
Mashhuda Glencross

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11EEMashhuda Glencross, Gregory J. Ward, Francho Melendez, Caroline Jay, Jun Liu, Roger J. Hubbold: A perceptually validated model for surface depth hallucination. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(3): (2008)
10EECaroline Jay, Robert Stevens, Roger J. Hubbold, Mashhuda Glencross: Using haptic cues to aid nonvisual structure recognition. TAP 5(2): (2008)
9EEMashhuda Glencross, Caroline Jay, Jeff Feasel, Luv Kohli, Mary C. Whitton, Roger J. Hubbold: Effective Cooperative Haptic Interaction over the Internet. VR 2007: 115-122
8EECaroline Jay, Mashhuda Glencross, Roger J. Hubbold: Modeling the effects of delayed haptic and visual feedback in a collaborative virtual environment. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 14(2): (2007)
7EECaroline Jay, Robert Stevens, Mashhuda Glencross, Alan Chalmers, Cathy Yang: How people use presentation to search for a link: expanding the understanding of accessibility on the Web. Universal Access in the Information Society 6(3): 307-320 (2007)
6EECaroline Jay, Robert Stevens, Mashhuda Glencross, Alan Chalmers: How people use presentation to search for a link: expanding the understanding of accessibility on the web. W4A 2006: 113-120
5EEJames Marsh, Mashhuda Glencross, Steve Pettifer, Roger J. Hubbold: A Network Architecture Supporting Consistent Rich Behavior in Collaborative Interactive Applications. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(3): 405-416 (2006)
4EEMashhuda Glencross, Roger J. Hubbold, Ben Lyons: Dynamic Primitive Caching for Haptic Rendering of Large-Scale Models. WHC 2005: 517-518
3 Anthony Steed, Mashhuda Glencross, Allen Bierbaum: Product Review: An Overview of Cluster Solutions for Immersive Displays. Presence 12(4): 437-440 (2003)
2EEMashhuda Glencross, Toby Howard, Steve Pettifer: Iota: An Approach to Physically-Based Modelling in Virtual Environments. VR 2001: 287-288
1 Mashhuda Glencross, Alan Murta: Multi-Body Simulation in Virtual Environments. ESM 1998: 590-594

Coauthor Index

1Allen Bierbaum [3]
2Alan Chalmers [6] [7]
3Jeff Feasel [9]
4Toby Howard [2]
5Roger J. Hubbold [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Caroline Jay [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
7Luv Kohli [9]
8Jun Liu [11]
9Ben Lyons [4]
10James Marsh [5]
11Francho Melendez [11]
12Alan Murta [1]
13Steve Pettifer [2] [5]
14Anthony Steed [3]
15Robert Stevens (Robert D. Stevens) [6] [7] [10]
16Gregory J. Ward [11]
17Mary C. Whitton [9]
18Cathy Yang [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)