauer [46]
4Steffi Beckhaus [57]
5Reinhard Beichel [51] [56] [60]
6Dagmar Beyer [46]
7Mark Billinghurst [33] [43] [64] [65]
8G. Bimber [13]
9Oliver Bimber [18] [19] [20] [24] [36]
10Laurence Boissieux [55]
11Alexander Bornik [51] [56] [60]
12Doug A. Bowman [38]
13Stefan Bruckner [39]
14S. D. Chandler [13]
15Klaus Dorfmüller-Ulhaas [28]
16L. Miguel Encarnação [13] [16] [18] [19] [20] [24] [30] [36]
17Tamer Fahmy [42] [48]
18Chris Faisstnauer [17] [21] [23]
19Dieter W. Fellner [71]
20Bernd Fröhlich (Bernd Froehlich) [24] [36]
21Anton L. Fuhrmann [7] [14] [15] [30]
22Jean-Dominique Gascuel [44] [55]
23Michael Gervautz [1] [2] [5] [30]
24Markus Giegl [11]
25Gernot Goebbels [58]
26Raphael Grasset [44] [55]
27Eduard Gröller (M. Eduard Gröller) [39]
28Helwig Hauser [39]
29Sven Havemann [71]
30Gerd Hesina [9] [14] [30] [32] [35]
31Deborah Hix [38]
32Sebastian Junghanns [71]
33Denis Kalkofen [62]
34Michael Kalkusch [59] [72]
35K. Kashofer [72]
36Hannes Kaufmann [37]
37Gudrun Klinker [46]
38Karin Kosina [42]
39Ernst Kruijff [57] [58]
40Martijn Kunstman [58]
41Florian Ledermann [50] [66]
42Helwig Löffelmann [7]
43Blair MacIntyre [38]
44Asa MacWilliams [46]
45Tomasz Mazuryk [3]
46Erick Méndez [62] [70] [71]
47Mark R. Mine [38]
48Alessandro Mulloni [75]
49Joseph Newman [46] [61] [66]
50Thomas Pintaric [46] [50]
51Erik Pojar [40]
52Thomas Psik [47] [54]
53Werner Purgathofer [14] [15] [17] [21] [23] [30]
54Daniel Pustka [46]
55Bernhard Reitinger [51] [56] [68]
56Gerhard Reitmayr [25] [26] [27] [29] [35] [43] [45] [49] [66]
57Kai Riege [58]
58Gerhard Schall [61] [66] [71]
59Gernot Schaufler [3] [8] [10]
60Ralph Schoenfelder [73]
61Stanislav L. Stoev [31] [34]
62Franz Strasser [46]
63Wolfgang Straßer [34]
64Marc Streit [72]
65Zsolt Szalavári [16] [30]
66Robert F. Tobler [4]
67Eduardo E. Veas [74]
68Daniel Wagner [41] [50] [64] [65] [66] [75]
69Dieter Wagner [67]
70Martin Wagner [46]
71Markus Weilguny [54]
72Pascal Werlberger [51]
73Gerold Wesche [58]
74Michael Wimmer [11] [22]
75Chadwick A. Wingrave [38]
76Peter Wonka [12] [22]
77Christopher Zach [68]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)